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Chapter 1530: Sword Demon's Plan

"Be careful!!" Xia Xia hurriedly used the Law of the Sun and the Origin of Earth to help Old George and the others resist the attack, and prepared layers of defense in front of them.


these defenses.

Just to help them block a little bit of damage.

The damage that the Scarlet Crown burst out this time.

Penetration is too strong.

Moreover, Old George and the others, one by one, regarded death as home, and they had no intention of retreating or dodging at all. The brothers turned into a stream of light, as if they were united, and rushed directly to Jinhua.

Several of their brothers are desperately trying.

And this time.

They are dying.

"It really is a tough guy!!" The silent heart demon originally planned to retreat one after another, but when he saw Old George and the others rushing up, he also rushed up directly.


Summer does not hesitate.

At the same time, he knocked out his own attack.

The law of the sun, moon and stars.

The rule of the king.

Tianhan sword.

Central's finger!

Xia Xia saw the opportunity and hit out his attack.


Old George, who rushed to the front of the team, shot out his attack. He also blocked the attack in front of him with his body and the strongest defense.


Now Jinhua's attack is not so easy to resist.


Old George's body shattered.

"Give me all to die!!" Jinhua shouted loudly.

This time.

He wants to completely solve all the troubles here.


After Lingxuezun's attack was sent out, he also defended with all his strength, blocking the front of his brothers.


He did the same thing as old George.


that's it.

Several of their brothers.

One by one, they rushed forward, and they hit their attacks forward. At the same time, they also blocked the front with their own bodies and the strongest defense, and gave the brothers behind a chance.



Cracks appeared in Jinhua's armor! ! !

Several of their brothers sacrificed their lives.

Broken the golden flower's armor.

Central's finger!

Xia Xia's attack instantly opened Jin Hua's armor.


The moment Jinhua's blood-colored armor broke, Xia Xia didn't miss the opportunity and directly killed it.

"If you want to kill me, there's no way!!" The ruthless sword in Jin Hua's hand slashed directly.


The silent inner demon blocked the blow, and at the same time his eyes turned to the golden flower in front of him!

Silent! !

At this moment, it was the easiest time for Jinhua to be hit, so he could better control Jinhua by releasing Silent now.

Although only for a moment.

But enough for the summer attack.

Jin Hua's arm was instantly cut off by Xia Xia.

at the same time.

Hongfeng's attack cut off the other arm of Jinhua, and he was just to prevent Jinhua from using two arms to take back the ruthless sword.

The law of the day!

Summer is now starting to smash the power of his own laws.

Don't give Jinhua any respite.

The silent heart demon body was split in half, and he has no ability to chase for the time being.

Watching the ruthless sword fly in the sky.

"You are courting death!!" Jin Hua's body also rushed up in an instant. At the same time, he quickly gave birth to his hands, trying to grab the ruthless sword. His shattered armor also began to condense again, starting from the position under his feet. .

up a little bit.


The strength of Xia Ying smashed the ruthless sword into the air, and at the same time slashed at Jin Hua's arm again, and Hong Feng's attack began to cut directly.

Constantly attacking Jinhua's wounds.

"Xia Xia, you can't beat me, my armor will be fully recovered immediately, you no longer have the ability to break my armor a second time!!" Jin Hua also rushed to the ruthless sword again, as long as he could catch it Ruthless Sword, then his recovery speed will be greatly increased.

The armor is directly restored.

"We are racing against time!!" Hongfeng said with emotion.

"He must be killed before his armor is restored, otherwise his armor will appear, and it will be difficult for us to kill him!!" Xia Xia looked at the ruthless sword in the sky, he must use the ruthless sword to seduce Jin Flowers, then look for the chance to kill.

Now rashly shot.

Golden Flower must have a means of life-saving.

Therefore, if he wants to kill Jinhua, he must be at the moment when Jinhua is most interested.

"Xia Xia, you just want to delay time and find my flaws, but unfortunately you are still too far away, I have no weaknesses at all!!" Jin Hua is very good at trying to figure out people's hearts, all Xia Xia's thoughts seem to be It was as if he had seen through it.

Summer is no nonsense.

Get rid of the golden flower.

They won.

He still has a chance to gather the remnants of Old George and the others, but if they lose, all of them will die here, including him.

this battle.

He had no way out.


Jin Hua's body has rushed to the front of the ruthless sword, and he also gave birth to his own arm.


His hand was about to grab the Relentless Sword.

call out!

This time.

What Xia Xia attacked was not his arm, but Jin Hua's body, and the Tianhan sword penetrated his body instantly.

Hongfeng's attack also followed at the same time.


This is the opportunity that summer is looking for.

The moment when Jinhua's hand is about to grab the ruthless sword is only a few tenths of a second, when Jinhua's defense is the weakest, and when all his attention is on the ruthless Now is the time for summer.

"Golden Flower, go to hell!!!" Xia Xia's attack was fired at the same time.

This time.

He wants to kill Jinhua completely.

"Xiamen, you lost!!" Jinhua's hand was already on the ruthless sword. He actually knew Xia's intentions for a long time, but he still held the ruthless sword, because as long as he grasped the ruthless sword, Then it's all over.

He'll recover faster than the summer wrecked.

This is the power of the ruthless sword.

"Not good!!" When the silent heart demon saw Jinhua grabbing the ruthless sword, his face became very ugly.


at this time.

Xia Xia chopped off Jin Hua's arm again.

He had already predicted Jinhua's prediction, Jinhua wanted to seize the relentless sword to recover, and his ultimate move had already been prepared.

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Injure Jinhua first, then chop off Jinhua's arm.

In this way, the recovery speed of Jinhua cannot keep up.

"Xia Tian, ​​release Bai Chuan's spirit and help him hold the ruthless sword!!!" A voice appeared in Xia Xia's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Sword Ghost?" Xia Xia was stunned.

"I'm not under control. Everything I do is for Baichuan. Only if I do this can he control the Ruthless Sword!!" Sword Ghost said.


"Never tell him the truth!!" Sword Ghost's voice gradually disappeared.


In the summer, Baichuan's spirit was released, and the body of Baichuan, who was originally a remnant, began to gradually reunite.

at the same time.

The relentless sword I am in his hands.

Baichuan is reborn! ! !

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