The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1611: we can't go

Summer eyes see.

All the people who died in Xuanwu City turned into souls, not divine souls, but pure souls, floating above Xuanwu City.

If not at this angle.

He would never see such a situation.

And after these souls were shattered by scattered attacks, they began to condense again.

All kinds of things, close!

He put the boy away.

I want to take a good look at the following situation: "How do these souls keep going?"

watched for a while.

Discovered in summer.

After the people below died, they all turned into souls.

Immortal! !

"Summer, I know you must not have gone far. If you don't come back, my brothers will kill everyone in this city one by one, and it is absolutely the most cruel. No matter men, women and children, their death is definitely You've never heard of it!!" Snake Hand shouted with a loud megaphone.

Xia Xia's eyes were always looking at Xuanwu City below.

The following is very miserable.

The Snake Hand didn't kill those people, but the new one began to kill. This man's methods were more ruthless than the Snake Hand's before.

It is simply to turn Xuanwu City into a purgatory.

"Hell is empty, the devil is in the world!!" Xia Xia's eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Don't want to go?" Hong Feng asked.


"Since I came to Shenzhou, I've been on the run almost all the time. I've been on the run for so long, I don't want to run away anymore!!!" Xia Xia's body flashed, he found a safe place and put the boy down.

Then rushed back to Xuanwu City! !

"Snake Hand, I'm back!!!" Xia Xia shouted loudly.

Ha ha ha ha!

"Summer, I knew you would definitely come back!!!" Snake Hand shouted excitedly.

"How about we make a deal?" Xia Tian asked.

"Do you want me to release the people here?" Snake hand directly guessed Xia Xia's thoughts. He knew that Xia Xia must be worried about the people here, so he came back.


"That's right, my transaction is very simple. You let the people in Xuanwu City go. Let's find a place to fight. I will never run away, how about that?" Xia Xia asked.

He doesn't want more innocent people to die.

"No!!" The man next to the snake hand spoke first: "I haven't played enough, I won't stop until I kill them all!!"

Xia Tian glanced at Snake Hand: "Aren't you going to introduce me?"

"My name is Dog Foot!!!"

"Aren't you here to kill me?" Xia Xia asked.

"Killing you is just our task. This kind of task is not difficult for our brothers, but there are very few opportunities to come out and play like this!!!" Inuzu said.

"Usually there are many problems when we want to kill you, but in the process of killing you, if you accidentally kill some people, the Celestial Clan will not care, and other forces will not interfere casually!!!" Snake Hand explained. .

"Brothers in Xuanwu City, listen, I will open the formation here, you should escape separately, don't look back!!" Xia Xia raised his finger upwards.

Destroy the fairy finger! !

Summer's fingers point into the air.

Endless power began to gather in Xia Xia's fingers.


The ripples began to ripple.

Endless power spreads out.


The formation is broken.

The formation that shrouded Xuanwu City was destroyed like this, the formation was destroyed, and the people inside could come out. This is the channel opened for them by Xia Xia: "Let's go, everyone goes separately, don't stay. it's here!!"

It was the last thing he could do for these people.


When the people in Xiaxia Fantasy City could escape, he suddenly discovered that there was no one who escaped in the sky.


They also flew to the summer here.

"Mr. Xia, you underestimate our people in Xuanwu City. If you are the kind of perfidious person, our people in Xuanwu City will betray you without hesitation, but if you are a person who values ​​love and righteousness, then we The people of Xuanwu City are willing to die for you!!" Those people in Xuanwu City shouted loudly.


They began to kill the snake hand and the dog's foot.

Countless figures carried out suicide attacks.

"Are you crazy?" Summer shouted.

After he came to Shenzhou, it was the first time he saw such a city. The people in this city had clear grievances.

Very polite.

But it is precisely because of this that Xia Xia couldn't even see them die.

"Mr. Xia, this is Shenzhou, aren't you a little too glassy!!" A person from Xuanwu City walked to Xia's side.

"But it's worthless for everyone to die like this!!" Xia Xia frowned.

"Our people in Xuanwu City can't leave here. They can only be freed by dying!!" After that person finished speaking, he also killed him.


Hongfeng seemed to have thought of something.

"Not only their souls can't leave Xuanwu City, but people can't leave Xuanwu City!!!" Hongfeng reminded.

"Forget it, since everyone is ready to die, I'll be too petty!!" Xia Xia waved his right hand, and the Tianhan Sword appeared in his hand again.

this moment.

He doesn't want anything.

It is the people who want to kill the two killer squads in front of them.


Xia Xia didn't care about the people around but directly killed the snake hand in front of him.


Countless pythons rushed out and were cut off one by one by Xia Xia.

The law of the day!



Those little snakes were frozen on the outside and started to burn inside.

Burnt out.

"The law of the sun is really troublesome!!!" Snake hand frowned, this kind of law of the sun is used well, it is his nemesis.

Summer's mastery of the laws of the sun is nothing short of perfect.

The Tianhan Sword stabbed the snake hand directly.

"It's useless, your attack is nothing to me at all..."


Eight thousand immortal explosions!

He just finished speaking.

The endless law of the sun instantly attacked his Venerable Armor.


At this moment, the venerable armor shattered three layers!

"Damn, Immortal Explosion!!!" Snake Hand never thought that there would be such a hand in the summer.

"You idiot, the boss has already given you information, and his information shows that he will be a fairy, why don't you read it!!" Inuzu cursed.

That's right.

Although the last slayer team was wiped out by Xia Tuan, that slaughter team still collected a lot of useful information.

Including summer fairy explosions.

Before he could react.

The second attack in the summer has already been played.

Destroy the fairy finger! !


the same moment.

Although the snake hand has made a defense, the attack of the exterminating immortal finger is not so easy to defend.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

His body was thrown upside down.

"It's over!!" Xia Xia resisted the pain on his body and hit his attack again.

Immortal explosion 6,000 times, the law of the stars! ! !

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