The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1689: mortal determination

They all know that Xi Batian is not easy to mess with, but there are so many people here, even if Xi Batian is strong, how can he stop so many people from rushing in from different directions?

So many people together.

The result is already doomed.

That is they can go over.

If Xi Batian had to stop him, then they would send a few people to stop Xi Batian first. If they couldn't stop him, then they would defeat Xi Batian first.

Of course.

They dare not kill Xi Batian.

Not to mention the strength of Xibatian himself, how many friends there are outside these years, and the backing of Tianzu alone, they can't provoke them casually. If they kill Xibatian directly, it is equivalent to fighting with Tianzu. declare war.


Xi Batian's body turned into a huge wooden man.

The wooden man directly blocked the entire entrance.

at the same time.

The hundred tails of the enchantress are attached to the wooden man's body.

It looks spectacular.

"As expected of Xibatian and Celestial Clan Priests, they are indeed extraordinary." When they rushed up, they were also blocked by the wooden man: "However, although you blocked us like this, your attack surface will also increase. , we attack you, you can't dodge at all!!"

"If you can't dodge, then don't dodge." Xi Batian said very domineeringly.


When the attack in front of him came, he also directly started to counterattack, not dodging at all.

stand there.

No matter how many attacks came, he fought back with his own attacks.

The monster girl's hundred tails are also constantly pumping those attacks away.

It can be said.

These incoming attacks were thus knocked away by the cooperation of the two of them.

But everyone understands.

The two of them consumed a lot, and every time they took those attacks hard, it also made their state not very good. If they continued with this attitude, they would definitely not be able to withstand it for long.

"Xi Batian, this is not a forest, but a tiankeng. Here, your strength is not constant, how long can you hold it?" The crowd was also constantly attacking.

That's how they are.

Has been consuming Xibatian.

If it wasn't for the enchantress to assist.

Xi Batian couldn't take it anymore.


Even if there is a witch.

With such a powerful consumption, Xi Batian gradually began to feel powerless. There were already many scars on his body, and his movements slowed down. He is now a person who is blocking so many master attacks. behind.


A powerful impact smashed on Xi Batian's body.

Several master attacks.

Hit one point at the same time.

Moreover, he saw Xi Batian's gap.

Neither Xibatian nor Yaoji could resist this blow.

So many people beat two people and even sneak attacks.

It can be said that this is a very embarrassing thing.

But they don't care about that.

All they have to do now is to rush over, and whoever stops them, they will beat them down.


A large mouthful of blood spurted out of Xi Batian's mouth.

"How are you?" The enchantress asked hastily.

"How many years, how many years have I not been injured like this!!" A huge blood hole appeared in Xi Batian's body, but he seemed even more excited.

in China.

Not many people dare to attack him.

There are even fewer people who can hurt him.


In order to stay here, he gave up dodging and could only passively defend against the attacks of these people, and now he was injured by a sneak attack.

"It's almost done!" The demon girl frowned when she saw Xi Batian's appearance.

"It's still a long way off, I said, unless I die here, I won't let go!!" Xi Batian's attitude was very firm.

"Why is that?" The enchantress asked in confusion.

They have not known Xia for a long time. Although Xia Xia did help Xi Batian, what Xi Batian has done is enough to repay Xia. Even if it is a little worse, it will not really lose his life, right? It's a big deal to use other methods in the future.

"This is a promise between men!!" A smile appeared on Xi Batian's face.

over the years.

He has never been so young and fighting spirit.

He has been living in the comfort zone.

but now.

He can finally face himself and face the world.

"Is this his charm? He has the ability to change others!!" The enchantress said to herself.

She has always felt that there is a terrible power in Xia Xia, but she can't tell what kind of power it is.

any external force.

Can't be called terrible.

But this kind of power can influence others and change others.

It could be called terrible.

Although Xi Batian used to be the kind of person who didn't admit to cowardice, he definitely couldn't achieve the state of seeing death as he is now.


Xi Batian nodded slightly: "If it wasn't for a different position, I really wanted to fight the Celestial Clan with him, it should be a very enjoyable thing!!"

He is living a very full life now.

This is the life he wants.

"Since you chose to die, then you can't blame us. We still say the same thing. If you leave now, we won't embarrass you, but if you continue to block us, you will have no eyes and eyes. If you die, don't blame us!" Those After the people finished speaking, they directly killed Pfft! puff!

Blood was flying.

There are more and more wounds on Xi Batian's body.

There were several times when the enchantress tried to resist for him, but was pushed away by him.

The enchantress originally planned to commit suicide, but seeing Xi Batian's appearance, she didn't want to leave, but wanted to really fight with these people.

She wants to show these people.

Although she is only a woman, she still dares to fight for her life.


The fairy's tail was cut off one by one.

She also began to have scars on her body.

Xi Batian's situation was even worse. One arm could not grow out for the time being, and he looked very terrifying.

Blood continued to flow from his body.

Half of the face is gone.

It looks very scary.

Yaoji's appearance is also very miserable. She used to be a big beauty. As long as others look at her, she will be attracted to seduction, but now whoever looks at her will not think she is beautiful. It can be said that for so many years , It was the first time she was hurt so badly.

The two had clearly reached their limits.

"Kill it, if we don't kill it, we won't be able to get through it. Anyway, we've already offended it. Then we two forces, each of us will kill one!!" They have already decided on both sides.

It is to completely kill Xi Batian and Yao Ji here.

Although it will take some time.

But if they don't do it, there will be endless trouble.


Their attacks began to hit in one go.


Endless sand appeared at the entrance of the canyon, which directly wrapped the entire battlefield.

Their attack was wrapped up.

The bodies of Yaoji and Xi Batian were also wrapped.

"Thank you, I'm out!!!"

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