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Chapter 1603: Soul Purple Qi

Summer came to the Scarlet Forest.

He glanced at the current Scarlet Forest. After successive battles, the current situation in the Scarlet Forest is not very good. The rules are even more diluted, and there are wars everywhere.

Fortunately, there are still several major forces gradually stabilizing the situation.

It won't be long.

They can control the scene here.

"Is that person the second spirit of Hei Xiaoying?" Hongfeng asked suddenly.

Others couldn't see this spirit before, but they saw it at the time, and this woman had protected Hei Xiaoying before.

However, she has an inexplicable relationship with Tianlong, Xia's father.

Now she is independent.

Totally an independent person.

To know.

This kind of thing is almost difficult. Even the previous voiceless heart demon, after so long, has only succeeded a little, unless it is to choose the method of seizing the body, relying on one's own soul, to quickly obtain the body, this kind of thing is hard.

"No, she is not a normal body, but a body of soul, but it is a body composed of hundreds of millions of souls, so when we see her, we will feel that she is no different from a normal person!" Xia Xia reacted.

The woman also apparently saw Xia Xia: "Stinky boy, did you recognize me?"

"That's it!" Summer said.

"I knew you were not easy kid." The woman looked over at Xia Tian and said, "You were just wondering how my body appeared, right?"

"Yeah!" Summer said.

"I am from the Soul Clan. This is my Soul Clan secret skill. Back then, I did some betrayal of the Heavenly Clan for Tianlong, so I had to die, so I used this method to fake death!!" the woman explained.


"You used to be from the Celestial Clan?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"No, I used to be a member of the Killer Squad, not a real Celestial Clan, but our squad is of a very high status. Later, I betrayed the squad for the sake of Tianlong, causing the other squads to be wiped out. Our own squad also has two A brother was killed by Tianlong!" The woman did not hide her past.

She and Xia are no longer strangers.

fought together.

She can be regarded as someone who has seen summer.

So there is no hiding of these things.

"The Killer Squad!!" Xia Xia was also taken aback when he heard the title.

"Contact?" the woman asked.

"I just killed one!!" Xia Xia said.

"It's amazing, you can actually destroy a slayer team, you know, the slaughter team is not easy to mess with!!" The woman praised.

"It's not easy to mess with, but I'm even more difficult to mess with!!" Xia Tian's words were not bragging.

Although the process of his killing the Killer Squad was not very glorious, in this world, it only depends on the result, and the result is that he won.

"Don't be too happy, since the Celestial Clan has already sent a slayer team, they will never let it go. If you can kill a slaughter team, then they also guess that you are not easy, the team sent out next time. It will only be stronger, and the people sent will only be stronger." The woman reminded.

No one knows better than her what kind of existence the Celestial Clan is.

Celestials do things.

That is strength.

"They come, I will follow, no matter how many people come, whoever they are, I will make them come and go!!" Xia Xia said very domineeringly.

Heavenly people.

how much to come.

How much did he kill.

"It's not as simple as you think. The Celestial Clan can rule the Divine State for hundreds of millions of years. Naturally, there is his reason. The team they sent this time must be completely above everything else. If the team that came this time is my previous team. Brothers of those teams, you are dead!!" the woman reminded.

She could see it.

Summer is a capable person.

She also appreciates summer.

That's why she reminds summer of these things.

"Since you have such a high opinion of your brothers, maybe we have a lot of fate, and they are the ones who came this time!!" Xia Xia looked at the woman: "You won't help them deal with me together, will you?"

"Then it depends on my mood." The woman joked.

"No, I'm going to kill you now to avoid future troubles!!" Xia Xia also joked.

"I and they have long since renounced our friendship. The enmity between us was not so simple back then. Originally, the ten of us were all masters of the famous side of China, and they were notorious. The ten of us formed a team. , It wasn't that simple at the beginning, but after a few life-and-death struggles, our running-in was very good, and the relationship between us became deeper, but after the incident with Tianlong, I can understand them. They are all ruthless and unrighteous people, the hypocrisy at that time made me feel sick, so I broke with them directly and helped Tianlong kill two of them!!!" The woman simply explained the matter between her and Tianlong back then. a moment.

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"With your help and only killed two people, so it seems that your team back then was really not easy!!" Xia Xia thought that it would be useful for him to know more about the enemy of.

In case your luck is bad.

The next opponent you meet will be someone from that team.

Anyway, he is going to hit the Celestial Clan.

"Ten of us, originally belonged to the kind of people who did whatever they wanted in China, but people outside said we were all evil!!" the woman said.

"Although I haven't been in contact with you for a long time, it can be seen that you are still a relatively free and easy person!!" Xia Xia can be considered to have had some contact with women. During the contact, he learned that a woman's character is that A kind of person who dares to love and hate, not stick to small details.

"Our ten brothers at that time were: the eldest fairy, the second big mouth, the third fire ear, the fourth snake hand, the fifth dog, the sixth devil, the seventh ghost, the eight ice formation, the ninth Fengchuan, I am the Old Ten Soul Purple Qi!!”

Until now.

Only in the summer did he know that the other party was called Soul Purple Qi! !

"The eighth and the ninth are already dead. Their abilities were a threat to Tianlong, so we took the lead in killing them." Soul Zi explained.

"It doesn't sound like a serious human name!!" Xia Xia could hear it from the name.

These people are not serious people.

"The name actually has something to do with each person's ability. Let's put it this way, ten of us, a million years ago, have already become famous in China, and we are very famous. The ten of us have done a lot. Crazy thing, after following the Heavenly Clan, we even took on some missions that no one else dared to even look at. We had three failed missions in that year!!!”

"Such a strong team will fail. The enemy is very strong, right?"

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