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Chapter 1668: Repel the Ancient Fire Phoenix

"You are courting death!!!" After the ancient fire phoenix found that his body could not move, he also launched his own attack for the first time.

Although he couldn't control his body.

But his attack was not limited.

Summer pulled him over this way.

That is equivalent to pulling his attack in the past.

It's the same as suicide.

"Help me block his attack!!" Xia Xia shouted loudly.

waited so long.

After finally waiting for this opportunity, how could he miss it.

Xuanwu Xiancao.

Cooling finally resumed.

Then he can also try to see if Xuanwu Immortal Grass can break the armor of the ancient fire phoenix.

As long as the armor of the ancient fire phoenix is ​​broken, then they can defeat the ancient fire phoenix.


Tiangangmu, defense! !

Xi Batian's defense is also the first to take shape.

The enchantress directly wrapped the attack of the ancient fire phoenix with her hundred tails.

"Don't think about it!!" The ancient fire phoenix shouted loudly.

His attack smashed with all his might.

The demon girl's hundred tails began to gradually scorch and tremble.

"I can't take it anymore!!" Yaoji shouted loudly.


Tiangangmu's defense once again blocked the attack of the ancient fire phoenix, and this time it resisted most of the impact.


Tiangangmu was also penetrated in the end.

"Give me death!!" The attack of the ancient fire phoenix had already killed Xia Xia.


Xuanwu Xiancao has taken shape.

"Just right!"

He directly threw the Xuanwu Xiancao out.

Xuanwu Immortal Grass broke the air, broke the flame, and directly attacked the body of the ancient fire phoenix.

The ancient fire phoenix could not dodge at all.

at the same time.

Although the flame of the fire phoenix was cut.

But the impact still hit the summer side.

"Death to me!!" The ancient fire phoenix shouted loudly.

Silent, defense! !

at this time.

Xia Si's defense directly stood in front of Xia Xia.

Xia Si's body is the Emperor Grade Thousand Silk Beast, a real powerful defense.


The flame attack was thus blocked.

"What?" The ancient fire phoenix was also stunned when he saw this scene.

at the same time.

Xuanwu Immortal Grass slammed into his body.

Invincible defense.

was broken.

Xuanwu Xiancao disappeared.

The armor on the ancient fire phoenix has also been broken. This armor is the armor that gave them a headache before, and now this armor is finally broken.

"Success!!" Xia Tian's eyes lit up.

Although Xuanwu Xianmao did not directly kill the ancient fire phoenix.

But it shattered the armor of the ancient fire phoenix.

He had seen it before.

The armor of this ancient fire phoenix is ​​the same as his Xuanwu immortal armor. As long as the power is always there, the armor will not be completely broken, but will continue to flow.

But his own ability.

He knows it himself.

Just when the special attack of the ancient fire phoenix came.

His Xuanwu Immortal Armor was touched by the opponent's attack.

The Xuanwu Immortal Armor shattered.

Moreover, the Xuanwu Immortal Armor cannot be condensed again, and cannot be condensed for the time being.

He was very strange at the time.

Why was his power still there, but the Xuanwu Immortal Armor could not be re-condensed, so he had a bold idea, that is, the attack used by the ancient fire phoenix should be similar to the attack of Xuanwu Immortal Grass. In this case, the opponent's attack can be If he breaks his Xuanwu Immortal Armor, then his own attack will definitely break the opponent's armor.

"It's now!!!" When Xi Batian saw the ancient fire phoenix's armor shattered, his eyes lit up, and then he directly sent out his attack.

God kill wood.

Wood Dragon.

When the wooden dragon rushed out.

Summer's attack was also played at the same time.

The origin of soil.

Xuanwu armor! !

The wooden dragon put on the armor again, this time their attack directly hit the body of the ancient fire phoenix.


The body of the ancient fire phoenix was directly knocked out.

"Success!!" Xi Batian was very excited.

Played for so long.

They finally saw the hope of victory, and it was the summer that gave them hope of victory.


Summer is to use his powerful ability to help them defeat the fire phoenix in front of them.

"Damn, you mere humans can actually force me to this step!!" The ancient fire phoenix shouted angrily.

at the same time.

He also understands.

Among these three people.

The biggest threat to him is summer.

Even when he made several shots in the summer, it brought him a very terrifying feeling.

"Win the king or lose the bandit, do you still think you can beat the three of us?" Xia Xia asked.

"Okay, let's wait and see!!" Ancient Fire Phoenix said coldly.

"What? Want to escape?" Xia Xia asked.

"Escape? This is my home, where can I escape?" The ancient fire phoenix moved and disappeared in place: "Welcome to Tiankeng, the real good show is still waiting for you!"

"Don't even think about running away!!" Xi Batian wanted to chase after him! !

"Come back!!" Summer shouted.

Xi Batian stopped: "What's wrong?"

"I can't chase it!!" Xia Xia glanced at the enchanting girl next to her.

At this time, the situation of the enchantress is not very good. He has just carried the ancient fire phoenix several times in a row, and he has also been The road is still far away. If we want to come back, we have to come back again. In this case, with our current consumption, if we walk inside, we will surely die! ! ' Summer reminded.

Although the power of the source can be sent away at any time.

But even they.

Don't dare to send it inside.

Can only be teleported outside.

But after teleporting outside, if they want to come in, they need to attack again. Even if they teleport a few times occasionally, they must be absolutely safe. Here, if you are not careful, you may lose your life.

"It's too fun to play, I forgot about it. Now we're spending a lot of money, so let's take a break!!" Xi Batian also reacted.

"The two of us have the power of the source, and the speed of recovery here is faster, but the speed of recovery of the enchantress will be very slow, I think, let the enchantress leave first, otherwise I don't know what kind of danger there will be!! " Xia Xia looked at the enchantress.

"Think I'm a burden?" Yaoji asked very unhappily.

She is a witch.

Celestial priest.

China's top famous master.

But now.

She was actually used as a drag bottle in summer.

"I'm worried about your accident. The two of us are in danger and can use the power of the source to escape at any time, but what about you?" Xia Xia asked.

That's right.

He and Xi Batian can leave at any time.

But the enchantress does not have the power of the source.

"You can't even protect a weak woman like me in the summer, how can you beat the Celestial Clan?" asked the enchanting girl.


Xia Tian was stunned: "Okay!"

"By the way, the attack you just used, I seem to have seen it in the ancient books of the Celestial Clan. It belongs to the power of immortals and holy beasts!!!"

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