The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1620: start to fight


Inuzu couldn't use any of his abilities at this time, because he was controlled by the son, and he was a living target. Although the other brothers had come to rescue, they had no choice but to watch helplessly. The canine died before them.

"Do not!"

Although Dogfoot is very unwilling, he still can't change all this.

You can only watch the force of destruction devour yourself with your own eyes.

This kind of death.

Although soon!

But he felt the terror of waiting to die.

"Summer, I'm going to kill you!!" Big Mouth's attack struck for the second time.

He never dreamed that such a thing would happen.

Xia Xia actually killed another person in front of them.

Five people join forces.

Couldn't stop his attack.

"Don't you understand? From the moment you took on this mission, your outcome was already doomed." Xia Xia stared at the big mouth in front of him.

The boy at this time.

The body has begun to feather.

Just now he was able to completely seal the dog's feet, that is, he used his own special ability. After using this ability, he must feather.

That is.

A kind of suicide.


His suicide was not for himself, but for all the people here. His feathers would fly off piece by piece, and the feathers on 10,000 pairs of wings covered those souls, and then these souls began to be nourished.

Some kind of restriction in the entire Xuanwu City seems to be triggered.

Those souls began to change dramatically.

"It seems that this is the secret between Xuanwu City and Young Master!!" Hong Feng said with emotion.

"Don't care about that, kill them first!!" Xia Xia looked at the big mouth in front of him.


Big Mouth's second attack came over.

at the same time.

The summer attack is also ready to play.

"Second brother, be careful!!" The people around hurriedly reminded.

They have seen Xia Xia's means just now. They think that Xia Xia will definitely make a move next time. They hope that Big Mouth will avoid this damage. As long as Xia Xia's outbreak is avoided, the rest of them can also support .

Big Mouth did not attack.

Instead, dodge directly.

He didn't want to die because of carelessness.

at the same time.

Summer's right hand pulls.

[Promise, attract. 】

Xia Xia's goal is not Big Mouth. In this case, the fool will be on guard. If he uses attraction directly on Big Mouth, it is impossible to succeed, but what if he is rushing over to support the ghost legs?


Ghost legs don't know.

Xia Ying used the source of soil on him.

King Kong Bound! !

When he reacts.

It's already too late.

His body flew directly to the summer.

In this case, he wanted to resist, but his body was tightly controlled and could not move.

Although it was only for a moment.

But Xia Xia's attack was launched in advance, so it hit his body just right.

Immortal explosion eight thousand times!

The law of the day!

Immortal explosion eight thousand times!

The Law of the Stars.

Destroy the fairy finger! !

Summer's attack came out in an instant.

"What?" Everyone did not expect that the target of Xia Xia's attack was actually a ghost leg.


For a moment.

Xia Xia's attack penetrated the opponent's body. Although Ghost Leg still has a lot of skills, he has no chance to use it at all. It only takes this moment to kill him in Xia Xia. Beheaded him.

Although they are experienced.

Although they have a lot of skills.

Although they are already famous.

But as long as they give Xia Xia a chance, even if it's just the slightest chance, Xia Xia will definitely seize this opportunity and kill it.

"Old Seven!!"

The people at the scene only had the ability to shout. Seven of them came, and now there are only three left. Four people have been beheaded by Xia Xia. This is something they never dreamed of.

Usually these people.

Very proud.

Each and everyone considers themselves to be the top masters in China.

Only people like Haotian can compare with them.

But they forgot.

The truth of the lion fighting the rabbit.

There are only three left now.

The second child has a big mouth, the third child has a fire ear, and the sixth child has a devilish heart.

"Kill him, his methods are almost used up, we can't give him a chance to recover!!!" Huo Er shouted loudly.

They had learned some information about the summer before.

Although there are many means in summer, the recovery time between these means is also very long.

Moreover, with so many high-burst damages in the summer now, his body must have reached its limit.

Immortal explosion will even eat back his body.

"Kill him, right now!!!"


They were wrong.

If it was before the breakthrough, Xia Xia's power would not be enough to use so many Immortal Blasts in succession, but now after his breakthrough, the power was not the same as before.


His body strengthened again.

So there won't be any backlash at all.

The information these people learned were all about his previous situation, so their predictions were wrong, and their experience was even more wrong.

"These idiots, I like their self-righteous appearance. If they run away now, or don't fight me recklessly, then it's too difficult for me to kill them, but now they think that I can't kill them anymore. I've Then I will naturally not miss the enemy sent to my door!!" Xia Xia used Silent ability to directly knock Huo Er into the air.

at the same time!

The source of the earth and the red phoenix attacked the devil's heart!

Looking at the big mouth who came to kill, he has already decided that this time he is going to kill this big mouth. He is the most angry time, and he is also the strongest when he uses his ultimate move.

After finishing this killer move.

Normal people will have at least half a second of lag.

The body can't be in the best state either. At this time, it's time to fight back in the summer.

"Summer, give me death!!!" Dazui directly hit his strongest blow.

[Wuji, defense! 】

No matter how powerful Big Mouth attacks, this time, it can be defended.


The moment when Big Mouth's attack was blocked.

The summer counterattack is back.

Immortal explosion eight thousand times!

The law of the day!

Immortal explosion eight thousand times!

The Law of the Stars!

Destroy the fairy finger! !

When Xia Xian Xian Xian pointed out this time, his fingers seemed to be broken, and he could withstand the backlash of Xian Bang, but he was almost unable to withstand the backlash of Xian Xing Xian.

Use the Slayer Finger 3 times in a row.

This is very painful.

at this time.

His fingers also began to tremble.


He successfully beheaded Big Mouth.

Killer Squad, seven people came, and now there are two people left!


Huo Er, who was killed, attacked Xia Xia's body.


It was also blocked by the Moonlight Xuanwu Armor.

"No, you can't kill him without the Immortal Finger!!!" Hongfeng reminded.

"Even if your finger is broken, don't miss this opportunity!!!"

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