The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1612: 3 fairy skills

Xia Xia wanted to kill the opponent directly before the power of the Exterminating Immortal Finger dissipated.


at this time.

The body of the snake hand turned into a giant python.


The python was directly smashed.

The snake hand climbed out of the python: "My darling, no wonder you can kill that slaughter team, not only can you hit two high-level immortal explosions in a row, but you can also use such terrifying immortal skills. , and even has the power of the spirit in it!!!”

There was a playful look on his face.

Just that moment.

Really dangerous.

"I finally understand why Soul Ziqi said that her brothers are not simple anymore." Hongfeng said with emotion.


The set of moves just now in the summer is enough to kill a top player in seconds.

He even counted the support of the dog next to him.

Even if the dog foot has just supported, he has a way to block the dog foot.

But even in that situation, Dogfoot didn't even look here, as if he had regained confidence in Snakehand.

The same is true.

When Snake Hand shattered the five and a half layers of Venerable Armor, he successfully avoided Xia Xia's last killing move, and successfully analyzed Xia Xia's ability.

"What a troublesome opponent!!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

Snake hand also began to look at Xia Xia again: "No wonder people say you are a monster, it's not easy to handle, now it seems that I really need some effort to kill you."

Although his venerable armor has broken five and a half layers.

But he didn't panic at all.

Still a confident look.

This is the real master.

"It seems that you are confident that one person can kill me!!!" Xia Xia understood, from beginning to end, the snake hand wanted someone to kill him, but didn't plan to delay time, etc. Teammate support.

"That's natural, I finally got the lottery, how could I let the other **** take it!!!" Snake said directly.

from their perspective.

This is a joke.

They didn't see Summer as their opponent at all.

This is the strongest team in the Killer Squad.

"Okay, then let me see what else you can do, but you have to be careful, don't let me seize the opportunity, or I will definitely kill you!!" Xia Xia looked at the man in front of him. Snake hand.

Ha ha ha ha!

"Whoever is young is not frivolous. I was crazy when I was your age. Back then, when I was a half-step sage, I could kill the masters below the 30-star sage. During that time, it was really unbelievable. I know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, and after I reached the realm of the Venerable, I was even more challenged by leaps and bounds, very similar to you now, thinking that if you have some skills, you will be invincible in the world." Snake hand thinks that Xia Xia is still in the state he was in that year.

So he is now a comer.

A person who comes to see the past self.

Naturally, it was ignored.

"Really?" Xia Xia likes this kind of conceited opponent the most. He admits that the strength of the Snake Hand and other people of the same level are not the same concept at all, but everyone has shortcomings.

Just find each other's shortcomings.

That can create a breach.

Using this breakthrough, you can completely smash the enemy.

"Snake Hand, don't forget, half an hour has passed now, you only have one hour in total, and after one hour, we will draw lots again!!" Dog Zu reminded.

When hearing this.

Summer also understands.

I only have half an hour to kill the snake hand, but since the other party is counting down, then the other party should be more anxious than himself, and he can also grasp this point.

But the same.

He heard Canuji's words, which meant that the other brothers were all nearby.

we can even say.

Just watching the fun from the side, but he didn't find those people.

"What a bunch of troublesome guys!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"These brothers, each of them is the top group of people in China. Although they are definitely not the opponents of the top players, they are definitely the kind of existence that can fight. If If you guessed correctly, they should all have been to that battlefield!!" Hongfeng reminded.

That battlefield!

Little is known about summer now.

But what is certain is that those who came back from that battlefield have mastered immortal skills and are top-level immortal skills.

And all of them do not rely solely on the strength of the Venerable to fight.

"This time, I can also see the world well and stop being that frog at the bottom of the well!!" Xia Xia's eyes were full of fighting intent.

"If you can kill a few of them, then in Shenzhou, unless the top masters have no opponents for you, even the Celestial Clan will have no use in chasing you!!" Hongfeng naturally clear.

This battle is very important for the summer.

because of this battle.

It will completely establish the status of summer in China.

Although he is also very strong now, most of the masters in China are not his opponents, but he does not have the ability to completely surpass other masters.

But if he can kill these people.

That's in China.

Not many people can kill him.

Even if there are some.

Those people won't just shoot for example.


He must have the ability to kill Xia Xia, although he is also a member of the Celestial Clan, and he is a sacrifice to the Celestial Clan, but he will never come to chase and kill Xia Xia casually.


The snake hand attacked the summer again.

However, before his attack touched Xia Xia, he was blocked, and at the same time, his body was kicked out.

"What?" Snake Hand was a little surprised this time.

standing there in summer.

No hands on at all.

But he was blocked.


The second attack killed Xia Xia, and the result was the same, still blocked! !

"It's the world? No, it's a formation? It's not right, it's an enchantment? It's not right!!!" Snake Hand muttered to himself, and soon his eyes lit up: "It's an immortal skill, you actually mastered it. Three immortal skills, and they have all practiced to this point!!!"


Excited! !

Snake Hand is really excited now: "A person who has not yet reached the realm of the Venerable, actually mastered three immortal skills, each of which is so powerful, it seems that your luck is really against the sky. !!"

"Your knowledge is not bad, I've only just started!!" A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.

"My immortal skill is called Giant Python. It can transform into a giant python and transfer damage when fighting. That is to say, as long as my strength is enough, I will always be immortal. , I don't care at all!!!" Snake hand introduced his immortal skills.

At the same time he looked towards the summer.

"My first immortal skill, Immortal Explosion, was stolen from the Tongtian Tower; the second one, the Exterminating Immortal Finger, was learned by me on the third floor of the Moon Palace; the third one, Silent, was learned by me in the Scarlet Forest. District got it!!!”

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