The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1659: Unlock the sinkhole


Hongfeng spoke up.

"There are insect crystals in here, I can absorb!!!"


Xia Xia is no nonsense, although he is the first time to see a serious insect crystal, but he can be sure that this is the legendary thing.

He directly peeled off the insect crystal and gave it to Hongfeng.

Hongfeng began to absorb the power of insect crystals.

"This..." The enchantress was in the distance, she didn't know what to say anymore.

The biggest trump card of the Kunming cave owner was eaten in one bite by Xia Xia, so the most poisonous thing was eaten like this in Xia Xia.


She still doesn't understand.

How did summer catch the colorful poisonous insects?

And the colorful poisonous insects have no resistance at all.

"I said that when he came to deal with me, there was already a result!!" Xia Xia reminded.

"But this still makes me a little unresponsive. If the previous battle priest was recruited because of his blindness, I can still understand, but this time the Kunming cave master has already taken out his biggest hole card. ,Can..."

"But I can still break his trump card!!!" Xia Xia already understood what the enchanting girl wanted to say.

"Yeah, his strongest ability and strongest characteristic, he still lost in your hands!!!" Yaoji said with emotion.

I don't know how many people's cards have been broken in the summer.

"My biggest feature is that I'm not afraid of other people's cards. If others want to beat them simply by relying on their cards, it's a big mistake!!!" Xia Xia explained.

That's right.

His eyes could see through everything.

His Realm King Jue can accommodate Baichuan.

His sea of ​​knowledge can encompass everything.

His little bug can restrain everything.

If you look at the trump cards of the competition, it is very difficult for others to beat him.

"That is to say, if you want to defeat you, it's useless to rely on those trump cards that others are proud of. You have to rely on pure combat skills and instincts, right!!" the enchanting girl asked.

this kind of topic.

Normally, she shouldn't ask.

After all, she represents the Celestial Clan.

And Xia Xia belongs to the opposing lineup. It is very bad to ask this kind of question directly.

"Yes, absolute power crushing, absolute skill, absolute fighting talent, etc., can all deal with me!!!" Xia Xia did not hide anything.

Although the enchantress is a priest of the Celestial Clan.

But at the most dangerous time, she was willing to stand up and speak for Xia Xia, which moved Xia Xia very much.

Of course.

He also has his own trump card.

Even if the enchantress told the Celestial Clan this, he was not afraid.


He is growing every day.

Every new summer cannot be compared with yesterday's summer.

"It seems that my guess is good. The high priest should also think of this, but for the time being, the high priest may not be looking for someone to come over casually, but the Kunming cave master has suffered such a big loss, he probably won't. Don't let it go." The demon girl reminded.

The master of Kunming cave is one of the top masters in China.

People like him.

I don't know how many friends I have in China.

This time.

He could be said to have lost a treasure that he had cultivated for millions of years.

How can you be willing.


He will definitely find his way back, and he will find his friends to help him fight Xia Xia. If he wins, he can also take the rewards from the Celestial Clan, so that he can make up for some of his losses.


Even if it makes up for it.

This time, he was also seriously injured.

"Just wait for them to come. If I hear that others have great abilities, I will be afraid, then how can I kill the Celestial Clan?" Xia Xia's overall strength has improved now.

What he lacks is experience and discipline.

There is also the application of the current year rule.

Only fight against the strong.

It can make his strength increase faster.

"You're a lunatic!!" The enchantress sighed with emotion.

"Many people have said this, and I admit it!!!" Xia Xia also admitted that he was a lunatic.

"Then what's your goal of coming here?" This is not the first time Yaoji has come in.

She thought that if Summer was looking for something, she might be able to help.

After all, she is an experienced person.

"Unlock the secrets here!!" Xia Xia said very casually.


The black line on the face of the enchantress: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"I know, I said I want to unlock the secret here!!" Xia Xia said again.

"What nonsense are you talking about? This is a Tiankeng. Do you want to unlock the secrets of Tiankeng? This is absolutely impossible." Yaoji shook her head, she thought that Xia Xia was just talking about a dream.

How many years has the tiankeng existed?

over the years.

No one has ever been able to investigate the secrets of the Tiankeng.

Even the core of the Tiankeng is already a forbidden area.

It is said that even Haotian will die if he enters it.

If it was someone else who said this, she would definitely be too lazy to scold her, just smile.

But summer is different.

She feels that Xia Xia is a very special person, someone she can look up to.

Such people say such things.

She just wanted to scold.

"What? You don't think I can do it?" Xia Tian asked.

"Is there any need to ask this? Of course it can't be done, you know how dangerous the tiankeng This is the periphery, and the dangers inside are countless." The enchantress thinks that Xia Xia is too simple, and there is no such thing as I don't understand what the pit represents.

That was one of the most dangerous places known inside China.

A place that no force dares to touch.

"I just like to do things that others can't do. If others can do it, what's the point of doing it?" Xia Tian smiled.

"Mad, you are a lunatic!!!" The enchantress felt that she really couldn't keep up with Xia's thoughts.

"Let's go, there is a fight in Xibatian, I guess we have found a clue!!!" Xia Xia has already sensed the current situation in Xibatian.

It's not too far from here.

"I found it so quickly. It seems that with your help, his luck this time has also improved!!" Yaoji found that Xia Xia was like a mascot, and by his side, other people's luck also will get better.

Swish! Swish!

The two bodies disappeared in place.

when you come again.

They saw flames all over the sky.

It's an endless sea of ​​fire.

"Need help?" Xia Xia shouted.

"No, just watch the fun and see how I beat this beast!!!" Xi Batian was also full of arrogance.

He is the top expert in China.

Wouldn't it be a bit embarrassing to encounter an ancient immortal beast and need someone's help?

"Looks like we're self-indulgent!!" The enchantress sighed with emotion.

"No, he will need us!!" Xia Tian smiled slightly, he could already see the back of the battlefield.

Here and now.

There is a huge black flame phoenix.

It opened its eyes.

Awakened from a slumber.

It was disturbed.

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