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Chapter 1694: West Batian Breakthrough


"Two?" The demon girl was taken aback.

"Yes, you should guess who they are!!" Xia Xia said.

"Yegui and Inhuman Venerable?" Yaoji reacted.

"Yes, although I haven't seen that Inhuman Venerable, I can be sure that it is the one who hid in the dark before!!" Xia Xia said.

"How long will it take to arrive?" the enchantress asked.

"About ten minutes or so!!" Xia Xia said.

"That's enough for me to break through!!" Xi Batian also wanted to break through his own strength earlier. In this case, he would be able to help a lot when facing the two second-tier people.


Summer didn't say anything.

Instead, stand there and wait.

There was such a big commotion here just now.

Their battle was earth-shattering.

It is impossible for those two masters to fail to find out. Now they are rushing over, they must want to come and see what is going on here, especially Ye Gui. Although he handed over the secret here to Xia Xia, he only I wanted to kill the summer, but I never thought that I could really get the contents in the summer.

Come over now.

He was also worried that something unexpected might happen.

On Xibatian's side, after reading the detailed breakthrough content, he understood why the four of them couldn't break through to Hundred Stars for so many years, because they were reluctant to give up what they had now.

If they had already thought of not breaking and not standing.

Then they already have a chance to break through.

Although there is no accurate way to break through, there will still be detours, and even when breaking through, you may use any ordinary soil to break through.

But there is still a chance.

"Come on, come on!!" Xi Batian was very excited now.

Waited for so many years.

He was waiting for this opportunity.

As long as he breaks through this barrier, he will enter the second echelon of Shenzhou. From now on, in Shenzhou, there will be only a few people who are stronger than him.

This is exactly what he was after.

"Xia Xia, I won't say more about my thanks, but my life is yours." Xi Batian secretly said in his heart.

He didn't go and tell Summer about this.

But he has already decided.

Seeing Xi Batian's appearance, Yao Ji was also filled with emotion.

She was joking with Summer just now.

She also understands that it is not easy to improve her strength overnight. Even if Xia Xia wants to help her improve her strength, it is not so easy.

Especially in her current state.

want to elevate.

That is very difficult.

She is now.

In terms of realm, it is the fourth echelon. If the overall strength is added to the charm, it is the third echelon, but it can only be regarded as the last few in the third echelon.

Of course.

in China.

To be able to enter the third echelon, it is already a very good thing.

Since ancient times, many masters have appeared in Shenzhou, but they have stopped here.

She didn't think she could break through this barrier.

"You seem to be very worried, do you have no confidence in your own strength improvement?" Xia Xia asked.

"Yeah, I'm a ninety-three-star Venerable now. I haven't improved my strength once, but I have a huge sky barrier, and my cultivation in all aspects has almost reached its peak. It is almost impossible to break through again. Yes!!" The enchantress sighed with emotion.

"This is for you!!" Xia Xia threw a Great Realm King Pill.


"Do you still have such a miraculous medicinal pill?" The enchantress was taken aback.

Before, she thought that Xia Xia gave her the most precious medicinal pill on him.

"Eat it!!" Xia Xia had just killed a few masters. Although the movements were too fast, many of them could not absorb the power, but they still absorbed a part of the power and condensed three Great Realm King Pills.

"I'm not injured, why eat it?" The enchantress asked puzzled.

Such a good medicine pill, of course, is to be used in the case of serious injury.

"This is called the Great Realm King Pill. If you take it when you are seriously injured, you can directly restore all your states. However, if you take it when you are not injured, it will directly improve a person's realm. The first time you take it, the effect is the best. The lower it is, the higher the improvement will be, this is the first time you take it, you should be able to increase by two stars and break through to ninety-five stars!" Xia Xia explained.

"What?" The enchantress seemed to be unable to believe her ears.

Does China still have such an elixir?

He was simply unheard of!

Never heard of such an elixir.

"You'll know if you eat one." Xia Xia said.

The enchantress did not hesitate and took the pill directly.


The power in her body exploded instantly, and the whole person seemed to be wrapped in power. At this moment, she felt the realm that she had not broken through for many years, and was improved again.

The speed of this improvement is terrifying.


one star!

Two stars!

She really broke through to Venerable Ninety-five Stars.

This shocked her very much.

at the same time.

Her face also became very ugly.

"What's wrong, you're still not happy with the breakthrough?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"You prodigal son, such a good thing, why did you just let me eat it when I was injured!!" The enchantress was depressed that she had just used this medicine to It's so defiant 's elixir.

Priceless treasure.

Such a waste.

"This is a tiankeng, and it is very difficult to restore strength here!" Xia Xia explained.

"I am a priest of the Celestial Clan, and I have other medicinal pills on my body. Although the effect is not as good as this, I can fully recover, but the speed is slower. Such a good medicinal pill, you actually let me use it like this!! "The demon girl can't wait to strangle Xia Xia.

"It's okay," Summer said.

"It doesn't matter!!" The enchantress was just about to die of anger.

"I still have two on my body, I'll give you one more, keep another for him, and take it when your condition becomes very bad!!" Xia Xia threw another Great Realm King Pill to the enchantress.

The enchantress carefully collected it.

Obviously not going to use it.

Although taking it can improve the state.

But she believes that she should maximize the power of this elixir.

First digest all the last pills before talking about it.

Don't waste a little bit: "You are so scary!!"

The longer she followed Xia Xia, the more terrifying Xia Xia felt. In the past, she thought that Xia Xia's confrontation with the Celestial Clan was like a moth to the flames and self-destruction.

But now.

She suddenly became a little worried.

She worries.

You can really move to Tianzu in summer.

if that's the case.

Shenzhou was completely chaotic.


Xi Batian exhaled slowly, and at this moment, there was a mark on his forehead, a mark of sycamore wood.

"It's done?" the witch asked.


"I made a breakthrough!!" Xi Batian looked into the distance: "Just let me see how much difference there is between me now and them!!!"

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