The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1559: watchdog

Even Qinghu could only use 1,000 Immortal Blasts at most, but he used 1,500 Immortal Blasts.

It can be said.

The scene is full of dragons.

The endless water dragon wants to explode.

If this blow is successful, I don’t know how many people will die here. The power of such an attack is already more terrifying than the blow of the broken star, and when these people die, many of the souls are impossible to die immediately. At that time, those divine souls will explode a second time under the attack of the purple soul.

The lethality is unimaginable.

Ivy Ring!

There is no nonsense in summer, and countless rattans rise into the sky.

Tianhan sword fell into the endless sea.

Frozen appears.

But in the freeze, flames burn on the rattan, swallowing everything and eating the ice.

The law of the day.


Although Frozen stopped for a moment, it was washed away, but the flammable rattan gave these people time. They started to use the laws of wood and fire to attack, and at the same time, the laws of gold were used to cut sea dragons, earth The law of the system is used to resist, and the law of the water system is used to suppress the movements of the sea dragon.

So many people there.

The power of shooting together is very huge, but they usually don't shoot together, and once the ultimate move appears, they have no chance to react. Even if there are some reactions, they will run away immediately.

But now.

The summer bought them time and led the attack.

This gave him hope of their survival.

Let the scattered sand be completely united.

No matter how strong his Purple Soul was, dragging a wounded body and using such a strong attack, he could no longer escape.

Especially since he just used the Immortal Blast 1500 times.

"It's now!!" Hongfeng calculated all the action routes for Xia Tian.


Red Phoenix World! !

Hongfeng's ultimate move was used in an instant, but his target was not the purple soul in front of him, but the scepter in the purple soul and the six purple **** above.

"If you want to grab my weapon, you don't have that chance!!" Zihun exploded instantly.

At the same time, he will throw his weapon into the turbulent time and space.


Xia Xia's attack directly targeted Zihun's dantian without giving him time to self-destruct.


at the same time.

The golden feather world trapped the scepter.

Although the scepter finally disappeared, the six purple orbs did not disappear.

The moment when the purple soul died.

The six purple orbs also became unowned.

All things are collected!

The six purple orbs disappeared, and Summer also disappeared in place.

There is steam everywhere, and these steam slowly rise to form a rain cloud.

It started to rain heavily.


Zihun died like this, but he moved too fast. Xia Xia was worried that he would throw the purple ball into the turbulent time and space, so he could only kill him. If he killed him in this way, he could be resurrected.

"Hahaha, the legendary Venerable is just like this, after all, it can't match so many of us!!" These people at the scene began to laugh.

Although they also felt death just now.

But now they are victorious.

So they also forgot about the crisis just now.

Inside the tower.

"How could this happen?" The second elder's face was very ugly, and he never thought that such a thing would happen.

Zihun actually died.

And died so miserably.

It hasn't been that long since the war started.

Zihun didn't kill many people.

Instead, he died.

"Elder, these people can't control it!!" The butler reminded.

"When Zihun just died, there should be no problem, right?" asked the elder.

"It should be able to be resurrected." The butler asked.

"Go to the Resurrection Pond in person and ask him what the situation is. At the last moment, what happened, let him explain in detail!!" said the elder.

"If his soul is not damaged, that part of the memory should be fine!" The butler also retreated.

"Elder, what can we do? Even the purple soul is dead!!" The second elder looked at the elder.

Two masters died one after another.

They were also a little flustered.

If they were arrogant in the beginning and didn't take anything seriously, now it's completely different, and now even they are a little flustered.

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"You guys are waiting here, I'll come when I go!!" The elder left directly this time.

When he called his helper before, it was a messenger, but now, he had to go over and explain the situation in person.

In a dry hole.

"What happened, my two brothers died!!" An old man got up slowly.

"Father, I didn't expect such a thing to happen. The first one was killed by Xia Xia, and the second one is still unknown, but the situation outside is out of control now." The elder looked respectfully. the person in front of you.

The old man sitting in front of him at this time.

It was his father.

"Guarding here for hundreds of thousands of years has not made a mistake, but now it has gone wrong!!" The old man was obviously dissatisfied.

" I didn't expect such a thing to happen." The elder hurriedly explained.

"You have to understand that it is because of me that you can sit in this position of the Great Elder. If you embarrass me, then this position will be replaced, and you can break through!!" The old man said.

"No, father, I'm only half a step away from 5,000 Immortal Bursts. Once I break through, Immortal Burst will no longer be able to practice." When the Great Elder heard this, he instantly knelt down.

"Take the token to find Hong, don't make another mistake this time!!!" The old man threw a token to the elder.

Two words are written on the token: Babel! !

"Thank you father!!" The elder slowly got up and withdrew.

Looking at the token in his hand, the big elder frowned: "There is no way, now I can only find this troublesome guy!!"

It didn't take long.

He came to the front of a king's flag.

"Mr. Hong, I am instructed to ask you to take action!!" The Great Elder said respectfully.

The token flew over slowly.

Wang Qi turned into a fiery red old man: "Trash, you can't even be a watchdog. What else can you do? You've been occupying a position for so long, why don't you let it out earlier."

The elder didn't say anything.

He didn't dare to disobey the man in front of him.

Now is the time for him to beg the other party. If he makes the other party unhappy and the other party intends to leave some trouble, it will be a big problem for him.

He is only half a step away from the cultivation of 5,000 immortal explosions.

If he succeeds in cultivation and then makes a breakthrough, then his overall strength and status will be completely different, but if he does not succeed in cultivation and then makes a breakthrough, then he will have no chance in this life.

"Just kill them all!!" Hong's eyes looked into the distance.

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