The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1693: source line

Countless rays of light are intertwined.

It quickly rose from under Wu Zang.

rushed up.


Gozo's entire body was directly shattered.

Fortunately, he used Venerable Beast in advance, otherwise, this time, he would have been completely beheaded.

Although his Venerable Beast helped him escape, he soon discovered the problem.

"No, why am I still in this position." Wu Zang was taken aback, he should have appeared in another position, but now, he is still in the position where he just died.

Before he could react.

The light that had just risen fell again from above.


His body was pierced again.

"Not good!!" Wu Zang finally understood that he was recruited. Although he didn't understand when he started to be recruited, if it continued like this, his Venerable Beast would not be able to hold it for too long. Then he will die.


A force erupted directly.

cut myself off.

He knew very well that if he continued to consume like this, not only would his Venerable Beast die completely, but he might also die from too much consumption.

So he must not hesitate.

Now cut yourself off.

At least he can be resurrected.

"Sir!!" The experts of the Demon Race hurriedly shouted.


Wu Zang can't hear anymore.

"Retreat!!" Another top Demon Race expert also ordered the first time when he saw such a scene. Now the battlefield here has been completely dominated by Xia Xia, and these people on the scene are also afraid of Xia Xia. If it continues like this If it goes down, they will definitely not be able to bear it.

Only more people will die.

And there is also the possibility of being calculated by the summer and directly dying.

It is the kind of death that cannot be resurrected.

"Retreat!!" The masters of Tongtian Tower saw that the masters of the demons had all shouted away, and they naturally couldn't stay here.

The two sides can't win the summer together.

Not to mention the only people left with them.

By then, all the dead will be theirs.

The two teams, who were still aggressive at first, started to run away.

"I have already remembered your appearance. When you see me later, run as fast as you can, as long as I see you, kill Wushe!!" Xia Xia's voice was very loud.

Shocked into the hearts of these people at the scene.

This is summer.

It's not something they can provoke casually.

Once provoked.

That is definitely not something they can resolve if they say no to fight.

"Summer, don't be too arrogant, there are people outside people, there are days outside the sky!!" The top master of the Tongtian Tower scolded.

"Really? Then I'll be that outsider, it'll be good!!" Xia Xia rushed towards the other party after finishing speaking.


Although the man spoke sternly.

But when he saw Xia Xia rushing towards him, he also hurriedly threw out all his life-saving abilities.


Summer has left a deep fear in their hearts.

None of them want to die.

Even if it can be resurrected.

They don't want to die either.


A mighty dozen masters.

When summer comes, just run away like this.

Such terrifying strength has deeply shocked the enchantress. Although she has some psychological preparations, when she sees such a terrifying scene, she is still extremely shocked.


"I haven't seen such a battle for many years, it's amazing!!!" Xi Batian said with emotion.

in China.

Among the masters, it is generally for face, and few people will fight each other.

Especially hard.

Divide life and death.

And the strength is slightly stronger, generally have backers, there will not be a situation where a group of people deal with one person,

"Yeah, I haven't seen such a wonderful battle for many years. This battle will become the biggest record among those great forces in the past 100,000 years." The enchantress understands that this battle will definitely be fought. It is spread out, but for the time being, it will only be spread among these major forces.

But it's been shocking.

From now on.

Everyone has to re-examine the strength of the summer.

Their usual records may be that Xia Xia is just a little stronger than the average Venerable, and has some special killing abilities.

But now.

They all saw what summer can be like.

Even the masters of the normal second echelon are nothing more than that! !

"Are you feeling better?" Xia Tian fell to the two of them.

"The elixir you gave is so amazing, even in the Celestial Clan, I can't get in touch with such elixir." Yaoji said with emotion.

She is a priest of the Celestial Clan.

status is very high.

But even she can't get in touch with this level of medicinal pills, such medicinal pills are already considered to be the top existence in Shenzhou.

"It's fine!!" Summer nodded slightly.

"It seems that you have gained a lot this time!!" A smile appeared on Xi Batian's face.


"It's okay, the overall harvest is not bad." Xia Xia nodded slightly.

"The one you gave me..."

"It's true, I've tried it!!" Summer said.

"Of course I know it's true, I just want to say, thank you!!" People like Xi usually don't say thank you casually to others, but now, he really is very grateful for summer.

Although he has been working hard.

But he can only be called the hardest working one of the Four Badgers.

rather than the strongest one.

It is because he took a lot of detours and a lot of hard work wasted time.

He has no clear direction.

But now that this is given to him in the summer, he will have the goal of cultivation and the direction of cultivation.

This time.

He will become the strongest among the four hegemons.

In the Sibatian, the first existence to break through the hundred stars.

"Remembering the most critical point in it, I think sycamore wood is a better thing!!" Xia Xia reminded.

When breaking through a hundred stars.

What do you use, then this is your strongest ultimate move, your attributes, if you use some ordinary wood to break through, it will be too late for Xibatian to regret it in the future.


"Just use the sycamore wood. After using the sycamore wood, my wood is almost immune to the fire element!!" Xi Batian nodded.

He is also very excited now.

"It's also a team, how come the gap is so big, watching you two improve in strength!!" Yaoji pouted.

"There are many opportunities!!" Xia Tian smiled.

"Then I'll treat you as a promise to help me improve my strength." The demon girl said naughty.

It's completely different from the enchantress who just killed the Quartet.

"If there is a chance, I will definitely do it." Xia Xia is not the kind of person with a heart.

The enchantress just worked hard for him, how could he treat the enchantress badly?

"Continue on your way?" Xi Batian asked.

"No, you break through first, two troublesome guys are coming!!!"

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