The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1562: don't kill

"His Holiness is level 90?" Xia Xia was stunned.

"That's right, it is Venerable above level 90. I don't know the upper limit, but it shouldn't be at level 95. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to easily block the impact just now," Hongfeng reminded.


Xia Xia glanced at Hong in front of him. He was still a little powerless from a master of this level, especially a special master like Hong.

Although you can rely on means to carry it hard for a while.

But also can't really beat each other.

"If you want to beat him, it's impossible, we can't stop him, and even if we can really stop him, only stronger people will come out. , in order to keep the secret, they will even destroy the entire Scarlet Forest area." Hongfeng reminded.

"It's a pity, I don't know how many people will die this time!!" Xia Xia shook his head.

"The battle you just fought has bought them at least three to five points. If they want to run, they have already escaped the lethality range. If they don't want to run, they can't blame others." Hongfeng Protects the whole body of summer.

At this time, the meteor shower around is also constantly exploding.

"Don't hesitate!!" Hongfeng reminded again.

"Let's go!!" Summer can only temporarily avoid it.

This time he saw the determination of the Tower of Babel.


Tongtian Pagoda has indeed paid a price. From now on, Tongtian Pagoda will not think about being able to live peacefully, and Xia Tian still killed two of their elders and two masters. Although one master can be resurrected, but The other one cannot be resurrected.


Summer gradually recedes.

"I want to leave now? Don't you leave something behind?" Hong's second attack was ready.

Straight to summer.

Four thousand immortal explosions.

Fire unicorn! !

The powerful attack force rushed towards the summer in an instant.

"Let me attack, passive defense can't stop it!!" Hongfeng also wanted to counterattack directly.

at this time.

Xia Si's defense appeared, directly wrapping Xia Tian.


The powerful fire unicorn was blocked like this.

"Fortunately, it came in time." Xia Si said with emotion.

Summer is also taking the opportunity to leave.

The scene was plunged into an endless sea of ​​fire.

"Mr. Xia, save me, I was wrong, I shouldn't have wronged you, save us!!"

"You are the hero of the Scarlet Forest. If you don't save us, what kind of hero are you."

"Run away when you feel wronged. People like you are not worthy of being the only honorary hero in the Hall of Fame!!"

The people below shouted frantically, at the beginning of the summer to buy them time, they did not run, saying that it was summer to take the treasure for themselves, so they had to wait, and now that summer left, they began to complain about summer instead.

"It's an ugly world!" Hong didn't go after Summer.

Instead, hold hands.

A flame scepter appeared in his hand.

The moment when the flame scepter is raised high.

The meteor shower in the sky doubled in size.

The power is even more terrifying.

The scene is horrific! !

"It would be great if these guys could all die here." Hong Feng was also very upset when he saw these people.

"No, although a lot of people will die this time, the people here in the Scarlet Forest area are not weak, and they are all desperadoes, they have accumulated a lot of wealth, and because of the Blood River Valley incident, they have attracted a lot of people. Therefore, there are definitely a lot of potential venerables who can be resurrected here, but those with lower strength can't do anything, and those people should have no resources for resurrection!!" Xia Xia looked around at the people below. .

these people.

There was always a chance to escape.

But now, so many people are still dying here.

"Find a safe place to rest first!!" Hongfeng suggested.

After seeing that there was no one alive on the entire mountain, a slight smile appeared on Hong's face: "This time it is much quieter."

The first elder and others came out: "As expected of Mr. Hong."

Red shot.

Having directly dealt with all this outside, and re-established their prestige, it will definitely be more convenient for them to do things in the future.

"If everyone is as useless as you, then what kind of majesty do we have in the Tower of Babel?" Hong said rudely.

"Mr. Hong said yes!!" The elder was very humble.

At this time, he can't make any mistakes.

As long as he is still the Great Elder, he will still have the opportunity to hit the 5,000-time immortal explosion. Once he succeeds, his life will be different, but if he fails, although his status will still be very high, but It is completely different from the owner of more than 5,000 fairy explosions.

"That's right, you can get into this position now because of a good father and the ability to flatter yourself!!" Hong didn't have any good impression of the Great Elder, and it could be said that he was very annoying.

Target the elders everywhere.

"Thank you, Mr. Hong for your praise!!!" The Great Elder is still not for him.

Nothing is more important now than improving his strength. As long as he can break through this barrier, one day in the future, he may become a existence like Hong, but if he fails, he can only look up to Hong in this life, and even The qualifications to look up to are not necessarily there.

Hong obviously didn't want to talk nonsense with the elder.

So went back.

"Finally done!!!" The butler said with emotion.

"It's not done yet, it was Xia Xia who killed us, and Xia Xia is still alive, and no one knows what will happen next!!!" said the second elder.

"I have a solution for the summer thing." The elder glanced at the housekeeper: "You take someone out for a trip, call the living eight-pass bosses together, give them benefits and opportunities, and then choose a few more. For the new ones, let them quickly organize the Scarlet Forest area, and at the same time announce the achievements of Xia Xia, tell them that Xia Xia saved them, and let them sing about Xia Xia."


"Elder, if we don't clean him up, we still sing praises to him?" The second elder asked puzzled.

"It's easy to fight the country, but it's difficult to defend the country. We must stabilize the situation first and give everyone a goal to live. Summer is the best goal. He is a guy who is afraid of trouble, and the Celestial Clan will not let him go. It won't be long before he leaves by himself." The first elder wanted to fight against Xia Xia's time.

He thinks that summer must not last a few days.

"Yes!!" The butler also started directly.

He walked down the mountain with his people.

These old people are the group of people who usually stand high in the Scarlet Forest.

"Don't kill them?"

At the foot of the mountain, Hongfeng watched the old men descending the mountain.

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