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Chapter 1634: Meet Haotian again

"Our Venerable Temple is the only neutral force in China, and we are not inclined to any one force. At the same time, the meaning of the existence of the Venerable Temple is to protect the Divine State and protect the ancestral tree. Those of us who can join the Venerable Temple are true A person of faith." The shadow said.

these people.

It is dedicating itself to China.

This kind of guardian belief is very great.

"It sounds very admirable, so is it time for me to choose?" Xia Xia also understood.

Ask yourself more.

The other party will not say anything.

"No!!" Shadow shook his head.

"Doesn't everyone need a choice?" Xia Xia asked.

"I said before, Venerable people above ninety-five stars do not need to choose!!" Hei Ying explained.

"But I just broke through Venerable. Although my cultivation is a little special, my realm is only corresponding to this!!" Xia Xia looked at the other party in confusion.

"Others don't know, but we have already tested it. You are the owner of the source of the earth, which means that your current realm is at least equivalent to the ninety-five stars of the Venerable!!" Heiying said directly.


Xia Xia's eyes turned cold, and murderous aura instantly appeared.

This is his trump card.

He doesn't want anyone to know for now.

"Don't be angry, in fact, no matter how much you hide this kind of thing, it will be detected by us. Our Venerable Temple has been inherited for so long, if you don't even have this ability, then it's not right, but you don't have to worry, We will not tell this news to anyone outside. Of course, we also hope that Mr. Xia can keep the news here for us. After all, this is related to the stability of China. Once the people in China are made aware of the existence of the ancient battlefield , then China will be turbulent, and the only pure land will disappear!!!" Hei Ying said very euphemistically.

But summer also understands.

People below the ninety-five star of the Venerable are all likely to be killed or captured for interrogation, so this part of the memory must be removed.

However, it is impossible for Venerable people with ninety-five stars and above to be beheaded easily. Even if there are people who can kill them, they are stronger people who know this secret and are not afraid to expose it.

Moreover, people with more than 95 stars will know what the ancestral tree represents.

So of course they won't talk nonsense to the outside world.

The stronger person.

The more you rely on the existence of the ancestral tree.

Once Ancestral Tree makes a mistake, all these top masters will be finished.

"If I want to enter the ancient battlefield, I have to complete a certain task before I can come back, right?" Xia Xia asked.

"Yes, but those tasks are not a big problem for people of your level, but the ancient battlefield takes a period of time to get used to, even if it is the power of the source, it has to be greatly restricted!!! ' Sombra reminded.


"Is the Celestial Clan still invincible here?" Xia Xia asked again.

"Sorry, Mr. Xia, I can't reveal any news about other forces to you!!!" Sombra was still very principled.

Summer is not forced.

Here are the rules here! !

He will not break other people's rules casually! !

"Thank you!!" Xia Xia cupped her hands and turned to leave.


Hei Ying breathed a sigh of relief: "Shenzhou is really getting more and more difficult, is that prophecy true?"

Leave the Shrine of the Venerable.

Along the way, someone guided the summer out of this space.

out of space! !

A man stood there.

Connect with heaven and earth!

Everything seems to be connected to it.

If it is not for sure that there is a person standing in front of him, Xia Tian can't even sense the existence of the other person at all, as if it does not exist in this world.

But he could see clearly.

"Is this the ability to integrate with heaven and earth?" Hong Feng said with emotion.

at the same time.

He also entered a state of combat.

"We met again, but this time, it should be your body!!" Xia Xia asked, looking at the man in front of him.

This man is none other.

It is Haotian, the first master of China.

It can be seen from his appearance that he is here specially waiting for summer.

Haotian's body moved.

It is like the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder.

The light flickered.

It moved like thunder, as if the whole world was moving.

The surrounding aura ratio did not change at all.

Obviously such a big movement, but the space has not changed in the slightest. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you wouldn't have felt that someone moved here.

"It's amazing, is this the ability of the No. 1 master in China?" Hongfeng was also very surprised.

It can be said.

Haotian is here.

There are no traces to be found.

Any means, for him, are impossible to start.

"Let's talk?" Haotian's tone was very calm, and the air remained unchanged.

Xia Xia shook his head: "If you're here to kill me, you can do it at any time. I can't be your opponent, but I won't sit still, but if you're here to be a lobbyist, then I think it's okay. !!!”

He also knew.

Haotian's strength is very strong, although he is strong now, but it is impossible to be Haotian's opponent.

But with the origin of the soil at and so many means, at least there is still hope for him to escape.

"The high priest finds me, I have to come, but I won't kill you!!!" Haotian said lightly.


"Since you won't kill me, are you here to answer my question?" Xia Xia asked.

"No!" Haotian shook his head.

"Don't kill me, don't come to answer my question, that's to persuade me to stop?" Xia Xia asked again.

"Neither!!" Haotian shook his head again.

"That's what came to catch me back!!" Xia Xia was ready for battle.

"Almost, but I won't take you back. If I take you back, they will kill you. This is not what I want to see, so I decided to temporarily seal you. After a hundred years, the seal will naturally disappear. When the time comes, it's up to you to decide where to go!!" Haotian raised his right hand high.

This time.

He is no longer that face.

It's a body attack.

He has to deal with the summer himself.

"It seems that what should come is still coming!!" Xia Xia had already guessed it, the next time the experts from the Celestial Clan will come is definitely not easy, after all, there are not many people who are stronger than the last slaughter team.

But he didn't expect it.

It was Haotian himself who came.


Now Haotian wants to seal him.

The two could not avoid a fight.

"Give it up, I'm already close to the existence of the spirit of all things. In the world of Shenzhou, any power is the incarnation of the spirit, and your power cannot resist the power of the spirit!!!" Haotian's hand, appeared A green ball.

when the ball appears.

All the power in the surrounding space disappeared in an instant, and it is almost impossible to mobilize the power from this space now.

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