The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1625: 600 Venerable


Originally, everyone thought that Tian Kui would teach these two newcomers who did not know the sky and the earth.

Just fought.

He was actually injured by the two of them.

"I heard that you have a hundred hands? Now?"

The two grabbed Tian Kui's arm and ripped his arm abruptly.


Just when the two of them wanted to move on.

Tiankui's five helpers arrived.

Directly blocked the two: "What do you want to do?"

From the words of the two people just now, it can be heard that these two people are coming for Tiankui.

"I don't want to do anything, I just don't like watching you show off your power here!!!" One of the men came up: "Brothers, we are the magic sound brothers, our demons advocate freedom, if anyone wants to mix with our brothers, Come here, our brothers cover you!"

"The demons are so loud, our ghosts are not bad!!" Another three figures fell: "Brothers, our ghosts believe in longevity, the soul is immortal, and there are those who want to pursue longevity with us, we Very welcome!!"

at this time.

The major forces seem to be starting to dig people.

Everyone understands that in the future, many Venerables will come here.

Whoever can gain a firm foothold here now, those Venerables may mix with whom in the future.

heard here.

The people at the scene began to separate.

Apart from Tian Kui and the few Venerables he invited, the other Venerables have already started to stand in line.

Because the Demon Brothers of the Demon Race just showed their strength.

So there are a little more people standing there.

"Brother, choose a backer, otherwise there will be more troubles in the future!!" the old man reminded.

he thinks.

These people will definitely kill chickens and monkeys in the end.

Those who have no backers will eventually be cleaned up.

"I am the most afraid of trouble, but I don't know who can be my backer!!" Xia Xia shook his head.

His enemies are all so strong.

Who can be his backer?

Who dares to be his backer?

"Be careful with everything!!" The old man obviously didn't want to waste time.

A person like him has finally broken through to the Venerable.

He just wanted to live honestly.

As long as you can live.

He didn't care who he hung out with, and he didn't care about dignity.


There are four groups of people here.

A group of demons, a group of ghosts, a group of Tiankui, and Xia Xia sat alone in the corner.


For the next three days, Xia Tian was there to sort out his physical condition.

Another universe has finally taken shape.


is a space.

Once the enemy is penetrated by him, it almost depends on how he wants to clean up the opponent.

these three days.

The number of Venerables who have come here is increasing. There are already more than 200 people. This number is very terrifying. In the past, the number of Venerables and masters outside China was nothing more than that.

Of course.

That's just a number that ordinary people know.


In some deep mountains and old forests, there are many masters hidden.

"The number of Venerables has increased significantly in the past two days. It seems that many Venerables have received news and are rushing over." Hongfeng understands that there are so many Venerables suddenly appearing now, and these Venerables must be the first to buy. Information about this heaven and earth phenomenon.

Then you can know this place.

Although it's just a ruin.

But there are so many venerable masters gathered.

It will be hard not to be famous here in the future.

"There will be more people in two days, and then there will be chaos." Xia Xia understands that the chaos here has not been completely chaotic because these teams can still suppress the people below.

Can be in two days.

There are more people.

With so many Venerables, who can resist?

Even this summer.

I dare not say that I can deal with so many Venerables.

And when it comes to these people.

There must be some people from the big forces in it. As long as these people from the big forces bring a little rhythm, there will be chaos here.

"You are too eye-catching here!!" Hong Feng reminded.

There are some people in the other three teams.

In the summer, here is a person, it is impossible not to attract the attention of others.

"It doesn't matter, clean up the two people who came to find fault, and there will be no trouble in the future." Xia Xia also understood that it was impossible for the people here to not come to trouble him.

After all, he is the only one sitting there now.

Two more days passed.

The number of Venerables gathered here was as high as more than 600 people.

so many venerables.

It looks scary.

"It's been a long time since there were so many Venerable-level masters in Shenzhou." Xia Xia also learned a lot about Shenzhou.

It can be said.

The number of six hundred Venerables is already very large.

"If you continue to wait, more will come, but now it seems that these people can't bear it anymore." Hongfeng also saw that the people here are restless and there are signs that they may leave at any time. .

Every Venerable.

They are all unruly existences.

When there are a few people, they can be more honest and have less friction.

But now there are more than 600 Venerables suddenly It is a very scary thing for a few people to cause some conflicts.



In the end, no one could hold back.

The two Venerables fought.

These two people are obviously people who have just become Venerables, and the two of them take the broken star very seriously.

Played for a while.

Zoom in directly.

Use the Starbreaker to fight against one another.

However, because the place where the two played against each other was very close to the summer, the summer was also affected.


A golden light rose from the ground.

The endless earth element rises rapidly.

Directly block the power of the two against each other.


Although the affected people around the scene also escaped the attack, they at least retreated a long distance, and they still resisted with Venerable armor.

But Xia Tian sat there so lightly and blocked the attack.

This caught the attention of many people.

"Not bad, it seems that our Shenzhou is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!!" Brother Moyin showed a slight smile on his face: "Brother, we have fallen in love with you, let's hang out with us, now we appreciate it very much. You, I hope you will not be ignorant of flattery."

The two of them spoke very arrogantly.

Also very tough.

They had noticed summer before.

But they were not in a hurry.


More than 300 Venerables followed behind them.

Nature is also full of confidence.

"I've never been complimented!!!" Xia Xia said lightly.

"Stinky boy, don't be ashamed, our boss asked you to come here because you have some skills, but if you dare to provoke our boss, our more than 300 Venerables will not agree."

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