The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1619: Chaos in China

In the earth, the spiritual energy began to rise continuously; all the plants doubled in height one after another, and the power of immortals flowed wildly from all kinds of plants.

above the water.

Countless deep-sea treasures began to surface.

All over China.

Baoguang is everywhere!

Various hidden treasures began to be unearthed.

Those unknown inheritances also appeared again.

In the group belts, endless dazzling rays of light appeared.

In the sky, the wind swept the clouds.

All kinds of treasures fell from the sky.

They were all blown out by strong winds.

Various nourishing sacred objects appeared to help Shenzhou people resist the thunder calamity. This time, the thunder calamity seemed to be a gift from God.

As long as you can get through.

Then you can break through your own boundaries.

Even if it is a half-step Venerable.

It can also break through to the realm of the Venerable.

Of course.

There must be more to fail.

But how many half-step venerables and quasi-venerables does Shenzhou have?

This is an opportunity that they will never be able to wait for in their entire lives. If they are allowed to cultivate normally, it will be difficult for one of the millions or tens of millions of people to break through.

But it is difficult to survive this thunder calamity.

But not without a chance.

Even if there is only a 1 in 10,000 chance, there will be countless venerable masters in Shenzhou.

Among the Celestial Clan.

All the high priests appeared: "The vision of heaven and earth, there must be monsters appearing, the mother tree is raining, ancient gifts, check it out for me, no matter what is going on, we must investigate clearly, what happened in Shenzhou!!!"

Haotian pointed his finger in the air: "Is it a gift from Shenzhou, or is it difficult for Shenzhou? It seems that the Venerable Temple is busy this time!!"

In the Temple of God.

"This kind of vision of heaven and earth, I have never heard of it, I have never seen it before, what happened, how many people will be nourished by such a huge power, how many people will grow in overall strength? Can you keep the secret?"

"I don't know, but what is certain is that Shenzhou will change drastically this time."

"At this critical moment, the sky is changing, can the Celestial Clan withstand it?"

In the magic mountain.

"Hahaha, okay, let all the brothers not miss this opportunity, let me practice casually, let the Dharma protector open our warehouse and take out all the treasures inside, this is really a gift from God, Tianzu, I Let's see how you can stop the changes in Shenzhou this time." Demon Venerable laughed loudly.

He was waiting for this day.

This time.

If he can, he will rewrite history.

Venerable Temple: "It's really troublesome, how could such a thing happen? There are Venerables appearing all over the entire Shenzhou, and suddenly there are such a large number of Venerables, our people are not enough!!"

"Sir, if it doesn't work, use your strength to attract them here. Only in this way can you communicate with them together!!"

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"Alright, open the Venerable Icon!!!"

When Tianlong saw this scene at this time, the smile on his face disappeared: "This stinky boy has still made a breakthrough, this time he made such a big noise, I don't know, if he continues to practice, will he not? It will poke a hole in the sky!!”

"I originally thought that sending Thirteen and the others to the battlefield would slow him down, but I didn't expect it, but it still won't work!!" Yin Nie shook his head.

"There is a pony over there, I'm not worried, but if this kid continues to practice like this, I'm worried, he will really hit the Celestial Clan!!!" Tianlong felt very speechless.

"Do you want to tell him the truth?" Yin Nie asked.

"The first day you met him? Do you think that if you tell him the truth, he will stop himself?" Tianlong asked.

"That's right!!!"

in a void.

A man sat on the throne, and the man glanced at the vision in the sky: "Xia Tian, ​​you are catching up again after all, I originally thought that I could be stronger than you for a while, but now it seems that in my life, I have It is impossible to completely surpass you, but I don’t know if my apprentice will have the chance to be more powerful than your apprentice in the future!!”

at the same time.

the entire Shenzhou.

All the masters came out, whether they were in retreat, cultivating, or doing other things, they all sighed with emotion about the changes in China.

They also understand.

The next Shenzhou.

There will be earth-shaking changes.

This kind of change cannot be changed or controlled by anyone.


God of China, like it is now.

heavily clouded.

Thunderclouds roll! !

"What's going on?" Everyone in the Killer Squad was also very puzzled. They didn't understand why the sky became like this.

Although summer comes again.

But they are more concerned about what happened in China.

The son also looked at Xia Xia: "It's faster than I thought!!!"


"Can you control them?" Xia Tian asked.

"Okay!!" Young Master glanced at Xia Xia: "But you have to promise me a request!!"

"What request?" Summer asked.

"Find them a new home!!" said the son.

Xia Xia has no time to care about the vision of the world here, he wants to quickly solve this slayer team, and then carefully study the changes in his Boo!

A light flashed.

The dog's body was instantly restrained.

Xia Tian also disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Inuzu.

Immortal explosion eight thousand times.

The law of the day!


Immortal explosion eight thousand times!

The Law of the Stars!


Destroy the fairy finger! !

The action is fast, directly attacking a live target. In this case, Xia Xia will never miss, and his current strength has also improved.

"Not good, protect the fifth child!!"

The others rushed over directly.

Lao Qigui's legs were the fastest, but when his legs kicked over.

Immortal Skill: Silent!

His attack was blocked, and at the same time endless earth elements rushed into his body and began to seal.

Huo Er's attack was the second to arrive: "Stop it!!"

Hongfeng directly attacked Huoer directly.


Although Dazui's movements were unpleasant, he had already killed Xia Xia's side and attacked Xia Xia directly.

at the same time.

A golden armor appeared on Xia Xia's body.

Immortal Skill: Moonlight Xuanwu Armor.


His attack was thus blocked.

Demon Heart's attack broke out at the same time.

[Tianquan, rebound! ! 】

Xia Xia, alone, attacked five top experts at the same time, and completely blocked the simultaneous attacks of the five top experts on him.

This is his change.


In the face of these people, he could only run away, but now, he no longer needs to run away.

He just wanted to kill their brothers in front of these people.

Make them powerless.

"Now here, it's not up to you anymore!!!"

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