The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1533: be a hero

Interrogate the golden flower!

This is the most important.

This **** valley battle is over.

His greatest gain.

It is the soul of Jinhua.


What they caught this time was only a small part of Jin Hua's soul. As for what information they could find, it would depend on their fate.

"It's over to you!!" Summer lay there.

He wanted a good rest.

too tired.


at this time.

It started to rain in Blood River Valley.

Here in the Blood River Valley, because of the perennial blood energy and the blood-colored band above, there is no possibility of rain at all.

"The rain represents the recovery of all things. It seems that the blood energy of the Blood River Valley has completely disappeared!!!" Hongfeng said with emotion.

Vitality will also return to the sun.


The beginning of the appearance of all things in the world, the Blood River Valley, which originally had no plants, also began to grow plants again, and the growth rate of vegetation was also very fast.

This is one of the visions of heaven and earth.

It represents the phenomenon that after a certain treasure land ends, the backlog of the power of all things burst out in an instant.


When seeing this scene.

These people in Blood River Valley also understood.


They rushed into the Blood River Valley and wanted to find the treasure, but in the end, the treasure had almost nothing to do with them, but a lot of people died.

All fights.

All for profit.

Now that there is no interest, the people here will not fight, and at the moment Jinhua died, all the blood-colored skeletons here disappeared.

There is no point in fighting.

Of course.

Some people die, some people live, and those who live will reap the rewards.

For a lot of people here.

They entered here not for the ruthless sword, nor for some silent inheritance. They were just to experience themselves and see if they could obtain other treasures. As long as someone died here, their storage equipment.

their weapons.

will fall into the hands of others.

This is also a gain.

"Fairy beasts, it's not good, there are a large number of fairy beasts rushing in, and our people outside the communication talisman also flew in, and the outside is being attacked by a large number of fairy beasts!!"

"It seems that what Xia Xia said before was true, and something really happened outside. At that time, we thought Xia Xian wanted to take the treasure for himself. Now it seems that it is really ridiculous."

"Yeah, we are smart, now it's alright, there are all immortal beasts outside, even if we kill it, we will kill the immortal beasts, and the sheep will enter the tiger's mouth!!"

Only now did the practitioners here react. The previous summer gave them a chance to escape and fight against the beasts.

But they didn't believe in summer at that time.

It's a bit late to go out now.

"Sir, there is a master outside, who is driving the fairy beast, as if he is going to capture the king!!"

People outside also began to call in.

"There are masters, is it summer?" Those people suddenly thought of this.

"Sir, whether it's summer or not, we have to say it's summer!!" a subordinate reminded.


"Because now people here know that Xia Xia is right and they are wrong, they should listen to Xia Xia's words earlier. If the banner is raised with Xia Xia's name now, then the people here will regard him as the savior, and then they will be united. Let’s fight together, and only when everyone fights together can we have a chance to survive!!!”

"Good idea!!"

"Then the subordinates will do it!!!"

Soon, the team began to spread.

Summer is the big hero who saves everyone.

Now Xia Xia is going out, trying to kill the king of fairy beasts and save everyone.

"Let's rush out together, follow in Mr. Xia's footsteps, we will fight off these fairy beasts and take back our territory."

"Kill, Mr. Xia can't be wrong. He has saved us many times, including defeating the voiceless demons before, making those demons disappear, and returning us to normal. In the end, it was Mr. Xia who defeated the enemy and disappeared. !!"

"Brothers, Mr. Xia is the hero who saved our entire Scarlet Forest. He should enter the Hall of Fame, and let's go out together."

These masters in the Blood River Valley began to get excited one by one. Although many people died in the Blood River Valley incident, those who survived were all real masters, and their combat experience became more abundant.

They work together.

That lethality is terrifying.

Now they have a common belief.

That is summer.

This is their hope of living.

"How can I hear someone calling my name!!" Xia Tian, ​​who was lying on the ground, suddenly heard someone calling his name.

"It's the place of human beings. They formed a coalition and went out. In order to be more cohesive and imposing, they regarded you as a belief, and they have been praising you!!" Hongfeng responded.

"Praise me?" Xia Tian was taken aback.

"Yeah, their method is very Now the people here are very cohesive, as long as the silent demon can capture the king, then this team will soon be able to compete with the people outside the Scarlet Forest. When the team converges, although many people will die, the final winner must be the human beings!!" Hongfeng explained.


"How about Jinhua?" Xia Tian asked.

"The mouth is very hard, it seems that there is some kind of seal in it, and he refuses to speak at all, but the good news is that his soul is recovering by itself. I was worried that he would lose a lot of memories, but now it seems that his lost memories should be fine. Gradually recovering, that is to say, we have caught a complete golden flower this time, as long as we open his mouth, we can learn a lot of secrets from him." Hongfeng feels that this is good news. .

After their fight with Jinhua, they already knew that there are many secrets in Jinhua.

As long as they can control these secrets.

"Okay, you try other methods first, my body is in a bad condition now, this time fighting with Jinhua, I have figured out a lot of things, and I am one step closer to the Venerable, as long as I can enter the In the realm of the Venerable, then all my strengths will come naturally, become one, and enter another realm." Xia Xia had a lot of insights this time.

The golden flower made him look at the new world.

It also made him see how extraordinary the world really is.

Just like what his father said.

If he can't even handle a golden flower, how can he face the Celestial Clan?

Jin Hua was just an unremarkable person in the Celestial Clan.

"Don't worry, I will find a way to pry his mouth open. This time, I must unravel the secret of the Celestial Clan, the secret of the Scarlet Forest, and the secret of the phantom behind you!!! "

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