The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1584: scientific test product

"Misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding, we are called summer by a..."


Just halfway through his words, the man who had stopped immediately launched a surprise attack on him. The powerful attack power instantly broke through his layer of Venerable Armor.

"Damn, I haven't finished my words yet!!" Brother Bai shouted.

These people stopped just now, but now they actually attacked him directly. Obviously, the other party didn't listen to him carefully. The stop from the very beginning was a bait.

"Even the people from the Celestial Clan can't take action on our Tongtian Tower. If you do this, you are fighting our Tongtian Tower. Since you want to fight, then all die here!!" These people in the Tongtian Tower are very violent, and Very bloodthirsty.

their beliefs.

Their protection, their lifeblood was destroyed.

How can they not be angry.

These six people.

are the six top fighters of the Babel Tower.

They are all in the same position as Qinghu and Zihun. However, the six of them are the strongest among the top ten warriors. Only with such identities are they worthy of guarding here.

But now.

It's people like them.

They didn't protect what they had to protect with their lives.

How can they not be angry.

"It's all said, we didn't do it? It was done by the person called Xia Xia who pretended to be us!!!" Second brother Bai wanted to explain.

But the other party didn't listen at all.

"Do you think we are fools? If it's disguised, we won't be able to see it?" The six top fighters of the Babel Tower are all very proud people. They haven't sensed any breath from Xia Xia before, and When they just played against Sanzi, Sanzi's breath made them instinctively think that Sanzi was the person they were looking for.

So it has become an instinct.


All of this is planned for the summer.

From the beginning, summer has calculated everything.


These six people have already determined that it is the people in front of them who did it, and they believe that only the people of the Celestial Clan can do all this, and only the people of the Celestial Clan can find this place and have a way to approach this place silently.

"There's no other way, use all means to kill them all." Second brother Bai can understand, it's useless to reason now.

The people in front of them don't listen to their reasoning at all.

Array Lao Liu didn't talk nonsense, and in an instant, he threw out all the array plates on his body.

The countless arrays are terrifying.

"Get out!!!"

at the same time.

Light thorns appeared in their hands!

Light thorns are used for raids. For example, if a light thorn is thrown into the middle of a team of 100,000 people, the team of 100,000 people will almost be wiped out. If nothing else, all of them will survive. It can't come down, and it is full of penetrating power. If there is a little gap, you can penetrate it! ! !

By the way, the app I've been using recently, [\\mi\\mi\\reading\\app\\\\] caches reading and reads it offline!

It was thrown directly into the middle of the six people.

The six light thorns exploded in an instant.

The power is very terrifying, and it is a surprise attack. None of the six people reacted. They also hurriedly wanted to resist and defend.

"Continue!!" Brother Bai shouted.

Light Cannon!

Six people, each with a light cannon! !

The light cannon is a powerful weapon. It is only the size of a slap. A light cannon can only be released once, but the power of one time is very terrifying. Star Strike is even more against the sky! !

There are light thorns constantly raiding in the middle.

There is a light cannon release in front.

Even the attack of six people is against the sky.

They also can't fully withstand this power.

This caused their Exalted armor to begin to crack.

at the same time! !

"Liu Liu!!" Second Brother Bai shouted.

light array.

There are several types of light arrays, there are sneak attack, attack, defense, and trapping, all of which are smooth, and the level is also very high, so this is very terrifying in battle. , something that could even change the course of a battle.

The light array at this time.

In the hands of Array Sixth, it has played a role against the sky, so to speak.

The six people who were still very strong just now have suddenly become passive.

"Damn, it's a scientific test item of the Tianzu, everyone be careful, they still have light arrows!!!" The man in the lead shouted.

They are people from the Tongtian Tower, and they still have a certain understanding of the things of the Tianzu, including the scientific experiments of the Tianzu. The reversal, and they haven't seen each other's light arrows yet.

That's a sneak attack weapon.

"Want to see the light arrow? Then wait until you die!!" Second brother Bai is also very upset now.

If they were the heyday team.

These six people, they are not afraid at all.


All of their abilities are used in the summer, but now, they can only be used on these six people.

"If you want to kill us, you're still a little too young!!" Although the six of them were caught off guard, the six of them are also the top soldiers of the Tongtian Tower. People like them, outside, are all top-level experts who can establish a school.

And their immortal explosion power is also very terrifying.


The battle between the two sides began to stalemate.

On the side of the Killer Squad, there is a doctor, a magician, a person who controls the ability of the system, and a perceiver.

Although they are not people who fight directly, the role they play is very terrifying.

Especially when they work together.

Simply seamless.

"No, second brother, it's not good for us to continue fighting like this. We consume so much, even if we encounter summer, it will be difficult for us to kill him, and we can't consume any more!!" Sanzi reminded.

"I also know this, but there is no other way now. The other party believes that we did it, and they won't listen to how I explain it!!" Second Brother Bai reminded.

"I stay, you go!!" said the third son.


"Second brother, I just delayed them for a while, and then committed suicide, then you can resurrect me!!" said the third son.


"It's nothing to worry about, have you forgotten what Big Brother said? You can't let Big Brother and Old Shibai die, and have you forgotten that this mission was arranged by the High Priest himself? We can't fail!!" Sanzi looked Brother Bai said.

"Okay!!" Second brother Bai also gave everyone a signal at the first time.

When everyone heard the news, they were also surprised, but the Killer Squad must listen to the leader's words, and they were also preparing to retreat.

"Sixth, keep some more formations!!!" Second brother Bai made his last struggle.

"Farewell, brother!!" The three sons looked at the retreating figures with a firm expression on their faces.

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