The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1655: 5 stars

"As expected of the High Priest, his eyesight is just different!!" The master of the Kunming Cave sighed with emotion.

"This is even better!!!" The high priest nodded: "Since you already know the purpose of my coming here, then I will not waste time. This time I am here to ask you to teach you a lesson in summer. , if he still doesn't understand what the Celestial Clan stands for, then kill him!!!"

"He's not that easy to kill, right?" asked the master of the Kunming Cave.

The high priest threw a scroll: "It contains all his latest news."

After taking a look at the cave owner of Kunming Cave, he nodded slightly: "It's really not easy to deal with!!"

"If it's easy to deal with, I won't come to you!!" the high priest complained.

Under normal conditions.

He wouldn't come to someone like the cave owner of Kunming Cave to take action, but the price is very expensive.

"Then let's talk about the price!!" The owner of the Kunming Cave was very direct.

"If you can beat the summer, I can let you watch the Cloudy Sky Sutra again!!!" The high priest made a bid.

He is also reluctant to make an offer.

Look at the overcast scriptures once.

That is very rare.

Even the priests of the Celestial Clan would not be able to watch them without making great contributions.


The master of the Kunming cave nodded slightly: "Xia Xia killed a priest, and the origin of the earth, the power of the spirit, this is not so easy to solve, I think, high priest, you should add more chips."

"Okay, as long as you can beat Xia Xia, I can give you some more benefits!!!" said the high priest.

"Well, I just want a Five Treasures Immortal Palace, this thing, only the Celestial Clan has the ability to get it." Kunming cave master also said a lion.

I want another level five Immortal Palace.

"You're a little greedy!!" The high priest said with emotion.

"Mr. High Priest, you must understand that the opponent this time is different from the past. If you let him develop, he will be more terrifying than Haotian in the future." The Kunming cave master reminded.

this time.

He won't be polite.

The existence of Xia Xia is very difficult to mess with. Once he can't handle it, there will be endless troubles.


If you want more now, you must want more.

"Five Treasures Immortal Palace is not so easy to get!!!" The high priest frowned.

this thing.

Even if the Celestial Clan wanted to get it, it would take time, fate and countless lives as the price.

"Of course I know that the Five Treasures Immortal Palace is difficult to obtain, and only the Celestial Clan has the ability. It is absolutely impossible for me to obtain it myself, so I made this condition!!" said the Kunming Cave Master.

The high priest began to ponder.

The value of the Five Treasures Immortal Palace is very high.

And it's no longer a question of value.

But it takes countless manpower and material resources to get it. He is the high priest of the Celestial Clan. Once he agrees, he must find a way to help the Kunming cave master get it.

What he was thinking was.

this time.

If it consumes such a large amount of manpower and material resources, it will be a lot of trouble when dealing with Tianlong.

"Well, after the matter of Tianlong is over, I will send someone to get it for you, how about that?" the high priest asked.

"No problem, as long as the high priest agrees, that's fine!!" The Kunming cave master absolutely believed in the high priest's promise.

"Okay, he is now in the Tiankeng, and he should not leave in a short time, and his character is very arrogant, and he will never use the power of the source to escape at first." The high priest said.


"Just leave the rest to me!!" The Kunming cave master waved his right hand, and a colorful reptile appeared in his hand: "Little guy, don't be too violent, if you kill Xia Xia directly, All right!!!"

The high priest said nothing.

Since he has found the Kunming cave owner, it proves that he absolutely believes in the ability of the Kunming cave owner.

Then turned to leave.

"High priest, can the master of the Kunming cave really handle summer?" The experts outside were a little puzzled.

"You don't know his ability, he is not a normal person." After the high priest finished speaking, he disappeared in place.

Summer at this time.

I am observing the Zerg below with the people of His Holiness.

"Mr. Xia, you have helped us a lot this time. If you hadn't discovered this place, once these Zerg broke out from here and invaded China, it would be a disaster for China!!" A master from the Venerable Temple said with emotion. .

"Can you find out who did it?" Xia Tian asked.

"We couldn't investigate, and there is no trace of the other party's actions. We have tried our best to investigate all the people who have been in and out of the ancient battlefield recently, but there is still no gain. We are worried that someone has found other connection points between Shenzhou and the ancient battlefield. , If there is such a connection point, it is really troublesome." The person from the temple of the venerable said.

The people below have used special materials to store those boxes one by one.

They want to collect these boxes in a unified and take them back for processing.

"It seems that Shenzhou is really going to be restless!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"We will speed up." The master of Venerable Temple handed Xia a communication talisman: "If Mr. Xia finds this kind of place again next time, he can send a message to us directly, and we will rush over as soon as possible."

They also know the relationship between Xia Xia and Tian Clan.

It is impossible to inform Tianzu in summer.

"Alright!!" Xia Tian took the communication talisman! !

"By the way, Mr. Xia, there is something I have to tell you in advance!!" The master of the Venerable Temple said suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Summer asked.

"Our Prophet of the Temple of Venerables predicted you in the ancient battlefield," said the expert of the Temple of Venerables.

"The Prophet? Predicted me?" Xia Xia looked at the master of the Temple of Venerables puzzled.

"The Prophet is the most respected existence in our Venerable Temple. They can predict the future. He predicts that you will come at the most dangerous time of the ancient battlefield, and five stars will be wrapped around your body. As for the specific situation, the Prophet cannot predict! !" explained the master of the Venerable Temple.

"Five stars!!" Summer frowned.

He suddenly thought of something.

But some can't catch it.

"Don't disturb you!!" The people from the Temple of Venerables cupped their hands and left.

After watching them leave, Xia Xia also turned and walked inside.

"Mr. Xia, be careful, I'm going to look for the ancient sycamore wood too!!" Xi Batian came here with the purpose of the ancient sycamore tree, and Xia Xia had already given him the news. There was a delay before, but now the matter is basically over, it's time to continued.

The enchantress glanced at Xia Xia: "I just got the news that the person the high priest is looking for is the master of the Kunming cave!!!"

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