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Chapter 1617: King of the Kings Level 6

waited so long.

The Realm King Judgment finally broke through.

Before the Realm King Judgment, there were five major breakthroughs and many small breakthroughs.

Every break.

There are great signs: the first time, the voice in the sky; the second time, the spiritual world trembled, and the sky rained; the third time, the He Yun Xianmai collapsed; the fourth time, the water of the three rivers and six meridians flowed back, all things Recovery; the fifth time, the sun and the moon shine together.

This time.

This is the sixth time.

Strictly speaking.

He is now on the sixth floor.

The Realm King Jue was created by himself, so although there were many detours and small breakthroughs in the middle, he sorted it out by himself.

I want to cultivate all the way from the spiritual world to the realm of Venerable Shenzhou.

It can be divided into six layers in total.

In the realm of kings.

Everything started to change.


The Realm King Jue is constantly expanding.


The original five areas of space! !

There is one area for the Law of the Moon, one area for the Law of the Sun, one area for the Law of the Stars, one area for the Origin of Earth, and one area for the Law of Light and the Law of Water.

Start rebalancing.

But the power inside is completely different.

The law of the moon is full.

Because there is a clone in the Moon Palace that has absorbed the Law of the Endless Moon, it is now a matter of course.

The law of the sun is also full.

The law of the sun also has a clone that absorbs the endless law of the sun, and the same happens.

The Law of the Stars is dissatisfied, but also has half the power.

The source of the earth is dissatisfied, and the same half of the power.

That area of ​​the Law of Light and the Law of Water is only one-tenth of the power.

The central location of the five districts.

There is a huge vortex.

In the center of the vortex now lies a small turtle.

"Little turtle, are you the totem just now?" Xia Xia felt that his current body changes were really obvious, including his own body is also undergoing further changes.

His own realm has undergone earth-shaking changes.

"You are the little turtle, your whole family are little turtles, I am the holy beast of heaven and earth, Xian Xuanwu!!!" Totem said angrily.


The black line on Xia Tian's face: "You hide in my dantian, and you are so tough with me!!!"

"I don't care, you are comfortable here, and my body is recovering by itself. The things I needed before are all in your dantian, I'm not leaving!!!" Xian Xuanwu said very shamelessly.

Summer eyes rolled.

"That's not good, you live with me, you have to pay rent!!!" Xia Tian suggested.

"Rent? What is that?" Xian Xuanwu asked in confusion.

"That's what you should give me. If I like it, I'll keep you here and not drive you away!!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"Do you know how much your kid took advantage of? Are you driving me away?" Xian Xuanwu really couldn't help but want to curse.

"What did I take advantage of?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"Let me tell you this, Xuanwu, although this world is not common, there are many, but in the whole world, I am the only one who can be called immortal Xuanwu. I am an immortal existence, and I am in Dantian. Then in this world, there is almost no one who can break open your dantian, and I protect your dantian. Usually, no matter what you do or practice, the speed will be ten times faster than before. This is simply an acceleration for you. You are still not satisfied with your ability!!" Xian Xuanwu said very unhappily.

"I don't care, I want it!!" At this time, Xia Tian began to use his shameless skills.

He also saw that this Immortal Xuanwu's ability was not small.

such existence.

It's a little bit to be able to make a hole.

Xian Xuanwu pondered for a moment: "Well, I will teach you an attacking skill, and then combine your Law of the Moon to develop a defensive skill, but you have to promise not to let me leave!!"

"Deal!!" Summer smiled.

Even if Xian Xuanwu gave nothing, he would not drive Xian Xuanwu away.

But now that Xian Xuanwu is willing to come up with something, he will naturally accept it.

"Attack method, Xuanwu Immortal Skill: Xuanwu Immortal Grass (can break all defenses, if the opponent is Earth Element and Water Element Defense, the damage will be doubled!!);" Xian Xuanwu reminded.


Xia Tian was stunned: "Sounds like a cow!!"

"Let's put it this way, if you stand still and let you fight the wastes above, even if their defenses are fully opened, if you touch them, they will be destroyed in body and spirit, and there is no possibility of rebirth in this life!!" Xian Xuanwu explained.

"So amazing!!" Summer was simply stunned.

This is too stupid.

one strike.

The seven-layer Venerable armor is directly broken, and it can also kill the body.

Such an ability can be said to make him invincible in China.

"What do you think I am, if I don't have the ability at all, will I be the top Xian Xuanwu in this world?" Xian Xuanwu was also a little unhappy when he saw Xia Xia's appearance that he had never seen the world.

"Yes, yes, then can I use it casually?" Xia Tian asked.

"As long as I'm in your body, then you don't need to cultivate, you can use it directly, and you can mobilize it at will, but my power is recovering So you use it once, and it takes a period of time before you can use it for the second time. !!!" Xian Xuanwu explained.

"How long?" Xia Tian asked.

"About seven days!!!" Xian Xuanwu explained.


Xia Tian nodded slightly, if such an ability against the sky could be used once a day, it would be awesome.

But once every seven days is also very strong.

"I think your law of the moon is very strong, but you can't use it perfectly, then I will help you, use your source of the moon to help you re-gather your strength and form the moonlight basalt armor, you don't need to bird them in the future. The venerable armor!!" Xian Xuanwu explained.


"This one can only be used once every seven days, right?" Xia Xia asked.

"This is for casual use, because I'm just helping you condense, which means that you have finished your cultivation. You can use it yourself. As for how long you can hold it, it depends on your own law of the moon. The source of power is not me. It's your law of the moon!!!" Xian Xuanwu explained.


Really cool.

Summer doesn't know what to say anymore.

Such a cool thing.

It was his first time.

This Immortal Xuanwu is also against the sky, everything is done for Xia Xia, and there is no need for Xia Xia to do it at all.

He's got it all done.

"Okay, I've done what I have to do, I want to rest, don't disturb me!!!" Xian Xuanwu closed his eyes after finishing speaking, and began to narrow his eyes.

However, in the summer, he went to the position of the totem statue.

his hand.

placed on top of the totem statue.

The last clone of the origin of the earth entered his body.

this moment.

The eight earth origin clones began to merge.

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