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Chapter 1660: ancient fire phoenix


"You mean, he can't figure it out?" Yaoji asked in confusion.

In her opinion.

Xi Batian is the top expert in China. Could the ancient phoenix here be stronger than Xi Batian?

"Well, although he has developed a lot of abilities over the years, the opponent's flame has a feeling of dominating the world. This is the difference between the nature of the flame, just like he usually crushes ordinary wood law people." Xia Xia explained road.


heard here.

The enchantress understands what summer means.

At the same time, she was even more shocked.

so far away.

She couldn't feel anything.

But Xia Xia not only sensed the changes on the battlefield, but even saw more and farther than Xi Batian in the battlefield.

What a horrible observation.

Before, she felt that as long as she followed the summer for a while, she could see through the summer completely, see all the abilities of the summer in her eyes, and understand the whole summer, but as she followed the summer longer and longer, she became more and more See through the summer, discover more and more secrets.

Summer secrets.

As if it will never be finished.

"Come on!!" When Xia Tian's voice fell.

A behemoth flew fast from a distance.

"Not good!" Xi Batian also used his powerful attack power to smash forward.

It collided with a huge figure.

The powerful impact spread out.

The surrounding hills were razed to the ground in an instant.

A huge ditch was also smashed into the ground.

"What a strong impact!!!" A powerful flame erupted from Xi Batian's body again, and he continued to confront this behemoth.

boom! boom!

The force is constantly pounding.

"Hey, don't take it hard!!" Xia Xia shouted.

He could see it.

Xi Batian is just carrying it hard. If the two of them weren't here, Xi Batian wouldn't deliberately want this face, and he must have avoided it temporarily, but Xia Xia and Yaoji are here, he doesn't want to lose face, that's why he does this Hard to carry.

However, Xi Batian still did not stop.

"It's useless, at this time, he will not avoid it!!" Yaoji reminded.

"You have to suffer for face!!" Xia Xia shook his head.

"This is a matter of dignity, and he is Xibatian!!" The enchanting princess said with emotion.

A person who has reached this level, who is not good at face, especially a person like Xi Batian, who thinks he is the representative of Shenzhou wood element, how can he give in when he encounters the ancient phoenix of fire element, once he gives in, then It means that he is not the strongest wood element in China. Although the wood element is restrained by the fire element, he has always believed that any power can break through the mutual generation and mutual restraint as long as it is cultivated to the extreme.

Seeing that the attack of the ancient phoenix has already destroyed the space.


at this time.

Hundreds of rays of light erupted from Xi Batian's body.

Light wrapped around his body.

Immortal Skill: Hundred Wood! !

Hundreds of rays of light instantly melted into Xi Batian's body.

The two sides were evenly matched in power.

"What a powerful immortal skill, it can be used not only to attack, but also to enhance one's defense!!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"That's natural, he is Xibatian, the pinnacle strength of the wood system in Shenzhou, for so many years, he has been studying how to improve his strength, the ability of the wood system is constantly being developed by him, and he also collects various Such a powerful and powerful wood-type power!!" The demon girl explained.


Summer also has to admit.

Xibatian is really strong.

When his Wood Element was restrained by the Fire Element, he was still able to play such a heaven-defying ability.

"Why is he using the power of the fire element!!" Xia Xia was stunned.

"Although he is a cultivator of the source of wood, before he obtained the source of wood, he was the owner of the law of fire. Over the years, on the one hand, he has tempered his wood element, and on the other hand, he is also cultivating his fire element. , is to make up for the gap in the restraint of the law, so that when others attack him with flames, he will not be too passive!!" The enchanting princess is very familiar with these top experts in China.

"He is really a cultivation genius!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"No, he is definitely the one who works the hardest among the four, but he is definitely not the most talented. Among the four, the most talented is Nan Batian. Everyone thinks that even if Nan Batian does not get the The source of water, he will definitely become the top master in China in the future. His talent is very defying. If one day you fight with him, you must be careful, he will almost completely learn your abilities. Makes you hard to guard!!" said the enchantress.

"If you say that, I'm even more curious!!" Xia Xia was looking forward to some powerful masters.

He has gone through countless life-and-death struggles to have his current strength.

It can be said.

every step.

He crawled out of the blood.

Now I finally have the ability to fight the peak of Shenzhou.

Naturally, the more he comes, the better. In this case, he can also have many opportunities to break through himself.

Before going to Celestial Clan.

He wants to maximize his overall strength.

"You still think about it, how the Kunming cave master will retaliate against you, if it wasn't for the fact that most of the venerables were in the ancient battlefield, the number of masters he could find would definitely not be higher than the number of masters from the Celestial Clan you saw last time. Less!!" The demon girl reminded.

Kunming cave master.

He must be hating Xia Xia The strength accumulated over millions of years has been destroyed by Xia Xia, and now he is not even worthy of being called the top master of China.

This tone.

How could he not leave.

"Wait for him!!!" Xia Xia was more concerned about how Xi Batian would face this ancient flame phoenix.


Xi Batian shouted loudly, and then his body began to grow bigger, little by little, and countless towering trees grew on the bare ground around him in an instant, and all the big trees kept entwining towards the ancient fire phoenix.


The fire phoenix kept releasing flames.

Those towering trees were also surrounded by flames.

"Not burnt?" Xia Tian saw that although those towering trees were lit, but not burned, it was a bit weird: "I understand, he wrapped these towering trees with his own flames. Now, it is used to resist the flames released by the fire phoenix, although it will not last long, but it can temporarily restrain the fire phoenix."


Xi Batian's huge body punched the ancient fire phoenix on the head.

Directly knocked down the ancient fire phoenix.

at the same time.

His body jumped high.

From top to bottom.

As if wanting to trample the ancient fire phoenix to death.

"No!!" Xia Xia suddenly shouted: "It is not connected!!!"


Hearing Xia Xia's words, Xi Batian hurriedly changed the direction of his attack.

call out!

The ancient fire phoenix, which seemed to have lost its resistance just now, rose directly into the sky. If Xi Batian continued to attack just now, his body might have been penetrated.

"It's dangerous!!" Xi Batian was stunned for a moment.

"Nosy, do you want to die?"

at this time.

The ancient fire phoenix suddenly spoke.

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