The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1558: full force of summer

"The power of the source is almost the invincible power at the top of Shenzhou, especially on its own main battlefield, it is even more invincible, but according to the records of Jinhua, the power of the source also has many restrictions, such as the people of the source of fire. , I don't dare to fight with other top masters on the sea casually, and their Star Breaker Strike is completely different from other Venerable Star Breaker Strike, other Venerable Star Breaker Strike is a different world The lethality caused by the mutual repulsion of force and normal force; and the masters who have obtained the power of the source, they use the pure force of the source to smash hard, so the power of dissolving the other world I said earlier can crack the broken star The one-shot method is of no use to the owner of the power of the source!!"

Hongfeng explained slowly.

"Golden Flower has really brought me too much useful news." Xia Xia discovered that it was really not a waste of time in the Celestial Clan.

"By the way, you still remember the Great Realm King Dan!!" Hongfeng reminded.


Xia Xia certainly remembered that this is the power condensed from his own realm king pill. The realm king pill is the best elixir for enhancing the strength of the venerable person and below; The first time you take it, it will improve the most, then it will become weaker a little bit, and finally it will increase by three levels, but once it reaches level 90, a Great Realm King Pill can only be improved by one level.

"The Great Realm King Pill is the best medicine pill that can break through the power of another world!!" Hong Feng said.

"Although I used to feel that the Great Realm King Pill is really strong, but now that I know the magical effect of the Great Realm King Pill, I feel that I still underestimate the Great Realm King Pill!!" Xia Xia smiled slightly.


Hongfeng nodded: "How long has it been since you did your best? I said it wasn't the time to deal with Jinhua's whole body that was full of power against the sky at that time."

"Since I went to the Moon Palace last time, my strength has greatly increased, and it has never passed." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"Qinghu said just now, this person is called Zihun, and his strength is higher than him, don't you want to try it?" Hongfeng asked.

Summer is no longer what it used to be.

Eyes: [Senluo Wanxiang]; [Wuji, Defense]; [Wuji, Attract]; [Heavenly Power, Repel]; [Heavenly Power, Rebound]; [Reincarnation]; [Thousand Eyes].

Sea of ​​Knowledge: [Flower of Sea of ​​Knowledge].

Realm King Judgment: [The Law of the Moon (absorption of clones), the law of the sun (absorption of clones), the law of stars (mobilization of power), the origin of earth, the law of light and the law of water! ].

The power of the source: [The source of the earth (one clone is missing)].

Profound meaning: [Destroying Immortal Finger (one finger in the center plus some spiritual power)].

Weapons: [Tianhan Sword]; [Red Phoenix (Five Kills of Red Phoenix, Variation of Wind)]; [Ivy Ring (Ancient Magic Weapon)].

Guardian: [Emperor Grade Thousand Silk Beast].


When Xia Xia's body moved, Hongfeng appeared behind him.

at the same time.

Xia Si wrapped around Xia Xia's body and became a layer of black armor. This armor wrapped Xia Xia's entire body.

Right hand flick.

Tianhan sword appeared in his hand.

"It's time to do some good activities. There will be fewer days of small fights in the future. After all, the Killer Squad should have already arrived!!" Xia Xia's eyes quickly locked on the purple soul who was killing the Quartet.

The current purple soul.

In the process of killing the Quartet, with the scepter in hand, this is still his main battlefield, and the lethality is completely different from before.


The Heavenly Cold Sword was inserted directly above the water.


Endless ice blocks appeared.

at the same time.

Hongfeng accelerated, and Xia Xia rushed directly in front of Zihun.

Destroy the fairy finger! !

Once pointed out, the power is infinite, as if it can destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

The water defense around Zihun's body was instantly frozen, and it was broken by Xia Xian, and Xia Xian's finger was on Zihun's body.

Venerable Armor.



Xia Xia's full power to destroy the Immortal Fingers broke through the two and a half layers of Immortal Master Haoyue's defense. Although Zihun is powerful, compared to Immortal Master Haoyue, he is still far behind. He has the remaining three layers. Venerable defense was instantly opened.

"What?" Zihun's face was very ugly.

He never thought of it.

This guy who suddenly appeared can actually break through his Venerable defense.

Moreover, he broke the water armor around him at one time, and also broke his three-layered sage armor in a row. What kind of damage is this?


At this moment, fear appeared.

【Reincarnation! 】

Seeing a trace of fear flashing in the eyes of the other party, how could Xia Xian miss such a good opportunity, he also used Samsara for the first time.

When reincarnation occurs.

The summer attack is also ready.


Just then, six purple orbs appeared.

Straight to summer.


Fortunately, Xia Si's defense was strong and directly blocked the attack of the six purple balls. Otherwise, Xia Si's body would be injured this time.

His current physical strength is comparable to that of a ninety-ninth-level Venerable, but his physical defense is stronger.

It can't stand the attack of special power.

"Damn, I missed the best time to attack, otherwise, I can find an opportunity to catch him in the vast world, or kill him and bind his soul!!" Xia Xia's response was fast enough. Yes, but the scepter seemed to react faster.

"Good stuff!!" Hong Feng said with emotion.


Hear Hongfeng's emotion.

Xia Xia's eyes also shined, yes, such a good thing, it would be nice if you could grab it: "No, the weapon is linked to his life, and there must be self-destruction, even if I kill him, his weapon is also It will enter the turbulent flow of time and space, and it cannot be powerful."

"No, I've seen it before, the six **** and his weapon are not one piece, but inlaid, so they don't belong to his natal weapon, if we can grab the six balls, we won't It's the same!!" Hongfeng reminded.


Xia Tian's eyes lit up: "Can you inlay it?"

"It should be possible. The fit of these six **** is very high. Whether it is me or the Tianhan Sword, it should be able to be inlaid." Hongfen reminded.


Although it was just knocked out in the summer.

But the opponent of Zihun is not only Xia Xia.

At the moment just now, other people's attacks hit the purple soul one after another. Without the armor of the Venerable, his own defense power was simply unable to withstand such a frenzied bombardment.

For a moment.

His body was full of scars.


The scepter fell, and the ice surface instantly turned into an endless ocean: "You are all going to die!!!"

1500 Immortal Explosion! ! !

Purple Soul obviously wants to die with everyone.

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