The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1631: disappeared person

"Is this a bat?" Xia Tian quickly saw the flying body.

It is a large number of black bats. The strength of each of these bats is not very strong, but there are many, and their attacks are very orderly.

"It's toxins, sound waves, spirits and tearing attacks!!" Hongfeng analyzed immediately.

at the same time.

Those bats that flew to summer were frozen and turned into fly ash.

The other masters did not rush forward, but took the lead in resisting.

Although the overall strength of these bats is not very high.

But they all felt that this time things were weird, so they didn't dare to move forward rashly.

They are all using their abilities to eliminate these bats in batches one by one.

"There are too many bats, we Venerables are in a team of ten, and we attack separately, so that we can expand the attack range and quickly destroy these bats!!" Zimo Hall Master is still very calm.

Order immediately.

The Venerables who followed him did not talk nonsense either.

All act separately.

They also want to get out of here early.

The ghost clan and Tiankui also started to act.

It is isolated here in summer though.

But there was not a single bat around him.

As long as those bats rely on sound waves to attack, although Xia Xia practiced in the soundless, he could not perceive the second-level immortal skill of the soundless, but as long as he released the soundless ability, there would appear around his body. An area of ​​bouncing sound waves that the bats can't get close to.

He doesn't even need defense now.

"Why so many?" Xia Xia also felt strange, the destructive power of these Venerables is very terrifying.

For a while.

After all, tens of millions of fairy beasts and bats have been eliminated.

But fairy beasts and bats are still endless.

"Look carefully at the surrounding mountains!!" Hong Feng reminded.

Xia Xia's eyes looked over, and this look really shocked him. He didn't notice before that all the nearby mountains were all piled up by these bats, not real mountains.

If so.

The number of fairy beasts and bats here is a bit scary.

Every mountain is at least ten thousand zhang, hundreds of thousands of zhang, or even millions of zhang.

Although these bats are also huge, the mountains around here are endless.

You can't see the edge at a glance!

How many bats will there be!

"The formation, there are too many bats, and their attacks are mixed. Such attacks are also a kind of consumption for us. Only the formation can reduce our consumption to the maximum extent!!" Although the master of the Zimo is not very experienced in combat Rich, but he has a lot of adventure and life experience.

This kind of thing is also normal.

in China.

Those Venerables have almost no natural enemies, and there are very few opportunities to fight in peacetime, and even few chances to meet other Venerables. Even if they do meet, the two sides will stop after a short fight, so his actual experience of fighting Not much.

But all these years.

He has a lot of experience hunting around for treasure.

Although there are very few real magicians here.

But everyone knows some formation techniques more or less, and some people come with formation plates.

So soon.

One array after another appeared.

"It's really varied!" Hongfeng glanced at the formations of those around him, and there were really all kinds of formations.

A formation arranged by a group of Venerables.

Compared with the formation that Nightmare had arranged before, it was like a pediatrician. If Nightmare was at the graduate level, then these Venerables should have arranged it at the kindergarten level.


His toes were a little on the ground.

An ice formation appeared under his feet.

Then it slowly rose, and a natural ice formation appeared.

He pulled out a recliner and started drinking by himself.

This is the real happiness.

"I actually brought wine!" All the venerables at the scene envied Xia Xia's free and easy.

There are all kinds of materials in their storage equipment. They don't know what will happen next this time, so they bring as many materials as possible on their bodies. Who would bring wine out when they have nothing to do.

And even with alcohol.

The situation here is so elusive now.

Who is still in the mood to drink?

"This is the boldness of a real art master!" Those around him admired Xia even more.

Those bats that touched the ice formation all turned into fly ashes.

The situation at the scene was temporarily under control.

"Zimo, this is not the way to go. There are too many bats here, and so many of our venerables gather in one place. It won't take long for the power of the nearby heaven and earth to be absorbed by us. At that time, everyone's The state will not be good!" Yaksha shouted loudly.

"What do you have to do?" the Master Zimo asked.

"These bats must have owners. We have three teams here. We can act separately to find the owners of these bats and kill them. The bat army will be self-defeating!" Yasha responded.

"Are so many people acting together?" asked the Master Zimo.

"No, a team of ten masters is enough. There are too many people, but it is not easy to advance. Let others help together and open the way for the three of us!!" Yasha suggested.

"Okay!" Hall Master Zimo quickly selected ten people in the team who he thought were the strongest and most obedient.

Yasha and Tiankui have also selected people.

three teams.

Start rushing in three directions. UU Reading

The Venerable behind their team made a frantic attack on them, directly killing a passage.

The three teams quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.


Just wait.

But the wait is long.

ten minutes.

Half an hour.

an hour.

half day.

one day!

"What's the matter, they have been out for a whole day, why haven't they come back?" The Venerables at the scene were a little panicked.

The three teams are all experts.

up to now.

There was no movement at all.

This is a little strange.

"Brothers, let's fight, we have so many Venerables, if we fight all the way, no amount of bats can withstand our attack!" Someone suggested.

words of this person.

Everyone responded quickly.


Dozens of people hit the Broken Star at the same time.


The surrounding time and space began to distort, and space cracks appeared.

"Are you crazy? How can the space here be able to withstand such a huge attack? If a thousand Venerables attack a point at the same time, a huge black hole will be hit nearby, and then you will all be sucked in!! ' Summer scolded.


When hearing this.

The surrounding venerables were stunned.

"Then what do you say, if you have the ability, you can take everyone away!"

"That's right, aren't you a famous master? Even Hall Master Zimo is not your opponent. You are so powerful, why don't you save Hall Master Zimo and the others."

"I know that in front of us people, we are not chased by people from the Celestial Clan!"

The masters around began to accuse Xia.

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