The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1605: snake hand

At this moment, in front of them, a man was wearing a halo.

I was wandering on the street, and I was walking very arrogantly. I saw fruits and various foods on the side of the road. I picked it up and ate it. I threw away half of it. When I saw something I liked, I picked it up and took it away.

The people in the shops next to them didn't dare to say anything.

Watch him leave like this.

That's right.

The people of the Celestial Clan have an absolute position in China. No matter what they do, no one will dare to say anything.

"No, his halo is fake!!" Xia Tian saw the problem at a glance.

This Celestial Clan is fake.

That is to say.

This person is pretending to be from the Celestial Clan, swindling everywhere.

"There is still such a person who goes out to deceive people with the name of a Celestial Clan, but because everyone thinks that no one dares to pretend to be a Celestial Clan, no one doubts him!!" Hong Feng said with emotion.

he thinks.

Normal people see the halo.

Think of it as a celestial being.

Even if there is a little doubt, they dare not question.

After all, if the Celestials killed them, they wouldn't dare to say anything.

"No, the attitude of the people here towards him is not simple!" Xia Xia discovered that the people here did not dislike him as much as they did to the Celestials.

Although the people of Shenzhou did not dare to rebel against the people of the Celestial Clan.

But there is still contempt and displeasure behind it.

But this man is here to harm their things, but they don't despise them at all, but they look like they are watching the fun, with a smile on their faces.

"It seems that something is really wrong!!" Hongfeng also found out.

The people around him seemed to treat him differently.

"Friend, are those from the Celestial Clan?" Xia Xia ran to a shop and asked the boss next to him.

"It's from out of town!!" The boss glanced at Xia Xia.

"Yeah!!" Summer nodded.

"That's the hero of our Xuanwu City. Without him, Xuanwu City would have been destroyed!!" the boss explained.


When he heard this, Xia Xia realized that he was a hero, so when the boss here saw him, not only did he not despise him, but he laughed.

"No wonder I don't see the slightest bit of anger from you!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"All the bosses of Xuanwu City are the old people of Xuanwu City, there are no outsiders and no newcomers, so even if he destroys our place, the people here will not have any complaints. Without him, our family would have long been If you're dead, there's no need to say that you can still spend your birthday here." The boss smiled.

Obviously a very happy feeling.

"Then what's with the halo on his head?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"In that incident, he was seriously injured, and his IQ is not high now. He only remembers that he wants to protect this place, and only the Celestials can protect everything, so he imagined himself as a Celestial, the halo is him I made it myself!!" The boss explained very patiently.

Obviously they also hope that people from outside can respect this man.

"But if he does, won't the Celestial Clan people care?" Xia Xia didn't think the Celestial Clan people could tolerate others pretending to be them.

"In the battle that year, the Celestials also participated, but there were many twists and turns. How should I put it, our Xuanwu City should be the only city in China that is not controlled by the Celestials. Whatever happens here, the Celestials will not care! !!" said the boss.


"It's the first time I've heard of this kind of city. Isn't this city dangerous?" Xia Xia asked.

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Although there is no control from the Celestial Clan, the people here can be more free, but in the same way, if someone comes to slaughter the city, the Celestial Clan will not care, then others should not have any worries.

"I don't know!!" The boss shook his head.

In the summer, I briefly chatted with the boss, and then sold some materials here.

Then leave.

He started selling materials all over the city.

Each store sells some.

In the end, the entire Xuanwu City, 100,000 shops, were all run over by him.

Finally got the fairy crystal.

one trillion.

These fairy crystals were exchanged for various combat resources.

"One trillion resources is not a lot. If there is a real fight, or trouble arises, it won't take many days!!" Hongfeng said with emotion.

In the previous summer, when everyone was together, and then threw the array disks, that is, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of array disks flew out.

It is equivalent to throwing out billions of immortal crystals at once.

Medicine pills do not need money to eat.

"After these battles, there are now 1,500 Jie Wang Pills and 30 Great Realm Pills. This is a big gain. If you find Thirteen and the others, you can quickly improve their strength!!" Xia Xia said with emotion road.

He's been through a lot of battles lately.

Therefore, the number of condensed realm king pills is also very large.

And there's a lot of waste in between.

Otherwise, more power may be gathered.

"I can't contact them for the time being, but they should be safe. I suspect that they must be targeted by some force, and the forces that can target all of should be not small, but Because of your existence, that force does not dare to touch them, it is impossible for us to find such a force, but maybe the other party will find you in the future." Hongfeng meant to let Xia Xia wait.

Wait for someone to come to him.


"Let's go, it's time for us to go to the tiankeng. It's more dangerous there. We could have walked on the path, but now we can only go by ourselves!!" Xia Xia packed up everything, and the next day is when he should go to the tiankeng. .

After going to Tiankeng.

He should think about how to fight the Celestial Clan.

The moment of decisive battle.

It was getting closer and closer to him.


When Xia Xia wanted to leave, a figure fell in front of him.

This person just stood less than one meter in front of Xia Xia.

His eyes were fixed on him.

This person looks very weird, with a pair of snake eyes, when he opened his mouth, he actually spit out a snake letter: "You are summer, it doesn't look very good."


Hearing the other party's words, Xia Xia understood that the other party was coming for him.

At the same time he looked at each other's hands.

"If I guessed correctly, you should be the fourth child of the Sky Clan Killer Squad, Snake Hand!!" Xia Xia felt that this world was really a coincidence.

He just finished chatting with Soul Ziqi.

As a result, I really met these brothers of Soul Purple Qi.

Of course.

He now also wants the other party to say that he is not.

Because he understands.

Those brothers of Soul Purple Qi are not easy to mess with.

"You actually know me, it seems that I still underestimate you!!" Snake hand gave Xia Xia a positive answer.


When hearing this.

Xia Tian sighed: "After all, I can't hide!!!"

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