The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1692: Gravity soil

His eyes turned to the people in front of him.

He is picking out who to die.

The people who were seen by Xia Xia's eyes shuddered. At the beginning, they were very disdainful when they saw Xia Xia. They thought Xia Xia was just a vain name. In front of it, it is simply insignificant.

But now.

They felt death in summer.

There is even the kind of death that has no chance of resurrection.

The reason why they, the top experts in China, dared to be so unscrupulous above China.

It is because they all think they are immortal.

When you see real death.

They have nothing to fear.


The fear of death has completely enveloped them at this time.

"The next one is you, is it you, or is it you?" When Xia Xian looked at those people, those people began to back away, especially when Xia Xian mentioned them.

They even felt the shroud of death.

"Xia Tian, ​​you are only one person after all. No matter how strong you are, how far can you achieve?" Wu Zang asked very upset.


"Since you are very dissatisfied, the next one will be you!!" Xia Xia looked at Wu Zang and said.


Wuzang is one of the four most powerful people here, and his strength is also very strong. Normally, when Xia Xia is dealing with so many people, he should start with the weaker ones, because against the stronger ones, it is possible will be besieged by others at the same time.


hear him.

Wu Zang's heart is also tight, seeing so many terrifying scenes, it is impossible not to be afraid at all, but what if you are afraid?

Now so many brothers behind him are looking at him.

The people from the Tower of Babel also looked at him.

If he was so cowardly.

Then how will he get a foothold in China in the future: "Okay, then let me see how much you have in summer!!"

The masters behind him are all ready for battle.

The same goes for those masters of the Tower of Babel.

They all understand the truth that lips are dead and teeth are cold. If they let Xia Xia kill Wuzang now, then after Wuzang is dead, the next target is likely to be them.

"Don't let him take the initiative, let's attack together!!" Someone suggested.

That's right.

Summer has been dominating the battlefield since they first started fighting against Xia.


They have to figure out a way to dominate this battlefield and not give summer any chance.


For a moment.

The attacks of those around them smashed into the summer like this.


Their attack shattered Summer's body.

But just when they smashed Xia Xia's body, Tu Ling's voice appeared: "You can start to fight back!!"

When Xia Xia's body was shattered, it turned into gravity soil.

And these gravity soils are attached to these people.

The role of these gravity soils is very simple, that is, marking, as long as the target marked by gravity soil, his attack can completely lock the opponent.

"Start now?" Summer asked.

"Yes, start now!!" Tu Ling reminded.

Swish! Swish!

Xia Xia threw the two source warhammers in his hands directly.


After the source warhammer was thrown out, it disappeared directly in place.

"No, my body is under control!" One of the masters just wanted to rush up, but his body was surrounded by endless gravitational soil, wrapped tightly and bound directly.

at the same time.

A warhammer fell on the man's head.

The beast is smashed!

Then the second warhammer started to attack in the same way, and the man's body was completely shattered when it was wrapped in gravitational soil.

"Xia Xia, isn't your target me? Come to me if you have the ability!!" Wu Zang was a little anxious. If it goes on like this, it won't be long before these men of theirs will be completely destroyed.

"Of course I won't forget you!!" Summer's body appeared in front of Wuzo.

The emergence of summer.

Let Wu Zang also a little panic.


His hands also grabbed Xia Xia's shoulders for the first time.

"It's now." Those people around were actually ready to stay, they were just waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the opportunity of Xia Xia's shot, so that they could completely kill Xia Xia here.


Six or seven attacks hit Xia Xia directly.

But at this moment, the endless gravitational soil directly wrapped the bodies of the few people they attacked.

"Broken!!" Those few people responded quickly, and they all learned the power of gravity soil.

Instantly cut off the place where he was wrapped.

Start back.


The attack of the original warhammer also fell at the same time.


The power of destruction appeared at this moment.

One after another was killed.

at the same time.

Summer's attack also hit Gozo.

The source of endless soil exploded on Wu Zang's body.

"It's an immortal explosion!!" The people from the Tongtian Tower hurriedly reminded.

Revered beast!

Wu Zang used the ability of Zun Beast for the first His body was also blown open, but he quickly condensed again: "Damn, how many tricks does he know?"

He is now.

Also completely panicked.

Although they already knew that Xia Xia had the power of origin, the power of Xia Xia was more terrifying than that of Xi Batian, and as the battle became more and more intense, Xia Xia used more and more methods. When they think summer is running out of options.

Can play stronger ability in summer.

This made him a little nervous.

"It's enough to kill you!!" A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.

At this time, he also appeared in front of Wuzang again, and his attack hit again.


At this moment, a person who wanted to sneak attack on Xia Si was directly kicked out by Xia Si.

"What's going on?" The man was completely stunned. He was obviously not close to Xia Xian, and Xia Xian didn't use any attacks on him, but he was actually knocked out like this.


Gozo's body was pierced again.

"Why is this happening!!" Wu Zang hurriedly used Zun Beast again, but he didn't expect that he was beaten and could not fight back.

the former him.

He always thinks that he is already the top expert in China. Even if he encounters a first echelon like Haotian, he still has the power to fight, but now, he has only seen what it means to be tough with money.

"It's almost there!!" Tu Ling reminded.

it is good!

Xia Tian's eyes turned to Wu Zang in front of him: "Next, I'll send you to death!!"

He plans to use the third treasure left by the earth spirit.


A golden light rose from under my body.

The source line! !

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