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Chapter 1658: who eats who

He didn't want to see Summer fall here because of this kind of thing.

He is the owner of the power of the source.

If you want to escape, it's not a big problem.

"Yu Ji, you seem to be in violation of the rules!!" The Kunming cave master reminded.

That's right.

The enchantress is the priest of the Celestial Clan.

this time.

How could she remind Xia Xia of these, and let Xia Xia escape?


The enchantress nodded slightly, she has already said what she should say, and the rest is up to Xia Tian to choose.

Of course there is no escape in summer.

Let’s not talk about the power of this worm, the Kunming cave master. If he really escapes, then this matter will definitely be passed on to the Celestial Clan. At that time, the enchantress will probably be dealt with by the Celestial Clan. Although it will not fall, but Certainly not a small amount of guilt.

People like him.

How can you implicate others.

"The word escape has long been missing in my dictionary, just look at it carefully!!" Xia Xia stood there.

did not leave.

"I don't care!!" The demon girl was completely speechless when she saw Xia Xia's actions.

She kindly reminded Xia Xia, but Xia Xia didn't appreciate it at all. Not only did she not leave, but she also said such words, as if what she just said were all self-indulgent.

She didn't know.

Summer said so.

Just to clear the relationship between her and Xia Xia.

In this case.

The Celestial Clan will no longer have trouble with the enchanting princess.

"Very good, this courage is admirable, but in this world, courage is not enough. My colorful poisonous insect is the most poisonous thing. It has to swallow 10,000 tons of poison every day. It will be entangled by toxins, and I don't know how poisonous it is now, if you are caught, even I may not be able to detoxify you." The Kunming cave owner is reminding Summer.

If it's too late to admit it now.



No chance.

He won't let go.

"I think if you run away now, maybe you won't regret it, otherwise, you will regret it for the rest of your life!!!" Xia Xia responded.

Look at the poisonous insect in front of you.

He wanted to laugh.


Something within him was already reminding him.

This kind of poisonous insect, in front of him, is an ant-like existence.

for others.

This poisonous insect may be very scary, but for summer, it may be a tonic.

His current attack is powerful though.

But the lethality is not enough.

Although the study of the source of soil in the future can also increase the lethality, but it is too slow. Xia Xia also saw that Xi Batian was running around in order to improve his attack power. He did not have so much time to run around.

But what if he could add poison to his attack?

The strongest poison in China.


"Summer, I really don't like you more and more!!" The master of the Kunming cave snorted heavily, and then the poisonous insects in his hand began to crawl forward.

The crawler is not fast.

But it seems to be jumping in space.

And blocked all roads in summer.

along the way.

All the power was swallowed up by the colorful poisonous insects.

any force.

Can't stop it.

Including the absolute defense of the previous summer, it seems to be nothing in front of it.

"Now you can't escape if you want to escape, you are already within its kill range, even if you want to teleport away, the space will be eaten by it, and at that time, you will fall into the space-time crack Inside." The Kunming cave owner had already decided that he would win.

this distance.

He is determined to win.


All he had to do was wait for the summer to beg for mercy.


He will not easily let go of summer.

He wants to let Xia Xia understand, and the price of his madness.

"Oops!!" The enchantress can already imagine what will happen next.


In summer, it will be swallowed by this poisonous insect bite by bite until death.

Such a genius.

It's going to fall like this.

She also felt very sorry.

at this time.

She even considered whether to help.

But soon, her eyes widened, because the colorful poisonous insect, known as the invincible, had already been caught in Xia Xia's hands. She could even see the poisonous insect trembling, as if sensing something terrible.

"What's going on?" Yaoji didn't understand at all.

Why does this happen.

The master of the Kunming cave was still stunned: "Damn!!"


He didn't understand what was going on.

But he also injected his power into the poisonous insects for the first time, and wanted to use this to control the poisonous insects and let the poisonous insects continue to attack.


Still no response.

"Then don't blame me!!" The body of the Kunming cave master turned into venom and entered the body of the poisonous insect directly.

At this time, the poisonous insect doubled in size.

It also seemed to want to resist this force.


Can't move at all.

"I heard that you are going to eat me, then let me see who ate who!!" With a wave of Xia Xia's right hand, the Tianhan Sword disappeared, and at the same time a flame appeared in his hand: "I My favorite is BBQ."

"Not good!!" Although Yaoji didn't understand what was going on, she also understood, if this continues, the one who will die is the Kunming cave master: "Hurry up and strip away your poisonous insects, or you will die! !!"

Now the Kunming cave owner and the poisonous insect are one the poisonous insect died.

The Kunming cave master is also dead.

It's an inevitable death.


The master of the Kunming cave was separated from the colorful poisonous insects.

A mouthful of blood spurted out.

The cost of this kind of peeling is very high, and he will completely lose the connection with the colorful poisonous insects in a short time.


"Don't!!!" the Kunming cave owner shouted loudly.


It's too late.

His poisonous insects did not resist at all, so they were roasted by Summer, and Summer also took out pepper and chili powder.

good smell.

Baked is an absolute must.

But the heart of the Kunming cave owner was bleeding.

For this colorful poisonous insect, he has spent millions of years and countless resources, all his wealth is in the colorful poisonous insect, but now, he is watching Xia Tian eat the colorful poisonous insect one bite at a time.

"Summer, I'm at odds with you!!!" Kunming cave master really wants to kill Xiaxia now.


He no longer has the capital to kill Xia Xia.

His strongest ability.

He is vulnerable in front of Xia Xia, not to mention his other abilities.


Now he can only choose to run away.

Although he left a cruel word, it can only be a cruel word.

"This..." The enchantress was completely dumbfounded.

Such a poisonous thing is so fragrant in summer, and the aroma of roasting is irresistible.

"Want something to eat?" Xia Tian asked.

"Forget it, I have no life to endure it!!" Yaoji said embarrassedly.

at the same time.

Xia Xia sensed that a steady stream of venom began to flow in his body.

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