The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1688: step over you

Both of them are experts in the fourth echelon. Although it is impossible to defeat Xibatian and Yaoji, they think that they can delay for a while. As for the other eight people, there are a few who help to hold back these two people.

The rest can be rushed inwards.

If you really found something inside.

Then they can call more people.

In short.

They're just trying to get the upper hand right now.

"Come on!!" Xi Batian didn't talk nonsense, he just started to unleash his powerful attack.

He is Xibatian.

Among the Four Bastars, he is the one who works the hardest, and the one who studies the most battles.

these years.

He wasn't pampered.


One person rushed up.

Directly blocked the two.

"As expected of Xi Batian, his strength is stronger than the legend." The two praised.


Several other helpers around were also killed.

Although they were definitely not the opponents of Xi Batian in a heads-up match, they were also the masters of the fifth and sixth tiers.

Now add one.

It can cause certain danger to Xibatian.


at the same time.

Hundreds of tails bombarded directly, and those few people wanted to dodge, but the face of the enchanting princess appeared on the tail.

Charisma works again.

Those people were directly smashed and flew out.

"Good opportunity!" Xi Batian seized this opportunity and instantly repulsed several people around him, and those who wanted to break through the past even let him grab it with the giant hand of Mu Zhiyuan and threw it away.

"Deal with the enchantress first, be careful of his seduction!!" At this time, everyone also discovered.

Although Xi Batian's strength is very strong, but Xi Batian's strength is quite satisfactory.

But the witch is different.

The charm of the enchantress is terrible.

The attack power is also very strong.

But they all understand that the defensive power of the enchantress is definitely not strong, then they have to find a breakthrough from the enchantress. As long as they defeat the enchantress, although they cannot defeat Xibatian, they can get from Xibatian here. Break out.

"Am I that easy to bully? Why does everyone think I'm a breakthrough?" The enchantment of the enchantress also came up.

she feels.

As a person, I think she is easy to deal with.


The attack of the enchantress broke out completely.

She wants everyone to understand.

Her enchantress is not easy to bully.

Diamond Wood.

The body of the enchantress was put on a suit of armor by Xi Batian.

"No, the two of them must be separated. If the two of them are together, the combat effectiveness will be greatly increased."

The other party also saw that the situation here was not simple.


One after another force smashed between Xibatian and Yaoji, trying to force the two apart.


Xi Batian blocked all attacks.

"How long can you hold on so defensively?" the demon clan scolded.

"I am Xi Batian!!!" Xi Batian's body moved, and a voice of dragon roar appeared.

Heaven kills wood, Wanlong! !

"No, defense!!" The Demon Race expert hurriedly shouted.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

One after another, the attacks smashed into the surrounding people.

"Are you crazy? For the treasure, you are really fighting for your life!!" The people of the Demon Race believed that at their level, even if everyone really fought, they would still leave some bottom lines.

At least make sure you don't die.

But now Xi Batian is really desperate, even he is fighting for his life.

"You think I'm joking?" Xi Batian asked coldly.



that's it.

Xi Batian didn't care about his own consumption at all, so he fought desperately with the opponent like this, and with the enchanting girl attacking, the two of them really blocked these ten people, and because these ten people didn't want to die, nor did they want to. Consume too much.

Here are some signs of a losing streak.

Xibatian and the enchantress.

Proved by their strength, they are not easy to bully.

But it didn't last long.

Xi Batian's consumption is getting bigger and bigger, and there are masters rushing over again in the distance.

this time.

He is a master of the Babel Tower.

A full seven came.

And the strength is not simple at first glance.

So many experts came over.

This time.

Xi Batian knew very well that it was almost impossible to stop these seventeen people.

"There's no other way, they're still here." Wu Zang shook his head. What he thought before was to let their Demon Race people come in first, so that their Demon Race people can take advantage of more opportunities.

But now the people from Babel has also arrived.

They can't have any advantage.

"By the way, don't try to sow discord, none of us are fools, we will only weigh our interests. For the time being, it will be beneficial for our two teams to kill them together, so even if we have conflicts before, our two teams will benefit. We will also unite and rush in together." Wu Zang seemed to have seen through Xi Batian's mind.

So he didn't plan to give Xi Batian that chance at all.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a few more people!" Xi Batian said very calmly.

"You don't have to speak so hard. The level gap between everyone is not very big. Now that there are so many people, the two of you will definitely not be able to stop!!!" Wuzang said with ~ Yaoji came from behind.

"Don't you find it strange?"

"What's weird?" Everyone looked at him.

"Why do we have to guard here, who is going in, and who are we guarding here?" asked the enchantress.

"As I said, the countermeasures of aggressive tactics and delaying time are useless to us!!" Gozo said again.

"Really?" The enchanting girl smiled slightly: "Then let me tell you, the people inside are Xia Tian, ​​and we are guarding against you, not you, but Ye Gui and Inhuman Zun!!"


When they heard these three names, everyone was stunned.

But Wu Zang's face soon showed a smile: "A summer, is it worth the two of you to guard him? Lord Xibatian is still working so hard? Moreover, the wild ghost and the Inhuman Venerable are both legendary characters, how could they? Will come here, even if it comes, can you stop it?"

"Don't talk nonsense with them. If you think about it, it depends on whether they have that ability." Xi Batian said very domineeringly.

The enchantress nodded slightly: "I've said everything that should be said. As for how to choose, that's your own business."

If she continues to speak.

Then the other party will definitely have more doubts.

But now she simply said a word and said nothing.

This represents.

Her words are likely to be true.

"What should I do?" the man behind asked.

Wuzo also looked at the top demon warrior beside him.

"Your demons are really getting worse and worse now. You were shocked by a few words from others. Even if what she said was true, so what? Did you forget our mission?" The person led by the Tongtian Tower looked at Xibatian: "If you want to stop it, then we will step over you!"

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