The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1667: Kill you

"Oops!" The ancient fire phoenix had already felt the summer behind him, but at this time, he couldn't control his body at all, especially when the second shock force appeared, his body couldn't move for a short time.


Blood was flying.

The golden knife pierced through the wound just now.

Xia Xia and the golden knife came out from in front of him.

Blood is flying!

"Success!!!" The faces of Yaoji and Xi Batian showed joy.

at the same time.

The two of them also quickly killed the ancient fire phoenix.


This time.

The ancient fire phoenix did not resist. He had just discovered the sky-defying ability of Xia Xia. The more he resisted, the stronger the impact he suffered.


He can't resist.


The attack of the two had already hit his foothold.

at this time.

He can only bear the attack of the two of them. Under normal circumstances, it is nothing to bear the attack of the two of them, but now there is a huge wound on his body, which was just created for him by Xia Xia. There was a problem with his power mobilization.

This made his defense weaker.

"Good opportunity!!" The demon-subduing pestle in Asura's hand smashed frantically.

It was as if the whole world was going to be destroyed.

The hundred tails of the hundred-tailed fox kept bombarding down.

Xia Xia looked at his hands. If Hongfeng hadn't protected his body just now, he would be burning. The ancient Phoenix's body was filled with the power of flames. The temperature was too high. The Xuanwu Immortal Armor shattered directly and could not stop it at all.

Now his hands and body.

It was also red.

The blood of the ancient fire phoenix is ​​also many times higher than the magma temperature of the immortal world.

very scary.

"This is killing one thousand enemies and losing eight hundred!!!" Hongfeng said with emotion.

Xia Xia took a look at his body. He has the Law of the Moon, and his current physical strength is no different from Venerable Hundred Stars, and his toughness is very strong, so it is not a big problem.

If it were an ordinary person.

Now it's dangerous.

"It's okay, he is no longer in the best state. Coupled with the double damage of the extermination finger and the golden knife, his wound cannot be healed temporarily, and he can't be wrapped in armor." Xia Xia caused the ancient fire phoenix A certain amount of damage, this damage is not only physical.

Still spiritual.

suffer such damage.

When the ancient fire phoenix fought against the three again, the morale was a little weaker, and it would be distracted. When fighting, it would put away some of its strength to protect itself.

In addition, the places injured by Xia Xia could not be covered with her armor for the time being, so he also had to prevent sneak attacks.

"It seems that a turning point has appeared!!!" A smile appeared on the face of the enchantress. She understood that this summer was an opportunity for them.

Their chance to defeat this ancient fire phoenix.


They are going to seize this opportunity.

Defeat this ancient fire phoenix in one fell swoop.

"It seems that you are not invincible!!" Xi Batian was also excited.

But he is also very clear.

this opportunity.

Made in summer.

If there is no summer.

He has absolutely no chance at all.


He also finally knew the horror of summer.

In the past, he thought that Xia Xia was just some means, but when he really fought side by side with Xia Xia, he realized that Xia Xia has now become his hope.

Such a person.

Never rely on others to fight in peacetime.

But after meeting Summer, he actually began to feel dependent.

"Human, it seems that I really underestimate you!!" The ancient fire phoenix stared at Xia Xia angrily. In his eyes, among the three people, the one who caused him the most trouble was Xia Xia in front of him.

Although he has long felt that summer is not easy.

But he didn't expect it.

Summer can actually hurt him.

"You think you can see through me now?" Xia Xia shook his head.

Although I have used a lot of methods.

But this is not all his means.

"Interesting, I haven't met an opponent for many years. Since I met you today, let me have a good time!!!" The ancient fire phoenix is ​​almost invincible here.

Although there are usually some people who come in.

But when those people met him.

They were all killed quickly by him.

He didn't even have a chance to react, and even he would give those people no chance to revive.

There are occasional escapes, but few.

And those people didn't see his true power at all.

But now it's different.

Now these three people are the three strongest people he has encountered recently, especially when the three of them joined forces, they have already injured him, and he can't remember how many years he hasn't been injured.

"You are wrong!" Summer shook his head.


"Where did I go wrong?" asked the ancient fire phoenix.

"From the moment you meet us, you should be aware of rather than playful mood, your mood will kill yourself!!" Han Jian pointed directly at the other party: "The thing I don't like the most is to click until the end, because all my means are killing techniques, every move of mine will hit your weakness, and my attention will always be In you, as long as you show any flaws, even if it is a shred, I will kill you as soon as possible!!"


Although Xibatian and the others also killed a lot of people.

But most of the people they killed were people below the Venerable.

At the realm of Venerable and above, they rarely kill each other.

Especially the top players.

What everyone pays attention to is to point to the end, but after the emergence of summer, all this was broken.

Everyone thinks about the point, but Xia Xia is thinking about **** the opponent, so from the beginning, the opponent has already lost.

It is precisely because of Xia Xia's determination that he can get to where he is today in China.

it is good!

"I'm very happy, after so many years, someone finally dared to say that they want to kill me, but with your current ability, you can't kill me!!" said the ancient fire phoenix.


A smile appeared on Summer's face.

at the same time.

He waved his right hand.

Xuanwu Skill: Xuanwu Immortal Grass.


The golden spear appeared in Xia's hand.

When you see this ability.

The complexion of the ancient fire phoenix changed, and he finally moved: "How is it possible, how can you possibly have this ability?"

He is very clear.

What kind of ability is this.

"Don't you want to see my true strength?" Xia Xia stretched out his left hand and waved at the ancient fire phoenix.

【Promise, attract! ! 】

The body of the ancient fire phoenix flew directly over.

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