The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1576: Summer VS Suyi

Old ten.

Speed ​​100 million! !

At this time, he was also fast-tracking. According to the position given by the fourth youth and his prediction, Xia Xia should be ahead. That is to say, soon, he will be able to catch up with Xia Xia. His task Not to solve the summer, but to delay the summer.

He is very clear.

Can kill Wind Zhi twice in summer.

It proves that summer has enough skills.

He must not be careless.

He is not afraid of his own death.

What he was afraid of was losing the dignity of his team.

Unable to complete the task.


He couldn't miss this opportunity.

"Xiamen, let me see how much you have!!" A ray of light appeared on Su Yi's body, and then his speed doubled again, although he had chased Xia for three days and three nights, But the speed he used before was not his limit, so although the other people consumed a lot, he did not consume much.


that's it.

Suyi quickly caught up with the summer.


Su Yi kicked Xia Tian with one kick.

Xia Si blocked his attack.

"Master, there is something wrong with his boots!!!" Xia Si hurriedly reminded.

His defense is very strong, but just now, his defense almost collapsed. Obviously, the strength of the opponent's blow can't do this, so it must be the opponent's pair of boots.

"What's wrong?" Summer asked.

"I just used Ultimate Defense!!" Xia Si reminded.

"He made a random blow, and he actually made you use the ultimate defense. This is a problem!!" Xia Si understands Xia Si's defense. Now, the opponent's attack almost broke Xath's defense.

To know.

The current Xia Si is a ninth-level emperor-grade Qiansi beast.

"Since they know all of your abilities, they must also know about the Emperor Grade Qiansi Beast, so they will definitely target Xia Si when they come here this time. The appearance of this kind of equipment also gives us a signal!!" Hongfeng wanted to remind Xia Xia that in the future, his various abilities were no secret.

"Xia Si, if he attacks me with these boots next, you don't have to resist!!" Xia Tian reminded.


"It's okay to be obedient." Xia Zheng is so-called master of art and bold, he not only has the defense of Hongfeng, he also has other defense capabilities, and his normal physical defense is now the defense of the ninety-ninth level of the Venerable. .

Although this defense is easily broken by various sharp weapons.

But it is also a very powerful defense.


The appearance of the venerable armor is to make up for the defects of the bodies of these strong men after encountering powerful weapons and attacks.

Moreover, the current Venerable pursues all attacks. Except for the immortal beast family, there are almost no cultivators who pursue defense.

for physical reasons.

Even a cultivator, no matter how much he pursues defense, can't compare with the defense of the immortal beast clan. At the same level, the defense of the immortal beast clan who fully cultivates defense is ten times the defense effect of a human who fully cultivates defense.


Humans are more willing to practice attack and take the pure attack route.


Su Yi's attack came over again, this time, Hongfeng blocked the attack.

"There's really something wrong with this attack. My defense can't be compared to Xia's, but it's not difficult for me to block his attack. If I guess right, his boots should be aimed at Xia Si. Si and your body are attacking!" Hongfeng immediately analyzed.

"It seems that it is not realistic to use physical defense." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"There is a way. I felt that when I was fighting just now, I found that although he has great penetrating power against Xia Si and physical defense, his penetration of ordinary defense power is not strong. That is to say, you can wear it casually now. With a set of armor, it will not be so easy for him to break it!!" Hongfeng reminded.


This kind of thing is obviously too common, but generally speaking, the cost of armor is too high, especially high-level armor, and after each use, although it can repair itself, the speed of self-repair is too slow, so I want to use it normally , you must spend a lot of fairy crystals to repair.

For ordinary people.

This is not a small number.

There aren't many other things on Xia's body, but he has a lot of immortal crystals and various weapons and equipment. When he usually fights, in order to gain speed, he doesn't wear these heavy armors.

And the defense of these armors is really dispensable to him.

Compared with Xia Si, they are far worse.


Summer put on a suit of armor directly.

"It's very shrewd, no wonder your newspaper said that your observation skills are terrible!!" When Su Yi saw Xia Xia put on the armor, he knew that Xia Xia had already seen the ability of his boots.

"I already expected you to target my Thousand Silk Beast. Do you still think that I would be foolishly attacked by you?" Xia Xia said with great disdain.

It's not that easy to let him get hit casually in the summer.


Suyi kicked Xia Xia's armor with one blow: "The result is the same!"

The armor's defense collapsed in an However, Xia Xia's body did not suffer any damage, all the damage was blocked by the armor, and the remaining power was also shared by Hongfeng.

Although the armor blocked the power bonus of the opponent's boots.

But the other party is a Venerable after all.

The power of one foot is still very large.

The armor is also directly damaged.


Xia Xia put on a new set again. He has a lot of trophies recently. These armors are completely free of money. They are expensive for others, but for him, they are nothing at all.

As for repairs, that's even less necessary.

Damaged ones can be sold directly at a lower price.


When he collided with this Suyi again, his armor was scrapped again, but he was still not injured, and he replaced it with a new set.

"Let's start!!" Summer was attacked several times in succession.

Su Yi's style of play has become more and more fierce. This is the fighting habit that Xia Xia cultivated for him.

Next, it's time for summer to start closing the net.


Summer turned and fled.

"Summer, don't you have a lot of armor? Give it a try, how many times you can withstand it." Su Yi thought that he had mastered the battle situation. Although Xia Xia kept changing equipment, if there was a slight error, he would immediately kill Xia Xia.


Looking at summer wants to run away.

He also blocked Summer three times in a row.

In the summer, the equipment is constantly changed there.

"It's now!!" Xia Tian was developing Su Yi's fighting habit, and now Su Yi's interception habit has taken shape.

That's when he got his hands on it.

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