The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1624: Undercurrent

With so many masters gathered together, things are definitely not that simple, and other Venerables will definitely rush over after hearing the news. At that time, the forces of all parties may also insert some traitors.

earth worm.

Not a city.

But in a ruined place outside a city.

Originally it was also a city.

But there was a great war here thousands of years ago.

It was two venerable masters who fought for three years, and nothing was left of this place.

The terrain here is open.

"There are not as many people as I imagined!!" Hongfeng glanced at it, and there were only more than 20 people here for the time being.

He thought it was such a big deal.

will attract a lot of people.


An attack came.

When Xia Xia's left hand was raised, the attack was directly sent into the air by him.


Seeing that Xia Xia blocked this attack, the people inside did not stop him, so he walked over like this.


A ten-man team came from behind.

at the same time.

Ten attacks came over.

Eight of the ten people were killed instantly, and the other two were also seriously injured. They did not dare to stay and ran away.

"I understand, the reason why there are so few people here is because the experts here want to protect the news and prevent people below the Venerable from coming, so no matter who comes, they will launch an attack, if this attack is the Venerable If you are a master at the level of the lord, you can block it, but if it is a person below the venerable, even if it is a half-step venerable, it will be injured. Those people will naturally only dare to flee when they see this situation. In the end, the rest of the people here should be Only Venerable!!!" Hongfeng finally understood why there were so few people here.


"Brother, didn't you just break through?" An old man walked to Xia Xia's side.

The old man looked like his grandfather.

But people here in Shenzhou make friends with others according to their strength, and people of the same realm will be called brothers.

He's used to it.

"It just took a few days to break through!!" Xia Xia didn't lie, he really just broke through not long ago.

"Oh?" The old man looked at Xia Tianyi and said, "I think what you did just now is not easy!!"

"Before I break through, I can fight Venerable!!" Xia Xia explained.


"Let me just say, you were so calm just now, it doesn't look like you just broke through the realm of the venerable. People who have just broken through the realm of the venerable are generally a little panic, and some even yell at me!!" The old man said.

"You just broke through?" Xia Tian asked.

"Yeah, I just broke through not long ago. Normally, with my talent and opportunities, I can only stay in the realm of the half-step Venerable in this life, but I didn't expect that God actually helped me, and appeared The vision of heaven and earth, I also received the gift of vision of heaven and earth, survived the thunder tribulation, and broke through to Venerable." The old man believed that this vision of heaven and earth was simply a gift to people like him.

If it weren't for the vision of heaven and earth.

He could only die with hatred in his life, but in the end, he broke through the limit and allowed himself to enter a new realm. Not only did his strength improve, but his lifespan was also greatly increased.

Although his age is considered big among Venerable Banbu.

But in the Venerable, it is very young.

This gave him a new chance.

"I heard from people outside that the appearance of this vision of heaven and earth is a disaster, killing a lot of people and displacing countless Shenzhou people!!" Xia Tian thought that his breakthrough might bring disaster to Shenzhou.

"No, brother, do you know what the purpose of everyone's cultivation is?" The old man glanced at Xia Xia: "It's a pursuit, if there is no pursuit, who would want to cultivate? If everyone just wants to be safe, then they don't at all. They need to cultivate to become immortals, and they don’t need to work hard to improve themselves. Shenzhou is so big, they just need to find a quiet corner to live in seclusion, and they can guarantee that no one will disturb them for a lifetime!!”

What he meant was simple.

Since it is for pursuit.

That vision of heaven and earth was naturally a gift.

"Who initiated what happened this time?" Xia Xia didn't bother about the vision of heaven and earth.

"It's a famous master from the first party, called Baishou Tiankui. It is said that he has also recruited a few veteran masters, so his appeal is very strong!!" The old man gave Xia Xia a look and told Xia Xia that there was sitting there. A few of them are the ones who called for it.

Hongfeng was also the first to call out the information about Baishou Tiankui.

The news that Jin Hua gave him at that time was very complete.

There are also news about the masters of China.

Hundred-handed Tiankui.

Venerable forty-six stars.

Patriarch of the Hundred Clan.

Immortal Skill: Hundred Hands! !

"With less than 50 stars, the overall strength in Shenzhou is already good, but doesn't he understand that this is a provocation of the Celestial Clan?" Xia Xia believes that such a person should know how terrifying the Celestial Clan is.

He gathered so many Venerables.

Even if it's not to deal with the Celestial Clan.

The Celestial Clan can't sit idly by.

"There may be someone behind him!!" Hongfeng explained.

The old man was stunned when he saw Xia and reminded again: "Brothers, don't provoke them, they are all veteran Venerables, and their strength is much stronger than those of us who have just entered the Venerable realm. Many, if you provoke them, it is very likely that they will be sealed and killed."

"Have you ever fought?" Xia Tian asked.


"Before you came, there was a guy who had just entered the Venerable, who didn't know how high the sky was, but he was taught a lesson. It was the guy who was sitting in the corner and was sulking!!" The old man reminded again.

Summer glanced at the man.

That person was really angry, looking at Baishou Tiankui with a dissatisfied face.

There was resentment in his eyes.

"Here comes again!!" The old man looked into the distance.

Two people flew over there.


Two attacks hit out.

The two directly blocked the two attacks.

"Are you looking for death? How dare you attack us!!" The tempers of these two people were also very irritable.

Baishou Tiankui stood up slowly: "This is a test, everyone has to go through it."

"What are you, come up and test our brothers, do you want me to test you too!!" These two people obviously belong to the kind of young and vigorous existence.

Baishou Tiankui's expression turned cold.

The body instantly disappeared in place.

directly in front of the two brothers.


He wanted to teach these two people a lesson, and let them know what it means to have heaven outside the sky and people outside people.


Just when he was about to say something.

The two people instantly appeared to his left and right.

The two hold the sun in one hand and the moon in the other.

He directly attacked Tiankui's temple.


A scream came out of Tian Kui's mouth.

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