The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1666: reliable man

For a moment.

Everything within a million miles is frozen.

Including the ancient fire phoenix in front of him.


Hundred-tailed Tianhu and Asura's attack hit the first time.

But the freeze didn't last long.

The ancient fire phoenix broke the seal in an instant, and at the same time his attack came out again.


Xia Xia never thought that he could be easily frozen, and Xia Xia's purpose was very simple, that is, to freeze him for a little time first, to buy more time for the other two, and to suppress these flames for a while, so that When the two attacked, there was no resistance.


The combined attack of the two of them directly sent the ancient fire phoenix flying out.


The frozen million miles disappeared.

The ice melts.

The flames appeared again.

"Success!" Hundred-tailed Tianhu and Asura showed smiles at the same time.

They just saw.

The armor of the ancient fire phoenix appeared a little bit broken, although it was only a little bit, and it re-condensed immediately, but this also means that the ancient fire phoenix in front of him is not invincible. defeated.

call out!

The body of the ancient fire phoenix flew high.

At the same time, his pair of wings unfolded directly: "Feng Xianhuo!"

The endless flames fell directly.

Not a single group of flames are very powerful.

When smashed.

The ground will be instantly smashed into a big hole.

As if a star fell.

the entire battlefield.

turned into a sea of ​​fire and a deep pit.

"He is making his own home court, and he wants to turn it into a sea of ​​flames. In this case, we will be suppressed by him here!!" Xia Xia reminded.

"Do you want to change the place?" the enchantress asked.

"If you don't change it, doesn't it mean that we are afraid of him!" Xi Batian's attitude was very firm.

this time.

If they retreated, it would mean they confessed.

And even if they retreat and find another place to fight, they can still reunite the battlefield that belongs to them.

The scene will not change.

"I don't plan to run away either!" Xia Xia has been running away every day since he came to Shenzhou. He was really tired of running away, and now he doesn't want to run away anymore.

"Courage can't save you!!" The ancient fire phoenix said with great disdain.

In his opinion.

When normal human beings see such a scene, they should plan to escape from here. After all, if they stay here, they can only be burned and killed.

"If you don't try it, how do you know if it will work or not!" A smile appeared on Xia Tian's face.


He also rushed up.


The other two also rushed up with Xia Xia.


Summer's body flashes.

A punch hit the ancient fire phoenix.

"That's it?" The ancient fire phoenix asked disdainfully.

Destroy the fairy finger!

at this time.

The second hit of the summer came out.


The body of the ancient fire phoenix was directly pierced.

call out!

A mournful voice appeared: "What? How can you have such power."

There was even a hint of fear and awe in him.


More puzzled.

"It's so strong, Yang's finger just penetrated his body without causing any more damage!" Xia Xia said in surprise.

He was thinking about it before.

Relying on the extermination finger to hit the ancient fire phoenix.

But he didn't expect it.

This blow of his own actually only caused such a little attack.

To know.

In order to hit such a blow, he has been brewing for a long time.

Just to let the ancient fire phoenix relax its vigilance.


But let him very disappointed.


Hundred-tailed Tianhu and Asura's attacks slowed down. Although Xia Xia's attack did not cause much damage, it also created an opportunity for the two of them, and the two of them hit a combo.

for a while.

The ancient fire phoenix began to retreat.


"As expected of someone with Vermilion Bird's bloodline, even the Immortal Finger can't be severely injured!" Hong Feng said with emotion.

"Yeah, it's a little scary!" Xia Xia has either easily broken through other people's venerable armor or directly killed the enemy since he practiced the Immortal Destruction Finger.

Especially after his Kaiwang Jue broke through to the sixth floor.

That's almost a trick to kill the enemy in seconds.

But now.

Such a trick.

Also a little powerless.

"Damn, you guys actually hurt me, I absolutely can't stand this kind of thing!" The ancient fire phoenix began to heal its wounds, but Xia Xia's attack was obviously different. The wound there had just healed, and it opened again.

"It seems that it's not completely ineffective. With such a heaven-defying recovery ability, he can't actually restore this wound!!" Hongfeng reminded.

He has also been observing the situation of the ancient fire phoenix.

The current ancient fire phoenix.

The situation is not very good.


"This wound is indeed useful." Xia Xia could sense the ancient Fire Phoenix's fear of this wound, that is to say, with this wound, it is impossible for him to exert 100% of his strength.


Hundred-tailed foxes and Asura's attacks can also play a greater role.


The two of them attacked continuously.

"How dare you do this to me!" The ancient fire phoenix became completely angry, and his face was full of anger.

Endless flames erupted from his body.

at the same time.

The terrifying destructive power reappeared on his claws.

"Be careful, back off!" Xia Xia shouted.

When the two heard Xia Xia's words, they did not hesitate in the slightest, and immediately began to retreat. They both understood that since Xia Xia asked them to retreat, there must be a problem.

call out!

The attack of the ancient fire phoenix rushed over quickly.

"Oops, it's the ability just now." Yaoji reacted, isn't this the flame that almost killed her just now.

If hit.

Then it's dead.

Although there was a reminder from Summer that the two of them had already retreated in advance, but at this time, there must be one of the two of them who must be recruited.

The speed of the ancient fire phoenix is ​​too fast.

[Tianquan, fight back! 】


Xia Xia appeared in front of the ancient fire phoenix again, and when the ancient fire phoenix's claws almost caught him, he used his ability.


Even if it was just 0.01 seconds slower, he would definitely die.

"It's so strong!" The enchanting girl was taken aback.

"What are you still doing, attacking his foothold!" Xia Xia hurriedly reminded.

The two of them also reacted immediately. At this time, it is really not the time to be stunned. Xia Xia has created the best attack opportunity for the two of them, and they must cherish it.

"Damn!" The ancient fire phoenix wanted to control his body.


when he controls his body.

A second force appeared.

His body was knocked flying again.

at the same time.

Summer appeared behind him.

Holding a golden knife in his hand!

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