The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1635: Po Haotian

"Since there is no way out, let's go up!!" Hongfeng's wings spread out instantly and flew out.


Wings of the Wind!

The powerful cutting ability instantly penetrates everything in front of it.

It also passed through Haotian's body.

"I said, any attack is useless to me!!!" Haotian landed directly above Xia Xia.

The ball in his hand dropped instantly.


A hood fell on Summer's body.

at the same time.

Incomparably powerful pressure fell from the sky, and this pressure directly smashed the summer down.

"What a strong pressure!!" Xia Xia couldn't control his body, so he could only let this force smash him down.


When your body touches the ground.

This force penetrated the ground.

No damage was done to the ground.

But he can continue to suppress him.

"I understand, in this case, let's not talk about the strength of the cover. After the cover is broken, the body cannot appear in this space, and the overall earth element in the ground has not changed. When an individual as big as us emerges, the pressure of the entire ground will directly act on you, even if it is Venerable, it will be shattered in an instant, and there will be no air left!!!" Hongfeng already understands Haotian's hand. The scary thing about the seal is.


"It's really insane."

"If it is a normal person, this will definitely allow the other party to stay here honestly for a hundred years."

"Unfortunately, now I already have the origin of the earth. Even if I break the seal under the ground, it can be turned into a part of the ground without any pressure."

Summer is also very happy.

Fortunately, I have the origin of the soil, otherwise, even if I have a finger from Yang, I would not dare to break the cover.

Then my family will stay here honestly for a hundred years.

Although he has many means.

But these methods are completely useless.

"Will I break the seal after he leaves?" Hongfeng asked.

"This seal was arranged by him. As long as I break the seal, he will know immediately, so he will know if the seal is broken earlier or later. It's better to come face to face once!!!" Xia Xia also understands that he is now It's not the time to run away.

After beheading the last Killer Squad.

The Celestial Clan will not underestimate it any longer.

No more time for him.

Rather than being chased and killed by the Celestial Clan and facing a master who may appear at an unknown time, it is better to face this first master of China directly.

Even if the origin of the soil is exposed.

He doesn't care either.

Although he didn't want to be exposed.

But sometimes, exposing part of the strength can also play a role in deterring the opponent.

Central's finger!

Boo! !

When his fingers were on the hood.

The power instantly shattered.

at the same time.

The source of the earth instantly transformed him into the earth element here, directly penetrating the soil layer and falling on the ground.

The body slowly rises.


Haotian, who had not left, frowned, and looked at Xia Tian's eyes changed a little: "The only thing that can break my seal is the spirit, I know you have the power of the spirit, but your power of the spirit is not pure, it can't be broken. It's right to open my seal, it seems that I still underestimate you!!!"

"Aren't you curious how I got out from below?" Xia Tian asked.


Being suppressed by that kind of seal is absolutely impossible to get up.

"There are only two ways to rush up from below, the first is the power of the spirit; the second is the source of the earth, you can't have the power of the spirit, so you should have gathered the eight sources of the earth. Doppelganger, obtained the origin of earth, and became the fifth tyrant of Shenzhou!!!" Haotian is obviously not surprised by this kind of thing.

after all.

For someone like him.

Even if you get the power of the source, it is nothing.

The Four Hegemons of China.

Neither is Haotian's opponent.

But the spirit is what he cares most about.

"As expected of the legendary Haotian, his knowledge is really extraordinary!!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

People like Haotian.

What he knew was terrifying.


He can guess it all.


It was impossible for him to guess Yang's finger.

"Did you fly up?" Haotian looked at Xia Xia and asked.


There are not many people who have risen up. After so many years of precipitation, there are more local-born people.


As long as a person who has ascended can break out from the ascension pools in various places and enter Shenzhou, his strength and ability should not be underestimated.

"That's right!!" Summer nodded.

"Under the Immortal Realm, there are Myriad Realms soaring, where did you ascend from?" Haotian asked again.

"Spiritual world!!!" Xia Xia responded.

"Spiritual world???" Haotian was stunned.

"That's right, it's the spiritual world!!!" Xia Xia responded.

"So it is!!" Haotian nodded: "Over the years, all realms have soared, but the spiritual world and the celestial world are in a sealed state, and there are very few people who can break through this limit. As far as I know, the spiritual world and the celestial world have There should be no more than ten people who have risen up these in total!!!"

"That was before. In the future, more and more people will come up in the spiritual world!!!" Xia Xia has already revived the spiritual energy of the spiritual world.


People in the spiritual world will be easier to ascend in the future.

"That is to say, the spiritual world recovers and the seal is broken, right!!!" Haotian really knew a lot.

"That's right!!!"

"Did Tianlong do it?" Haotian asked again.

"I did it!!!" Summer said.

"You?" Haotian frowned: "It seems that I really underestimate you, you actually broke the seal of the spiritual world, that is to say, you found the legend about Mo Weiyang!!!"

"You know a lot!!" Summer said.

"For a person like me, cultivation is useless, so I have a lot of time to understand the world!!!" Haotian explained.

"Then do you want to continue playing with me, or find a place to chat?" Xia Xia asked.

"I have done what I should do. Since I can't seal you, it means that you shouldn't be sealed, and I don't need to do anything to you again." Haotian's body moved and disappeared in place.


"This is origin transmission?" Xia Xia frowned.

"It should be similar to source teleportation, as expected of Haotian!!" Hongfeng saw the big scene today.

Haotian's ability.

It really opened his eyes.

"Then keep up!!" Xia Xia also used the power of the source and disappeared in place.

when it reappears.

He came to a fairy palace.

This is a Five Treasures Immortal Palace! !

"This time, I want to seize this opportunity and learn all the truth I want to know from him!!!" Xia Xia walked in directly.

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