The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1577: task must be completed

Summer is waiting for this opportunity.

The law of the sun, moon and stars!

Lan, wind blade!

Feather kill; golden feather strike; golden feather magic weapon; golden feather reincarnation!

The fifth move, Golden Feather World.

Tianhan sword! !

Immortal explosion three thousand times!


Ivy Ring!

Destroy the fairy finger! !

"Give me death!!" Xia Xia's series of actions were very fast.

This time.

There is no young fourth to perceive here, and there is no help from others.

Only Suyi's own attacks and instinctive reactions.


His instinctive reaction has been thoroughly seen by Xia Xia.

"Then let's die together!!" When Su Yi reacted, he realized that what he did now was useless, so he gave up all defenses, mobilized all the power he could finally mobilize, and kicked it out. I want to kill summer here.

perish together.

Even if he dies, he has to complete the mission.

[Wuji, defense! ! 】

Xia Xia had already prepared all his changes, including his desperate fight.

There is no limit.

His last desperate effort was not enough.

The powerful lethality of the Exterminating Immortal Finger will kill it directly.

"Good news, because he didn't resist, so although we couldn't get his storage equipment, his boots belong to us!!" A smile appeared on Hongfeng's face.

Fast million deaths.

Body and soul are dead.

And the kind that cannot be resurrected.

In addition, in his last desperate fight, he did not activate the space ability, so the boots were still worn on his feet when he died.

It's cheaper in summer.

This pair of boots should have a lot of capabilities.

I plan to do some research in the summer.

"Now the trackers in their team can't be resurrected for the time being, and the fastest one is dead again. It's not difficult for the other people to defeat them one by one, but it would be better if I could find the source of the tower's power. I can still Watch a good show!!" Xia Xia's face showed a slight smile.

This ten-member slaughter team is indeed powerful.


That is to prepare the other party and fight the other party head-on.

How could summer give each other such an opportunity.

He just wants to nibble each other one by one.

The chasing Killer Squad stopped.

Gao Wanxiong looked at the life jade slip in his hand with an incredible look.


is completely broken.

This means that Su Yi has died and cannot be resurrected: "How can this happen!!"

"This summer is weird. According to what we know, it is impossible for him to kill the old ten!!!" Second Brother Bai reminded.

In his opinion.

The speed of the old ten is so fast, even if he can't beat it, it is still no problem to escape.

"It seems that Xia Xia's information is not only wrong, but also has a big problem!!!" Gao Wanxiong believes that if Xia Xia's information is accurate, then it is absolutely impossible for them to become like this.

Haven't officially met yet.

Two of them died.

Although the wind can be resurrected.

But it doesn't come in handy for now.

"It can't be separated!!" Second brother Bai has already guessed Xia Xia's tactics: "According to the information we have learned, he is very good at breaking down one by one. Our misunderstanding in the past is that even if it is a heads-up, our people can't kill them. I got him, but at least I can entangle him, but after these few collisions, it has been confirmed that Xia Xia has the ability to kill us alone, although the consumption of these means may be very large, but as long as he Get away from us, we want to kill him, it's almost impossible."

"Blame me, the battle plan at the beginning was wrong, so this kind of thing will happen later!!" Gao Wanxiong was the leader of the team. Now that this situation occurs, it is the problem of his command.

"But now there is still a problem, that is, if we move forward together, it is impossible for him to take the bait!!" The third son said depressedly.

They want to kill Xia Xia, so if they keep chasing it, it is not a solution.

"Xia Xia has grasped our anxious mentality, so he will use this matter to force us to rush up and let him break them one by one. In fact, he also wants to kill us, so we just need to be careful and not give him a chance. That's it." The fourth young man said.

"No, he is the one being chased and killed. He can keep running. If we don't give him a chance, he will run. In this case, we will never be able to catch up with him. This place is not very far from the territory of the immortal beast clan. Far away, if he goes to the immortal beast clan, it will be really troublesome!" Second Brother Bai shook his head.

"The second child is right, we can't be passive." Gao Wanxiong understood how important this mission was.

If the last summer escapes from him.

Then he would have no face to return to the Celestial Clan.

The crowd was also silent.

"We have ten brothers who have been forming a team for more than 100,000 years. Although we have encountered many dangers, at least we are still alive. This time, the old ten died. It can be said that it is the worst time for us. , Now even if we kill Xia Xia, after we go back, we are equally unworthy of pride, but if we fail, then the old ten will die in vain, I still say that, even if we all die, the task must be completed !!!" Gao Wanxiong took a step forward after finishing speaking: "This I am the bait!!!"

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He has already decided.

Be the bait yourself.

"Boss, then..."

"If I die, the second child will call the shots!!" Gao Wanxiong said very seriously.

"Yes!!!" The morale of everyone was also greatly improved.

In fact, it was indeed the information of the Celestial Clan that went wrong. If the information that the Celestial Clan had was what they knew now, the team sent by the Celestial Clan would definitely not be theirs.

but a stronger team.

Although their mission completion rate is in the top three.

But the task they completed was not the most difficult.

"Kill, chase me at full speed!!" Gao Wanxiong shouted loudly.

Knowing that Xia Xia was planning on them, they also wanted to go, because they had no way out. If they went back like this, their 100% win rate would not exist, and one would die, which is huge for them. shame.

The high priest must also be very disappointed in them.


They sealed their own back.

Even if there is one last person left in the fight.

They must also charge up.

Ten Venerables.

It is definitely the pinnacle of existence in Shenzhou. Even in the Celestial Clan, it takes countless resources to cultivate.

"They are here again, and they are still charging alone, and the others are behind!!!" Hongfeng reminded.

"It seems that they are afraid that I won't take the bait, so they deliberately give me bait." Xia Xia already understood what the other party meant.

"Since it's been delivered to the door, let's keep it!!"

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