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Chapter 1616: million pairs of wings

The sudden appearance of light made everyone stunned.

When they took a closer look, they found that what just appeared was the aperture of the fake Celestial clansman.

This made them very puzzled, let alone a fake aperture, even if it was a real aperture, it would be impossible to block the attacks of so many of them.

"Are you awake?" Xia Xia looked at the person in front of him.

He was the boy who was rescued in the previous summer.

"Thank you, I have never abandoned Xuanwu City, thank you for helping me protect the dignity of Xuanwu City!!" The son walked to Xia Xia's side, slapped Xia Xia's body with his hand, and Xia Xian disappeared directly in place.


Seeing that Xia Xia disappeared, Dog Foot rushed forward.

However, a cover slowly rose from under the ground, directly controlling the dog's feet in the middle.


The people around looked at the young man in the middle in confusion.

None of them understood what was going on.

When they came to Xuanwu City before, they also saw this foolish son. Although the people in the city cooperated with him at that time, in everyone's opinion, this is a fool, but now this fool has returned to normal, and there are still such ability.

"Kill so many people in our Xuanwu City, none of you want to leave alive!!!" said the son with a blank expression.

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The halo on his head instantly widened, and then enveloped his entire body.

When the light flashed over him.

A pair of huge wings appeared behind the son, but if you look closely, this is not a pair of wings, but 10,000 pairs of small wings woven together to form a pair of huge wings.


"You belong to that family!!!"

They finally understood that this idiot son was not an ordinary person, but had a great background.

"I never thought about doing anything to this world, I just want to protect the people I should protect. Back then, the Celestial Clan discovered the secrets of Xuanwu City and sent people over. I found dozens of forces and wanted to use a knife to kill people. In order to save the people in Xuanwu City, I killed hundreds of millions of people, and the entire Xuanwu City was stained with blood. City, if you want to protect their souls, they can be reborn, I cut my body and soul to nourish the entire Xuanwu City, and it is precisely because of this that they can be resurrected, but you kill these people, my cut body and The divine soul regained my body, so I was reborn!!" The son explained.

That is to say.

all the time.

He is using himself to complete everyone in Xuanwu City.

The people of Xuanwu City chose to die at that time because they also understood that once they died, the son could recover.

They can finally repay the kindness of the son for so many years.

"Do you think you can kill us? Even Haotian couldn't kill us back then, what are you!!" Inuzu said with great disdain.

"If it's outside, it's very difficult for me to kill you, but in Xuanwu City, there should be a chance, and I believe that summer should be back soon!!!" The son said lightly.

Summer at this time.

Not leaving.

Instead, he was sent to a special space by the son.

When he entered this space for the first time, he sensed the clone of the origin of the earth.

That is to say.

The avatar of the eighth source of soil is here.

"I finally understand why I can't sense the distraction of the eighth source of soil. It turned out to be hidden here, completely blocking the connection with the outside world, so even if I pass by, I don't feel it!!" Summer I never thought that the avatar of the eighth source of soil was actually hidden in Xuanwu City.

If he hadn't had such a relationship with Xuanwu City, it would have been impossible for him to find the last clone of the source of the earth in his life.

Summer is very happy now.

Because once the source of the soil is gathered together.

In the summer, he will directly possess the strength of the ninety-fifth-level Venerable. After he has mastered the ability of the source of the earth, he will have the ability of the ninety-ninth-level Venerable.

This is the power of the source.

The so-called Big Four.

Before they obtained the power of the source, they were not well-known masters, but after they obtained the power of the source, they went straight to the sky.

gained great strength.

Become the top master in China.

If Xia Xia obtains the source of soil, then he will also become one of the top masters in China. It can also be said that in places with soil elements, he will be invincible! !

"It doesn't seem to be that simple!!" Hongfeng reminded.


Xia Xia looked forward: "It's really not that simple, the son sent me in, it seems that it is not just for the origin of the soil avatar!!"

He didn't think the son knew that he had the origin of the soil.

That son sent him in for something else.


When Xia Xia walked in, an old voice appeared: "Are you the one he chose?"


Summer saw a totem statue: "I don't understand what it means!!"

"I asked him to help me choose a a person who can bring me back to life. I waited for tens of thousands of years before you appeared!!!" said the totem statue.

"How to resurrect you?" Xia Tian asked.

"Take the essence of heaven and earth; the power of vastness; the splendor of the sun and the moon!!!" said the totem statue.

"I don't seem to be able to do this!!" Xia Xia shook his head.

"Since he chose you, it proves that he absolutely believes that you have this ability. I waited hundreds of millions of years for his arrival, and I waited for tens of thousands of years before I waited for you. Now I don't want to wait any longer. It's over!!" The totem turned into a stream of light and entered Xia Xia's body.

at the same time.

The totem that had just entered Xia Xia's body was instantly absorbed by the realm king's dantian.

"What is this?" Totem made a panicked voice.

It was as if he was eaten by the summer realm king Jue Dantian.

At this moment, the Realm King Jue's dantian also began to spin wildly. Within the dantian, Xia Xia felt as if his entire Realm King Jue dantian was about to be torn apart.

That layer of window paper that has never been broken through.

at this moment.

It seemed to finally be broken.

"Good opportunity, the realm king is about to make a breakthrough, this breakthrough will directly enter the ranks of the Venerable, once you enter that ranks, not only many things can be solved, but also your overall strength will undergo earth-shaking changes!! "Hongfeng reminded.


Summer nodded vigorously.

He was also very excited.

Originally, he was thinking of going to the Tiankeng to see if he could break through to the realm of the Venerable.

Now it seems that his chance has come.

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