The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1613: been eaten

Xia Xia didn't hide it. Immortal skills are just a means. The other party will be able to see it soon.

"It's incredible, it's incredible, if people like you are allowed to continue cultivating, then you will be the next Haotian!!!" Snake Hand praised.

He is praising Summer from the heart.

"Snake Hand, can you do it? No, I'll come. This kid not only knows how to explode, but also has been to the Moon Palace. He also has the ability to have no sound. I want to see it!!" Inuzu was obviously a little excited. .

"You are not allowed to interfere, half an hour is enough for me to deal with him, let me play for a while!!" Snake hand is still thinking about playing.

In his opinion.

I'm just playing now.

Although Xia Tian's ability is good, he has also mastered three immortal skills.

But things haven't changed at all.

Xia Xia is still just a person who is not in the realm of Venerable, although there are many means.

But no matter how many means, it is impossible to defeat him, who has an immortal body.


The summer saw the opportunity and directly hit the snake hand.

The body of the snake hand turned into a giant python again!


He doesn't need his Venerable Armor to fight hard now. When he feels the crisis, he uses his avatar to disintegrate Xia Xia's attack.

Although this consumption is not small.

But his control is very strong, and the various medicinal herbs on his body are also very sufficient.

These consume.

He didn't particularly care.

"He is using this undead body to test your methods!!" Hong Feng already understood what Snake Hand was doing, and he just wanted to thoroughly analyze Xia Xia's abilities.

"It doesn't matter, play with him, and when he really wants to do something, we will fight back!!" Xia Xia didn't care.

He understands.

best chance.

Often only for a moment.

That was the moment when the enemy was most confident.

He will seize the moment of opportunity to kill the opponent.

boom! boom!

The two of you go back and forth, although there are times when he is hit in the summer, but his physical strength is level 99, so he does not have a disadvantage.

As for the powerful attack of the snake hand.

It was avoided by him.

However, the situation of the people in Xuanwu City is not good.

The dog on the side used various means to torture and kill these people, and tens of thousands of people have been beheaded, but the people here do not have any cowards, and they are all fighting to the death.

"Xiamen, do you have this method?" Snake Hand was obviously very disappointed with Xia Xia: "It seems that you can kill that Killer Squad by destroying them one by one. With your ability, if you collide with that Killer head-on If you are a fighter team, you can’t even hold it for five minutes!!”

At the beginning, he also felt that summer was a bit tricky.

But now it seems.

he thinks.

The things that can be done in summer are those means of raiding and defense.

"Yes, I defeated them one by one. Now if you join forces with your brothers, you can still kill me, but if you go on your own, be careful to be killed by me." Xia Xia said coldly.


The snake hand's body moved and directly killed Xia Xia.


His body was knocked flying again.

However, at the moment of the blow, his body turned into thousands of pieces, wrapped around Xia Xia: "This is your ability to be silent, but unfortunately, I have already caught the weakness of your move, take advantage of it. When you are careless, you can swallow you in one bite!!”

Countless pieces.

come together.

Formed a giant python.

And summer is in the mouth of the python at this time.

He has been swallowed by a giant python.

For a moment.

The power of endless laws swept in, swept him into the belly of the python, and the powerful binding force bound him firmly.

A sticky thread wrapped around him.

At the same time, the stomach acid of the python begins to digest the summer quickly.

Ha ha ha ha!

"Xia Tian, ​​in my opinion, your ability is really too far off, but you are indeed stronger than when I was young. If you grow up, you may really become a existence like Haotian in the future. , it's a pity, you no longer have the opportunity to grow!!!" Snake hand thought that he had already won.

This giant python is specially used to digest others.

Stomach acid can even melt the venerable armor little by little.

The surrounding silk binding force is even more terrifying. The entire python's abdomen is a natural world, and when the enemy is digested here, he will seal the opponent here, not giving the enemy a chance to resurrect.

Finally kill the opponent completely.

"Do you think you can kill me Xia so easily?" Xia Xia asked.

"No need to resist, any of your means is useless here, the stomach acid here is condensed from the essence of heaven and earth, and it will wash your body over and over again, no matter how strong your body is, it will be completely in the end. Melting, and this world of mine is extremely hard. No power or attack can break it. Don't think about consuming the power here, because now I am connected with this giant python. As long as my power is enough, then The power of this giant python is endless!!" Snake hand reminded.

Of course his strength is sufficient.

As long as no one outside fights with him at a high intensity, he will consume nothing at all.

And he can still take Tianzu's medicinal pills to How could it be possible to consume him in summer?

"He's the most confident time now!!" Hongfeng reminded.

"I heard a very interesting thing from his message!!" A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.

"You mean, he is bound to this giant python!!!" Hong Feng understood what Xia Xia meant.

"Yes, life is connected, that is to say, as long as I can kill this giant python, then I can kill Snake Hand, he thinks this is his strongest ability, then I will kill him where he is the strongest. He!!!" Xia Xia's fingers moved slightly, and the golden knife appeared in his hand.

"Leave it to me, he's staring at you now!!" Hongfeng reminded.

At the same time, a transparent feather covered the golden knife.

The golden knife also turned into a transparent color.

Start flying forward.

The gold thread is constantly entangled around it.

"Xia Xia, it seems that your heart is not dead yet, you still want to resist, and it can give me a little bit of pain, but it's useless, this pain is almost like scratching a finger!!" The snake hand has already I started to fantasize about what happened after my victory.

He got the summer done this time.

Even if the tasks of their brothers were successfully completed.

"Snake Hand, do you really think you're going to kill me?" Xia Tian asked.

"Of course, is it difficult, what else do you have the ability to turn over?" Snake Hand asked.


at this time.

The golden light flashed from Xia Xia's body, the golden knife had returned to Xia Xia's hand, and his right hand pulled hard.

Tough python defense.

It was shattered in an instant, and the gold thread had fallen into flesh and blood.

This pull.

Directly pulled the huge horse into pieces.

"Destroying the Immortal Finger!!!"

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