The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1563: recruited

"Can't kill!!" Xia Xia said.

"What's wrong?"

"Among these people, only the one who takes the lead has the highest status, and it should also be the same level as those elders. Killing them will have no loss for them. Moreover, these people came down, obviously to To settle the Scarlet Forest District, if I kill them, the Scarlet Forest District will continue to be in chaos. After the Blood River Valley Incident, the Immortal Beast Attack, and the death incident of the Tongtian Tower, enough people have died here. !" Xia Xia didn't want the war to continue to ignite.

Insert an app: a perfect reproduction of the old version of the book-chasing artifact, an app that can change the source--Mimi reading.

Especially when there is bloodshed like this.

The two elders spoke, but they had a proposal.

"What proposal?" Xia Tian asked.

"They said that many words can't come out of their mouths, but they can think of a way!!" Hongfeng said.

"How?" Summer asked.

"They can find a way to unlock Qinghu's memory seal and help you get the information you want to know from Qinghu's memory seal, including the cultivation method of Xianbao."

"You heard, they are going to betray you!" Xia Xia said, looking at Qinghu's spirit.

"Damn, these guys are actually doing this to me." Qinghu said angrily: "They are elders, they know more than me, I will teach you how to unlock their seals!!"

"Okay!" Summer nodded slightly.

"The people in our Babel Tower have the same kind of seal, but each person's password is different. Normally, no one knows these passwords, even we don't know it ourselves, but by chance, I Know all the passwords of their ten elders!!" Qinghu said directly.

"How did you know?" Summer asked.

"Ten years ago, the above ordered me to go to a secret place to send materials. The batch of materials sent at that time were the materials of the ten elders. I just opened it when I was curious, and when I saw the content inside, I was very scared. I was worried that the above knew that it would obliterate me, so I used a method of cultivation since I was a child, and sealed this part of the memory in my beast avatar, so the above did not find out about it. Originally, it was impossible for me to say it all my life. , but now that they are not benevolent, they can't blame me for being unrighteous!" Qinghu said.

"Once you're done talking, you won't be able to go back at all!" Xia Xia responded.

"Is there any possibility for me to go back? Even if you don't kill me, the Tower of Babel will definitely kill me!!" Qinghu also knew that he had no way out. No matter how he decided, the final result would be the same.

He is already a failure.

"You can rest assured, I promised to let you go, and I will let you go. As long as you help me, I will give you a good result. As for how you choose your life in the future, that is your own business! ' Summer responded.

"Thank you Mr. Xia!!" Qinghu said.

"Do what you need to do!" Xia Tian reminded.

"These two are the ninth elders and tenth elders, I will tell you their seal passwords!" Qinghu also said the seal passwords of the two of them immediately.

at the same time!

Hongfeng unlocked the memories of the two elders through the password.

"found it!"

"How many did you find?" Xia Tian asked.

"There are three most important points, the internal situation of the Babel Tower; the classification of the Babel Tower; the cultivation method within 3000 times of immortal explosion!!"

"It's a lot!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"These two beg for mercy, saying that as long as you are willing to let them go, they can cooperate with you fully!"

"What leverage do they have to talk to me?" Xia Tian asked.

"They said that they also know Qinghu's password, and Qinghu is a warrior. He knows more about the warrior's side!" Hongfeng explained.

"Okay, then let them spit it out together!" Xia Xia also wanted to know about the Babel Tower.


Now the more news the better.


Through memory search, Hongfeng got a lot of news.

"There are really some special news, I have already sorted them out, but in order to save their lives, the information searched is not complete, but once they are told, even if we already have the password, the part of the seal in the soul will be Start self-destruction after they tell the secret." Hongfeng's meaning is very simple, if Xia Xia doesn't care about the lives of these people, you can get more information.

"If I really do that, am I still Summer?" Summer smiled slightly.

Hongfeng naturally understands the choice of summer.

He also organized all the news for the first time!

The internal situation of the Babel Tower; the classification of the Babel Tower; the cultivation method within 3000 times of immortal explosion!

"The inside of the Tongtian Tower is actually a world that is very unsuitable for cultivation, but the Tongtian Tower can help a small number of people quickly cultivate and cultivate, and the Tongtian Tower is connected to the world. In fact, most of the star belts in Shenzhou have towers, but those towers are very hidden, and their purpose is to absorb the power of the group to improve the strength of these internal personnel."

"Using the power of the star belt to improve the strength is really a way of going against the sky!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"As for the level division in the Tongtian Tower: one tower master, two towers, and ten venerable warriors under each tower; as for the elders, their positions are different, and their status is actually second only to the tower. The venerable ones are higher than those warriors, but their realm must be below the venerable, because if you want to practice five thousand immortal explosions, you must have the strength below the venerable. If the realm exceeds the venerable, then there will be no more. The chance to practice five thousand times is a blast."

"That is to say, the person who just summoned the Meteor Fire Rain is Ta Zun, and Qinghu is the Venerable Warrior!!" Xia Xia understood.

"Yes, that's what it means, but the status of the elders is special, because as long as they break through the five thousand immortal explosions, then they can enter the ranks of the preparatory tower masters, and they will be focused on training. If their talent is strong enough, in the future Maybe, you can really become a tower master. Even if you fail to become a tower master, the growth of your overall strength will be very terrifying, and you may be assigned to other small places to be tower masters in the future. It is precisely because of this. , that's why the current Great Elder cares so much about this incident, because he is only one step away from the 5,000-time immortal explosion!" Hong Feng explained.


"Five thousand immortal explosions is not that easy!!" Xia Xia only practiced 200 immortal explosions.

"Also, their souls have also been cut!"

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