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Chapter 1654: Kunming cave master

"Two?" Xia Tian was taken aback!

"That's right!!" Xi Batian nodded.

"Actually, it's not just this, the significance of Tianlong to Tianzu is too great, so no matter what kind of performance you have, you can't compare with him, but in fact, I think you should talk to the high priest, maybe The price he offers can make your heart move!!!" Yaoji reminded.

Although she has already guessed some of Xia's identities.

But she thinks.

The High Priest is someone who is willing to give up.

"Unless he helps me kill everyone in the entire Celestial Clan, I'm afraid I won't be moved!!" Xia Xia responded.

"You ask Xi Batian, the price that the Celestial Clan gave him back then!!" said the demon girl.

"The Celestial Clan gave me five conditions!" Xi Batian stretched out five fingers: "The first one, all my relatives and friends are under the protection of the Celestial Clan, even if I die, they will And their descendants will also be taken care of by the Celestial Clan for ten million years, and even the Celestial Clan cannot kill them casually!"

If other forces say such things.

That's certainly of no use.

after all.

In a place like Shenzhou, any power may suddenly disappear.

But Tianzu is different.

They have ruled China for hundreds of millions of years.

"Second, the Celestial Clan helped me find a Five Treasures Immortal Palace, which is where I live now. It recognizes my status as Xibatian and can govern the whole world of Shenzhou."

Five Treasures Immortal Palace.

in China.

Very few.

It can be said.

Any Five Treasures Immortal Palace is exchanged with the lives of countless people.

"Third, the Celestial Clan will give me endless wealth, resources and all kinds of things I need. As long as I want, I can go to the Celestial Clan to get it. It is very generous. I will give me as much as I want. , of course, I won't go too far."

That is to say.

Heavenly Clan will support him for a lifetime.

what does he need.

Some people use their lives to exchange something for him.

"Fourth, the Celestial Clan gave me a chance to break through the Venerable Hundred Stars, but I didn't live up to my expectations and didn't succeed, but the opportunity was given to me, and they would give me once every 500,000 years. Chance!!!"

For those who possess the power of the source, Hundred Stars are a huge threshold. Under normal circumstances, they have no chance to succeed on their own.

But relying on the Celestials.

Their chances are greatly increased.

"Fifth, they showed me the part of the Cloudy Sky Sutra of the Celestial Clan. My strongest immortal skill right now was created by using the perception of the Cloudy Sky Scripture and my own strongest ability!!"

When it comes to the Yin Tianjing, he is obviously very yearning for it.

That is Shenzhou.

The strongest secret.

"Yin Tianjing, how big is the background?" Xia Tian asked.

"Let's put it this way, it was born from the ancestral tree. All the top immortal skills in Shenzhou were learned from it. It was the secret book of the divine book. Even the Celestial Clan only mastered one-fifth of it. And this one-fifth is gradually fading, and the day it fades completely, it will disappear." The enchantress explained.

"Compared with divine soul technique, which is stronger?" Xia Xia asked again.

"You actually know the spirit technique!!" The demon girl smiled and said, "Let's put it this way, one immortal technique, one is a divine soul attack method; one is the ability of the ancestral tree to be born, and the other is the ability of the mother tree to be born; there is no way to compare, but Divine Soul Art is completely in the hands of the Celestial Clan."


"I understand, the Cloudy Sky Sutra handed down from the ancestral tree is definitely better, but the people of Shenzhou also have many means to save their lives, so the power seems to be relatively small; although the Spiritual Art is not as strong as the Cloudy Sky Scripture, but the people of Shenzhou are relatively small. , Soul protection is weak, so the lethality will be stronger, right!!!" Xia Xia said.

"Exactly, but no one has ever seen the completed Cloudy Sky Sutra, so no one knows what kind of abilities they will comprehend after reading the complete set of Cloudy Sky Sutra." The enchantress explained.

"You want to tell me that when your high priest makes an offer for me, you will have these things, right?" Xia Xia asked.

"Yes, there will only be more, not less!!" The enchantress did not shy away from Xi Batian.

"I didn't make such a big move from you back then. In the eyes of the Celestial Clan people, although there were contradictions before, the more disturbance you make, the more valuable you are. For example, in Haotian back then, the disturbance made was just as valuable. Not small, and he is still the number one expert in China, so the price the Celestial Clan gave him must be higher!!!" Xi Batian didn't think there was any problem.

Celestial family.

It is a force that knows how to balance.

The price they gave is absolutely impossible for this party to refuse now.

Of course.

There will also be an upper limit.

If this limit is exceeded, they will also make a trade-off.

"Now that I say no, what will they do?" Xia Tian asked.

"With the character of the high priest, there are two possibilities. First, find someone to teach you a lesson and give you a hint; second, if you don't know how to advance or retreat, he will kill you at all costs!!!" Explaining she knew better what a high priest was like.

He can still have a little patience for summer now.

But when this tolerance exceeds the limit.

He definitely couldn't take it anymore.

"Teach me a lesson? Your Celestial Clan, is there someone stronger than Haotian?" Xia Xia asked.

"Mr. Xia, you have to figure out this matter first. Although Haotian has attacked you before, but with Haotian's character, he will never do it with all his strength, just to make a point; but the person invited by the high priest next, I will definitely do my best, this concept is different." Xi Batian reminded.

He didn't want summer to be too blind.

"Although you beheaded a priest, everyone understands that this priest died on the basis of carelessness. If the next person who comes over will not be careless and will not give you a chance?" said the demon girl.

"Opportunities are created by people, and I will find ways to create opportunities myself!!" Xia Xia said.

"You'll know soon." Yaoji looked into the distance.

The people from the Shrine of the Venerable are here.

at the same time.

The high priest did not return to the Tianzu, but went to Kunming Cave.

What he was looking for this time was the master of the Kunming Cave.

"Heavenly Clan High Priest is coming, and it's too far to welcome." A huge face appeared outside the Kunming Cave.

"Will you not let me in?" asked the high priest.


After the face split, a huge door appeared.

The high priest went straight in.

The men behind him were waiting in place.

"The high priest is here this time for summer!!" The Kunming cave master came out of the darkness.

He was only about a meter tall.

Be a dwarf!

It also looks so ugly.

"It seems that you have broken through again!!!" The high priest said with emotion when he saw him.

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