The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1535: Mystic Mirror

When they saw this group of old men, the people at the scene became quiet. Although these old men were not strong, they represented the authority of the Scarlet Forest.

The kings of the Bloody Eight Passes change frequently.

But these old people have hardly changed.

And no matter which group of eight-pass kings, they are very respectful to these old people.

"We propose that Mr. Xia be the only person in the Hall of Fame, and from now on, no name will be added to the Hall of Fame. Only in this way, the Hall of Fame will have the highest gold content!!!" said the old man.


Everyone nodded.

"Our proposal is actually for everyone. If you want to rebuild the Scarlet Forest, you must hold a symbolic character and make him a hero in everyone's heart. Mr. Xia has made a great contribution this time and saved the Scarlet Forest. , and his own reputation is arrogant enough to be recognized by everyone. Even if he dies in the future, he is also a legendary figure who fights against the Celestial Clan, and is more suitable for the beliefs of the people in the Scarlet Forest. Let our Scarlet Forest become better and better!!!" the old man suggested.


Everyone nodded.

Apparently everyone agreed with him.

"Since everyone is meaningless, let's start preparing. The earlier we publicize, the sooner our Scarlet Forest area can be rebuilt!!" said the old man.

Those bosses bowed their hands to several old men.

Then the old men left.

among the crowd.

Xia Xia watched all this silently, although he was completely famous now, and he became a hero in the Scarlet Forest, and he became the only honorable existence in the Hall of Fame.

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It can be said.

His position here is suddenly different.

However, it was the old men who paid attention to the summer.

"There is something wrong with these old men. They are all in the realm of the quasi-Venerable. With their age, their status, and their resources, they should have the opportunity to break through to the sage, but why don't they break through, they How did the masters of the Scarlet Forest respect them so much from generation to generation?" Hongfeng asked.

"Yes, this is the biggest problem. The people here in the Scarlet Forest are rebellious. Even if they come from the Celestial Clan, they won't care, but they are so respectful to these old people. This is the biggest problem! !!" Summer focuses on this.

"Unfortunately, Jinhua has not spoken yet. If Jinhua did speak, many problems should be solved." Hongfeng said.

"Looks like I'm going to stay here for a while longer." Xia Xia suspected that there was a huge secret hidden here in the Scarlet Forest. Even people like Jin Hua would not dare to face this secret head-on. He can unlock the secret words.

Not sure.

His strength can also grow again.

"Follow up and take a look!!" Hong Feng reminded.

Summer also quietly followed.

The strength of this old team is not strong, and it is very simple to follow them in the summer.

These old men reached the top of the Scarlet Forest.

The entire Scarlet Forest area was destroyed, but there was no sign of destruction here.

From this you can see how complicated it is.

And this is a forbidden area in the Scarlet Forest. Usually, there are people from the eight gates guarding it, and outsiders are not allowed to approach.

Although the Scarlet Forest area has not recovered yet, there are already people guarding it.

But it is impossible for them to stop Summer.

Summer easily escaped their search.

Birds and flowers on the mountain.

This battle seems to have not spread here at all.

There is a tower on the mountain, which is where the old people live.

After these old men returned, they entered the tower directly.

"Can you get in?" Hong Feng asked.

There is only one entrance to this tower, if you want to go in, you will definitely be exposed! !

"Wait and see!!" Xia Xia looked into the tower: "No, there is another world in this tower. Although I can see through everything, I can't see the content of another world!!"

He originally wanted to rely on his own eyes to see if he could find any clues.

But when he looked in.

Like a black hole.

He was very familiar with this feeling.

There is another world in it.

He cannot see through the independent world.

"It seems that we can only stop here." Hong Feng said with emotion.

"This kind of place has an independent world. It's really weird. Let's wait and see what happens first. Let's see if there can be anything in Jinhua!!" Xia also wanted to wait and see, if someone came out If so, maybe there will be something to discover.


Hongfeng also continued to interrogate Jinhua.

But Jinhua really opened his eyes.

"The biggest trouble for Jinhua now is that he has sealed all his memories separately, and his soul is still damaged!!" Hongfeng said very depressed.

"Help him restore his soul first, and give him hope of Anyone, before dying, has the determination to die, but as long as he sees life, he will not be willing to die, especially It is a person like Jinhua who has gone through untold hardships to have his current status. With his current strength, how could he really be willing to die? Tell him that as long as he tells me everything, I will give him a chance to survive. !!" Summer said directly.

That's right.

If a person already knows that he is going to die, he can be a good man.

But if he saw a shred of vitality, even just a shred of it, he would want to survive.

Especially golden flowers.

He has exhausted his organs, isn't it just to live?

"Okay!!" Hongfeng also continued to act.

Summer is here to observe.


He felt very quiet here.

Nothing at all.

No one came.

"Aren't the people here in the Scarlet Forest area curious? Although there are many people guarding it, I should not be the only one who can sneak in!!" Xia Xia is also curious now, why there is no one here.

after a few days.

An old man came out.

After the old man came out, he took a look outside, then took out a mirror and lit it in the moonlight.

After the moonlight shines in the mirror.

The mirror began to glow.

A ray of light burst out from the mirror.

The old man put away the mirror and walked back to the tower.

"This mirror..." Xia Tian suddenly thought of something.

Is this mirror related to that?

"Speaking, Jinhua has spoken." Hongfeng also became excited at this time.

After waiting for so long, Jinhua can finally speak, that is to say, they can know everything.

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