The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1585: can fight back

"Do you think you can escape?" Those people in the Tongtian Tower are not easy to provoke.

"With me here, you can't catch up!!" The third son also stopped in front of everyone.

"Then kill you first!!!" The six rushed directly to the third son.


All kinds of killer moves.

Although the third son's combat effectiveness is also very strong, he can be besieged by the six top masters on the opposite side. Now he can't bear it anymore, and the pressure he bears is very high.

Moreover, the repaired Venerable armor on his body is not very strong in defense.


Several layers of Venerable Armor were completely broken.

"You don't think that a few of us will give you a chance to resurrect, do you?" The six looked at the third son with disdain.

There was a bloodthirsty look on the third son's face: "I never thought that I would be able to leave the hands of the six of you alive, but if you want to kill me, you must pay some price."

"He's blowing himself up!!!" The six people understood what Sanzi wanted to do.


The six retreated at the same time.

at the same time.

They used Starbreaker Strike and Sealing!

The attack of destruction was launched.

The powerful explosive force destroyed all the nearby stars.

Sensing such a huge lethality, the rest of the Killer Squad stopped, and they all understood what happened behind.

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Brother Bai had a trace of fantasy and looked at the jade slip of life in his palm.

Broken! !

"Damn, we must kill all these people!!!" Shi Laojiu shouted.

"Go!!" Brother Bai shouted.

Although they were very unwilling, they must cherish the time the three sons bought them with their lives.

Xia Xia, who was cultivating Immortal Blast, also sensed the destructive power: "It seems that they fought very fiercely. Such a terrifying attack should be dead!!"

"Those six people are really powerful. It seems that the Tongtian Water Mirror you destroyed this time is their most precious thing, that's why they are fighting for their lives with the subordinates of the Celestial Clan!!" Hongfeng also understood, the two sides This is a life-threatening attack, otherwise, it would not have launched such a destructive attack.

"Let's fight, it's better if everyone is dead!!" Xia Xia and both sides have hatred.

So it's good for him that these people are dead.


In the eyes of outsiders, they are high, admired and worshipped existences, but in the eyes of Xia Tian, ​​they are the same.

Keep practicing.

Eight thousand immortal explosions, but Xia's most exciting ability right now.

If he can fully grasp it.

How terrifying the power will be.

Xia Xia is constantly cultivating, while on the other side, the second brother Bai and the others are fleeing. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to escape directly when they are tracked by six top masters. The escape is not difficult.

"When have we been so aggrieved?" the fourth young man said angrily.

That's right.

Since the establishment of their slaughter team, they have been chasing and killing others. Although they have also died, they can be resurrected. But now, they already have three dead people who cannot be resurrected. Not unexpectedly.

Team of ten.

There are now six left.

"Don't be impulsive, the mission is the most important, what we have to do now is to kill Xia Xia, kill Xia Xia first, and then we will go for revenge!!!" Second brother Bai has already thought about it, after killing Xia Xia, they will go to Tongtian Tower revenge, then they will not only kill the six people just now, but also kill all the people who can be contacted by this tower!

This hatred.

Must report.

Everyone clenched their fists.

The other side!

The six venerable warriors have also been searching for the Killer Squad.

"Damn, where are these guys hiding?"

"No, we must find them quickly. The tower owner already knows what's going on here. If we don't kill them all, how can we explain to the tower owner!!!"

The interior of a Tongtian Tower can be divided into: a tower master, two tower statues, and there are ten venerable warriors under each tower statue! !

All six of them are venerable warriors.

above them.

There are also two towers.

A tower owner.

Now that such a big thing has happened, it is impossible for even the tower owner not to be shaken.

The six of them failed to protect the Tongtian Water Mirror, which was a big sin.

Now they also want a quick remedy.

"I think the tower is already on the way, but I don't know whether it is the black tower or the white tower!!!" The leader of the venerable warrior said with emotion.

"This time is miserable!!" They all shook their heads.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and find someone!!!"

They are also constantly searching there, wanting to find the Killer Squad as soon as possible.

Xia Xia is constantly cultivating eight thousand immortal explosions.

Very smooth.

"The consumption is getting bigger and bigger, and the backlash is getting stronger and stronger. If it weren't for the Law of the Moon and my powerful body comparable to the ninety-ninth level of the I would not be able to bear it. !!" Xia Xia can see that Xian Bang really can't be practiced by everyone, let alone used by everyone.

When using Xiaoxian Blast normally, the backlash to the body can be ignored.

You can use a large number of immortal explosions, even if you are a venerable one, you are also consuming your own life.

"I can cultivate 8,000 Immortal Bursts, but the big problem now is that if I hit 8,000 Immortal Bursts once, the power of the Law of the Sun accumulated in my body will be instantly emptied!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"You can use the Law of the Stars. Your Law of the Stars and the Law of the Moon are supported by your clones. You can use your clones to absorb power and play them quickly, so that you will not lose the power originally stored in your clones, but you can also hit the explosive twice. Power!!" Hongfeng reminded.

"That is to say, I can play the law of the sun with 8,000 immortal explosions once, and the law of stars with 8,000 immortal explosions twice!!!" Xia Xia said.

"That's right, but your Law of Water and Law of Light will be too different, only enough to play 6,000 times once and it will be exhausted!!!" Hong Feng reminded.


"It's not bad, 6,000 times is a lot of consumption!!" Xia Tian believes that 6,000 times is enough to kill a lot of people.

"Only now do I know how powerful the Jie Wang Jue is. It holds so much power that it allows you to unleash power that others can't at critical moments, and your Venerable's 99th-level body can also help you resist everything. The Law of the Moon can be directly repaired, and now if the source of the earth can be used, it will be awesome!!!" Hongfeng said with emotion.

"Don't think so much, it's enough!!" Xia Xia glanced at his fist: "Next, it's my hunting time!!"

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