The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1632: beaten

Hear what these people have to say.

Xia Xia felt very funny: "Don't you think, you are childish?"

That's right.

Someone who can stand here.

They are all masters at the venerable level.

It's ridiculous to say that about summer now.

"In the summer, the other three teams disappeared for everyone's sake. Don't you plan to do something for everyone?" Someone asked again.

"Then why don't you do something for everyone?" Xia Xia asked rhetorically.


That person was temporarily blocked by what Xia Xia said.

"Brothers, we can't watch the people in those three teams get into trouble because of us. Let's divide into three teams and move forward. Follow the direction in which they disappeared. We can definitely find them. If they need help, we can also first We have so many venerables, what is there to be afraid of?" Someone started to cheer everyone up.


Xia Xia sighed: "If you leave here now, you will be surrounded by many, and once someone makes a mistake, your death will appear!!"

"Do you think everyone is as afraid of death as you are? Our bloodline can support our resurrection!!" The man just now said with great disdain.

Just let him deflate in the summer.

He naturally wanted to mock the summer when he had a chance.

"Okay, you can give it a try. Is it because you have a strong resurrection ability, or is the person behind it more calculated? Since he dares to plot against you, he must know that you can be resurrected. What if he has a special method to prevent you from resurrecting? "Although Xia Xia doesn't know who the other party is, he believes that this matter is definitely not that simple.

Someone who can handle such a large number of bats.

Will it be a fool?

Attacking so many Venerables at the same time, if the plan is not well-planned, it is suicide.


Hearing Xia Xia's words, the people around were hesitant again.

"Don't worry, thirty Venerables are not so easy to die, and with so many Venerables here, who would really waste such a big Zhouzhang just to kill us?" Xia Xia reminded again.

That's right.

Who would really want to fight against this previous Venerable.

"Mr. Xia, what do you say? It's not an option to wait like this!!!" Someone started to talk softly.

Xia Xia glanced around: "Remember, before I come back, don't move anyone, just stay here, even if the surrounding power is absorbed, as long as you maintain the formation, you will be fine, After a long time, someone will naturally come to help you!!!”

After speaking.

His body disappeared in place.

The direction in which he disappeared.

It is the direction of Yaksha.

He doesn't like people in the other two directions, and although he doesn't like Yaksha either, relatively speaking, he's better.

See the summer willing to come forward.

There was still some hope for the people at the scene.

after all.

Summer is a true master of fame.

"Let me see, who is doing the trick!!" Xia Xia also wanted to see who was manipulating all this.

At the same time against thousands of Venerables.

And someone will come later.


His power quickly passed through the crows.

In the summer, I saw a man in black.

There are also ten people trapped by the formation.

"Mr. Xia, save me!!!" Yaksha shouted loudly.


In the summer, step by step, he walked in the direction of the ten people.


The shadows turned into countless black crows, rushing directly to the summer.


When those shadows were not close to the summer, the body shattered directly.


A hood appeared around the summer.

"It turns out that this is the purpose of his attack!!"

Xia Xia also discovered that the opponent's attack was not very powerful, but obviously, the opponent's attack was not to really attack him, but to release the ban.


Xia Tian's fingers lightly tapped on the restriction.


The ban was shattered so easily.


Hei Ying also looked at Xia Xia in surprise: "How did you do it?"

"Put away your means, your means, in my eyes, are nothing at all!!" After Xia Xia finished speaking, he walked towards Yasha and the others.

Seeing summer so tough.

Yasha and others were also very excited.

They saw hope.


The black figure rushed towards the summer again.


This time.

His body did not dissipate.

Instead, it was frozen in mid-air.

It was as if someone grabbed his neck, but Xia Xia was still a long way from him.

"How is this possible?" The shadow looked at Xia Xia in shock.

"I said, your methods are nothing to me at all, and your struggles are just that I didn't want to kill you for the time being!!!" Xia Xia walked in front of Yasha like this.


Shatter is prohibited.

All ten members of the ghost clan escaped.

at the same time.

Xia Xia looked at the shadow: "You can tell who you are now, but my patience is limited, I will only give you one chance!!!"

"Xiamen, so you are the legendary summer, but..."


Destroy the fairy finger!

Xia Xia pointed directly at the shadow of the shadow.


The darkness just disappeared completely.

He wanted to say something just and wanted to pretend to be with Xia Xia.

But Xia Xia didn't even give him a chance to pretend.

"This..." Yasha and the others were dumbfounded.

It is precisely because of this incident that it has left a great shadow on these ten people.

It was the first time they had seen such a terrifying person.

No **** at all.

Do it directly.


When the black shadow disappeared, the black crow in this piece just dissipated out of thin air, as if it had never appeared.


When the people who were waiting on the spot saw the black crow disappear, they were all stunned.

However, they quickly reacted: "Mr. Xia succeeded."

When summer they come back.

There were cheers from the scene.


Xia Xia flew towards the demons.

Yasha and the others stayed on the scene to stabilize these people.

"Don't mess around, Mr. Xia can defeat those enemies, we can just wait!!!" Yasha's words completely relaxed the people on the scene.

at the same time.

Xia Xia appeared in front of the shadow on the Demon Race side: "I don't want to talk nonsense, tell me who you are!!"

The shadow obviously knew what had just happened: "Don't mess around, we are the people of the Venerable Temple!!!"

"Holy Shrine?" Xia Xia frowned: "Shouldn't you come to greet us?"

"It seems that you really already know the existence of the Venerable Temple, but there are too many Venerables here this time. If you don't shock them, it will not be easy to control later, so we will use this method to temporarily shock the scene. People!!" The shadow explained.

"Can you lead the way now?" Xia Xia asked.

"No problem, we'll lead the way and take everyone to the Shrine of Venerable!!!"

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