The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1604: Xuanwu City

"The first one is to kill Haotian!!" Soul Ziqi said.


When I heard this, Xia Xia's face was black, these ten people actually chased and killed Haotian: "You go after him, or he kills you?"

"Failed in the end, ten of us, all of us are lucky, but ten of us are not easy to mess with, we fought with him for a long time, but he is too strong!!" Hun Ziqi shook his head.

Although they failed.

But their record is still very good.

Just ask China.

Who else rushed to hunt down Haotian.

Even if it is defeated, it is an honor.

"The second one that failed was Wuyin. This one failed miserably. Back then when we met Wuyin, Wuyin was at his peak, and we were defeated by him without much effort. At that time, he even had The ability to easily kill ten of us, but he didn't kill us!!" Soul Ziqi said.

"You guys are really crazy, don't you choose the top experts in China?" Xia Xia felt very speechless.

These two people selected by their squad.

One is the former number one expert in China.

One is the current number one master in China.

He is also beginning to wonder now, who was the third person who was defeated by Soul Ziqi back then.

"The third person is a woman, and her charm is unparalleled in the world. Even me, a woman, was tricked. In the end, she failed, and she fled to the territory of the fairy and beast clan." Soul Ziqi obviously felt this woman. Powerless.

Although the first two opponents they can't beat.

But at least they know their gaps and have goals.

Can be third.

They didn't even have a chance to fight.

It's all fascinated.

cause the task to fail.

"If they run into me, it will be the fourth time your team has failed!!" Xia Xia smiled slightly.

"Just take one out, it's hard if you want to kill the other party!!" Soul Ziqi glanced at Xia Xia.

"If you don't try it, how do you know if it will work?" Xia Xia walked forward: "Why don't you go after Tianlong?"

"He's so fast, he's still avoiding me, chasing after what, it's better to find a way to restore his realm first, and then continue to improve himself, sooner or later he can use me, and when he can use me, he will naturally Come find me yourself!!" Soul Ziqi explained.

"Then I wish you good luck!!" Xia Xia cupped her hands.

"I want to wish you good luck. I don't think we have the chance to meet again, because it is impossible for you to survive the pursuit of the Celestial Clan!!" Soul Ziqi did not believe in Xia Xia, but she Learn more about Heavenly Clan.

She knew how terrifying the Celestial Clan was.

No matter how many means there are in summer.

In front of the Celestial Clan, it is not worth mentioning.

"The more we know, the more we feel that the Celestial Clan is unattainable." Hongfeng said with emotion.

They knew very little before.

It felt that the Celestial Clan did not seem to have much ability, and it was no different from other forces, except that there were more masters, but as he knew more and more things, he also felt that the Celestial Clan became more and more tall.


What you see is just the tip of the iceberg.

If it were someone else, I would have given up long ago.

But Xia Xia never cared about this. He would never care how powerful the enemy was. He would only try to improve himself, make the distance between himself and the enemy smaller and smaller, and look for opportunities to kill each other.

Celestial clan is unattainable.

Even if the strength is increased tenfold in the summer, it is impossible for him to hit the front.

But he is a good brain man.

"The specific location of the Tiankeng has been obtained, shall we just go there?" Hongfeng waited for Xia's next instructions.

This summer, although the strength is strong.

In China, almost no one can hurt him casually, but in the same way, if he is of average strength, those top masters may not look down on him, but he is a person who has not yet reached the realm of the venerable. With such a defying ability, those top experts will also notice him.

Even trying to figure out his secrets.

The most indispensable thing in China is those masters who have been in a position for hundreds of thousands of years.

Under normal circumstances, they have no chance of breaking through at all.

"No, supply first. In this battle in the Scarlet Forest, although I have gained a lot of benefits, almost all of my resources have been used up. Since Tiankeng is one of the most dangerous places in China, we must prepare After I've had enough, I don't want to go wrong with my supplies." Summer has to make himself the best he can be.

Only in this case.

He can guarantee his own life.

No matter where you are, surviving is always the most important thing.

"It's time to replenish, and there are a lot of resources on your body, so let's go to the main city!" Hongfeng also saw that the battle in the summer is to throw money.

During the battle, all kinds of materials should be thrown forward without money.

This kind of fighting method is also summer. If you change to a son of another faction, you can't After a few battles, they smashed their father's coffin.

"I can't go to the main city, the teleportation of the main city is too convenient, if the pursuit of the Celestial Clan is out now, once I expose it, they will come very fast, I can only go to other big cities, and try not to expose it! !" Xia Xia has no supplies on her body right now.

He didn't want to encounter the enemy in this state.

"Fortunately, Senluo Wanxiang has the ability to automatically absorb treasures, so during the battle, I also received a lot of good things, and I should be able to sell them at a good price!" Hongfeng feels that the most defiant thing in summer is Senluo. Vientiane.

when someone else is fighting.

Many times there is simply no time or opportunity to grab the spoils.

And summer just fly by.

Everything can be put away directly.

He absorbed the spoils that others had fought for a long time, and even when he was running away, Senluo Wanxiang would automatically absorb the treasures that might exist around him.

"According to the map, there is a Xuanwu city ahead, which is a big city." Hongfeng reminded.

"That's it!!" Xia Xia's body disappeared in place.

The origin of the earth! !

After having the source of earth, since Xia had the source of earth, I haven't used it much in battle, but the speed of rushing is really fast.

"In this chaotic world now, this city is fairly well-behaved!!" Xia Tian glanced at the city, it was very peaceful, all kinds of businesses were very prosperous, and no one was making trouble. Compared with the Scarlet Forest, this place is really peaceful. place.

In the Scarlet Forest area.

There are fights everywhere.

"Heavenly people?"

As soon as he entered the city, Hongfeng saw a Celestial Clan man.

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