The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1534: Hall of Fame


Summer sighed: "I'm so tired!!"

"This place is safe, no one will come over, take a rest and then go out, the war outside will continue for a while." Hongfeng reminded.


Summer closed his eyes.

He really needs a good rest, and after this matter is settled, he will consider going to the Tiankeng.

This lie is seven days and seven nights.

when he woke up.

The battle outside is over, and the plants and trees here in Blood River Valley have grown a lot taller.

There are many corpses of immortal beasts on the ground, all of which have been turned into nourishment.

Let the plants grow taller and taller.

"Blood River Valley is really a big change. When I came, it was bare and panicked, but now it is full of vitality. It will not take a thousand years, and it will be more suitable for survival than the outside!!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

Life and death go hand in hand.

The former Blood River Valley was accompanied by death.

The current blood valley is accompanied by life.

"It seems that the human coalition is going well. There are very few human corpses here, and the corpses of the immortal beasts are all processed. Obviously, the humans here won easily, so they have the opportunity and time to pack up the spoils!!" Hong Feng analyzed. .

He has an occupational disease.

No matter where you go, it is the first time to analyze the situation on the spot.


The origin of soil.


The power here is very sufficient now, he can use the source of soil to teleport, and easily drive the **** river valley! !

"Finally out!!" Xia Xia saw that the battle outside was still going on, and there were still many immortal beasts fighting here, but most of the immortal beasts had already withdrawn from the Scarlet Forest.


Summer's right hand waved.

Hongyan appeared in his hand: "You should be the only living Hall of Famer in China now!!"

"Thank you Mr. Xia for not killing!!" Hong Yan said respectfully.

"Since I promised to let you go, I will let you go. Your current situation is not very good. It's up to you how you go in the future!!" Xia Xia let Hongfeng go.

Battle of Blood Valley.

The King of Eight Passes is half dead.

A large number of top swordsmen also died.

The last few of the experts in the Blood River Valley Hall of Fame are almost dead.

Hongyan bowed deeply to Xia Xia and left.

"It's those little guys!!" Hong Feng reminded.

In the summer, I saw the brothers of Xiao Huoyu.

"Mr. Xia!!!" Several people bowed deeply.

"Vengeance?" Xia Xia asked.

"Well, revenge, but unfortunately we couldn't keep Xiaohuoyu!!!" Several people lowered their heads.

"I saved a remnant of Xiaohuoyu's soul!!" A small ball appeared in Xia Xia's hand.

Several people rushed forward.

"I don't know if she has a chance to be resurrected in the future. What else can she remember, I don't even know, I can only see your fate!!" Xia Xia handed the ball to a few people.

"Thank you Mr. Xia!!" Several people bowed to Xia Xia.

They were still sad about Xiao Huoyu before.

Now Xia Xia actually took out Xiao Huoyu's remnant soul, which gave them hope, although they didn't know how much effort it would take to revive Xiao Huoyu, and whether Xiao Huoyu still knew them after the resurrection, but this is their hope.

Once people have hope.

Then there is the meaning of living.

"Go!!" Summer definitely has a fate with them.

So I try to help them as much as possible. As for which step they can go to in the future, it really depends on their own fortune.

"Old Seven, before you were the only one with only the soul left, it looked miserable at the time, but now it seems that you are much better than your brothers, even their souls are broken, I will give them to You, now they can be revived little by little under the nourishment of my sea of ​​knowledge, but they are in the same situation as Xiaohuoyu, when they can recover, and whether they can remember the past after recovery, it depends on Their own good fortune!!" Xia Xia looked at the seventh in front of him.

Because Lao Qi has received the best nourishment in his sea of ​​consciousness, now his soul can exist independently in the world, even if he can't find a body that suits him, there is no problem in his existence for thousands of years. .

Thousands of years have been enough for him to do a lot of things.

"Mr. Xia, I won't say thank you. If you have any assignments in the future, our **** seven ghosts are always on call!!!" Lao Qi knelt down on one knee.

Xia Xia hurriedly helped Lao Qi: "Don't talk about this, acquaintance is fate."


Lao Qi got up and looked at the seven **** in his hand, he also left directly.

"The Blood River Valley Incident is finally over!!" Xia Xia looked at the current Scarlet Forest area, there were corpses everywhere, including human beings and immortal beasts.

"Brothers, Mr. Xia has killed the king of the fairy beast clan, the army of fairy beasts has been withdrawn, and the rest are just lost fairy beasts, everyone kill!!!"

"These immortal beasts are all our materials. If you kill them, the material on your body will be Everyone follow in Mr. Xia's footsteps, kill all these immortal beasts, and restore our **** forest area."

The people around are still slaughtering.

Xia Xia also began to move forward. When he came to the Scarlet Forest, it was still very orderly, with businesses everywhere, but now. The entire Scarlet Forest area has been completely destroyed.

Not a single building remains.

Fortunately, the people here in the Scarlet Forest were all experienced combatants, so they were not completely wiped out.

"Look, there are images of you everywhere, as well as your name, and even the flag here is your name!!!" Hongfeng reminded.

I saw it in summer too.

It seems that he has really become the king of the Scarlet Forest, and all the people here are dominated by him.

with his flag.

The people here are attacking.

Just being confident.

"There seems to be a lot of masters gathered there!!!" Hongfeng reminded.

I saw it in summer too.

It seems that a large number of masters are around that point.

"Brothers, the Scarlet Forest has collapsed. If we want to re-establish the Scarlet Forest, we must have a belief. Mr. Xia is our belief now, and this time he saved our Scarlet Forest. If it wasn't for him If we do, our Scarlet Forest will be destroyed, I propose to let Mr. Xia enter the Hall of Fame."

"Good idea, with Mr. Xia's influence, we can rebuild the Scarlet Forest."

"Okay, but there are already 100 places in the Hall of Fame. How should we position Mr. Xia? Based on his contribution to our Scarlet Forest, wouldn't it be too good for the 101st place!!"

Everyone was also discussing.

at this time.

A team of old men came out from behind: "Then create the Hall of Fame!!!"

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