The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1532: ended


The person standing here at this time is Tianlong.

"Tianlong, why are you here!!!" When Jinhua saw Tianlong, she was obviously very surprised.

"Originally, I wanted to leave, but who made me still have some thoughts!!!" Tianlong said lightly.


Jinhua's second attack came down.

Also blocked by Tianlong.

boom! boom! boom!

Jin Hua hit one after another, but was blocked by Tianlong in the end.

"Tianlong, don't mind your own business!!!" Jin Hua's fist gathered endless power, and the power of this blow was several times stronger than before.


at this time.

A figure appeared next to Jin Hua's body: "You seem to be showing a flaw."


one foot.

It kicked directly on Jin Hua's head.

The golden flower kicked the side and flew out.

Little brother appears! !

at the same time.

A sword light fell and stabbed directly into Jin Hua's chest.

"It seems that Xia Xia has left a deep hidden danger on his body!!!" Yin Nie's sword directly knocked Jin Hua flying out.


Summer stood up tremblingly.

The silent heart demon also stood up.

"Stinky boy, Jin Hua is right, if you only have this ability, then you can't save anyone, you can only watch them die, and they die in vain, the time they buy you is worthless! !" Tianlong looked at Xia Xia expressionlessly.

Summer slowly moved forward.

"What I want to do in summer, I will definitely do it, whoever I want to protect in summer, I have to protect, and whoever I want to kill in summer, I have to kill!!!" Xia Xia's eyes instantly turned blood red.

behind him.

A huge phantom appeared.

A **** who seems to be able to open up the world.

when this figure appeared.

Standing tall.

Xia Xia's body has become extremely huge, and everything around him must be surrendered.

"What, this is..." When Jin Hua saw this phantom, her body began to tremble.

"No, I can't lose myself!!!" Xia Xia regained consciousness instantly, and the phantom behind him disappeared.

at the same time.

His body turned into a stream of light, rushing directly to the golden flower in front of him.

"I can't keep you!!!" Jinhua saw the phantom behind Xia Xia disappear, and he rushed up immediately. He must kill Xia Xia at all costs, even more anxious than he killed Baichuan.


This streamer penetrated Jin Hua's body.

His invincible armor failed to keep him.

"How could this be?" Jin Hua's face was full of incredible expressions.


Yin Nie fell beside Baichuan, and a sword intent fell into Baichuan's body.

Then Baichuan grabbed the hand of the ruthless sword and raised it directly: "It's done!!"

Tianlong glanced at Xia Xia: "Where to go, think about it yourself, this world is huge, there are many masters, and now you are still far away!!!"

The three disappeared! !

"I'm going to kill you!!" Jin Hua's attack killed him again.


A sword light flashed.

The golden flower's body is divided into two.

Because what cut his body was: the ruthless sword! !

Baichuan hits!

Cut the golden flower.

"No, it shouldn't be like this!!!" Jin Hua's face was full of unwillingness.

"Scarlet Crown!!"

"His divine soul!!"

The silent heart demon and Xia Xia rushed up at the same time.

The voiceless heart demon directly snatched the blood-colored crown, and Xia Xia quickly went to collect the soul of Jin Hua, but the power of the ruthless sword was too strong. When Xia Xia received the soul of Jin Hua, he only received a remnant soul! !

"We won!!" Xia Xia looked at Jin Hua's body.


Old Seven sighed.

Bloody Seven Ghosts.

Now only he is still there. Although his body is destroyed, his soul is still intact.

"Summer!!" Baichuan shouted loudly.

At the same time, the ruthless sword swung against the air.

A vortex appeared.

The moment the vortex appeared, the scattered souls were swept out directly.

The spirits of old George and the other six began to appear.

"Take it!!" Xia Xia also seized this opportunity and directly put away the spirits of Old George and the others: "Although their spirits have been severely damaged, they have finally recovered, and they can still recover if they are recuperated in the future. !!!”


at the same time.

Baichuan pointed the ruthless sword at the silent heart demon: "It seems that there is still you!!"

That's right.

Golden Flower is dead.

The rest is the silent demon.

Although they were in a cooperative relationship before, but now that the common enemy is dead, they are no longer in a cooperative relationship.

"Wait!!" Summer fell by Baichuan's side: "It's all over!!"

Baichuan put down the ruthless sword.

The silent heart demon also breathed a sigh of relief: "Summer, I don't want to be your enemy. After I get the Scarlet Crown, I'll be free. Although I can't be considered a real human right now, it won't be long before I will. To become a real human being, although I will go down the devil's path, I promise you that I will never rely on killing people to improve my cultivation."

He didn't want to stand on the opposite side of summer.

this time.

He had seen how terrible summer really was.

If Jinhua didn't provoke the Jinhua would never fail.

"Okay, I remember, but I still need your help!!" Xia Xia said.

"What are you busy with?" the silent heart demon asked.

"I don't want life in the Scarlet Forest to be wiped out!!!" Xia Xia said.

"I understand, you are talking about the fairy beasts outside, I will drive them back to their place!!" The silent inner demon disappeared in place.


Summer sighed.

His body fell down.

A wave of tiredness swept over.

"Summer!!" Baichuan looked towards Summer.

"What's wrong?" Summer asked.

"I can't accompany you!!!" Baichuan said.

"If you have something to do, do it!!" Xia Xia said.

"Although senior brother betrayed me, but I searched for his soul and found a message, which recorded the affairs of my master, I'm going to go!!" Bai Chuan's face did not show any expression.

Summer wants to tell Baichuan.

His senior brother did not betray him, everything was for him.

But in the end he held back.

The Sword Ghost used his life to complete Baichuan. If he told Baichuan the truth, everything Sword Ghost did would be useless.

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"Hongfeng, I just seemed to see something behind me. After I lost myself, some mysterious power appeared behind me!!!" Xia Xia said.

"I saw it!!!" Hong Feng said.

"What is it?" Summer asked.

"I can't tell, but Jinhua should know, and he also knows a lot of secrets we want to know!!!" Hongfeng reminded.

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