The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1703: 1 kills 4

Du'er Sanxian felt that either he didn't make a move, or he would kill with one hit.

Even the chance to escape and resurrect is not given to Summer.

There is such a danger in summer.

Or don't provoke.

Either kill him to prevent him from retaliation in the future.

"That's right, but I'm familiar with both of you. If I go to someone else, I'm afraid..." The Kunming cave owner was a little embarrassed.

"When is it, you still care about that little resource, if someone else comes to us two, then the two of us will also need a lot of resources from others, you come to the two of us now, the two of us are almost free , you've already made a lot of money, and you're still not satisfied." Du'er Sanxian shook his head helplessly.

He used to owe a great favor to the master of the Kunming cave.

So now if the Kunming cave owner came to him, he would not say no.


"That's true, then who do you think it's better for me to go to?!!" Kunming cave master asked.

"Of course the most stable one is Bairi Cave Lord, especially in places like Tiankeng, his ability is absolutely maximized!!" said Du'er Sanxian.

"No, anyone can do it, but he can't!!" When the Kunming cave master heard the name, his face instantly turned sideways.

"How many years have passed, has it not passed yet?" asked Sanxian Du'er.

"How did he get there? His current wife is my former wife. You asked me to beg him?" the Kunming cave master asked.

"Didn't you want others back then?" Du'er Sanxian said helplessly.

"Even if I don't want it, others can't want it!!" The Kunming cave master said very domineeringly.

"If he can't do it, then it can only be the Black King Sanxian!!!" said Du'er Sanxian.

"This guy is very dark!!" The Kunming cave master frowned.

"No way, the price is high, the strength can go up!!" Du'er Sanxian reminded.

"Okay!" The Kunming cave master nodded.

in the pit.

The three of them were still on their way in the summer.

"Who do you think the master of the Kunming cave will look for this time?" the enchanting girl asked.

"It must be Du'er Sanxian, the others are just guesses, but Du'er's Sanxian must be his first choice!" Xi Batian said.


Xia Xia looked at Xi Batian: "Brothers of life and death?"

"That's not true, but when the annual Ersanxian is breaking through, it is the Kunming cave owner who has done the most, so Du'ersan owes the Kunming cave owner a big favor. In this case, the Kunming cave owner must be I want to find him as soon as possible!!" Xi Batian explained.

"At that time, although Xia Xian didn't have the current strength, but Xia Xia's strength was also very strong. Now that the poisonous insects of the Kunming cave owner have been destroyed, even if he called Du'er Sanxian, the two of them were not at that time. The opponent who showed his ability in Xia Xia, at most, is a tie, so it doesn't make any sense!" Yaoji reminded.

"So, I don't think he will just find one person!!" Xi Batian said.

"Then who else can he find?" Yaoji asked again.

"There is still a fire to disperse immortals!!" Xi Batian said.

"Huo Nanxian Sanxian? The two of them also have friendship?" Yaoji asked inexplicably.

"Huo Nan Sanxian is his brother-in-law. Not many people know about this matter. The two of them usually don't look down on each other, but if the Kunming cave master is really in trouble, Huo Nan Sanxian will definitely help. !" Xi Batian explained.


Although the enchantress has seen a lot of knowledge in the Celestial Clan, she has also seen the abilities of many masters.

But this kind of gossip is really rarely recorded by the Celestial Clan, and even if there is a record, it is in other files.

She hasn't seen it yet.

"However, I think that even if it was three people, when they showed it in the summer at that time, the three of them would only be able to defeat the summer at the time, not kill them. Since they have dispatched so many masters, if they can't kill the summer. , then they will definitely not do it, after all, the revenge in the summer will not be easy!!" The enchanting girl analyzed.

"Then we will definitely find a fourth person!!" Xi Batian said.


The witch nodded.

"Please tell me the details of the three of them first, let me think about it." Xi Batian said.

"I don't need to say more about the master of the Kunming cave. His ability is to use poison, and he is a very troublesome guy; Du'er Sanxian is a master of Venerable Ninety-seven Stars. His strongest is not offense, but defense. Durable and good at breaking control, if he is around, it will be a bit difficult to attack someone in Xia Tian." The enchanting girl glanced at Xia Xia.

This time with summer here.

What she saw the most was the ability to raid in the summer.

It is impossible to prevent.

Even if the other party already knew that the summer was about to raid, there was absolutely no way to resist in the end.

"The fire is hard to disperse the immortal. It is said that he was originally cultivated with a flame, and later was eaten by a human, and he became the current fire. If the flame is gone, no one will know, and he has never said it to the outside He has the purest time, which we call the green fire. The most terrible thing about this green fire is the seal. If he seizes the opportunity, then people can be sealed!!" The enchantress explained.

She evolved all of this little by little with images.


"These three people can indeed cause some damage to the strength I showed at the time, but they definitely won't be able to win the me at that time, let alone the me now!!" Xia Xia said.

"So I think they should still find someone else. What they lack most now is the main attack!!" said the enchantress.

"Yes, what they lack most now is the main attack!" Xi Batian nodded.

"In terms of the main attack, among the nine caves and ten scattered immortals, the strongest ones should be Bairi Cave Lord and Heiwang Sanxian. Their abilities are also the most advantageous in places like Tiankeng." The demon girl explained.

"It's definitely not Bairi Cave Lord. Bairi Cave Lord's current wife is Kunming Cave Lord's former wife. How could he beg for his ex-wife's current husband in a low voice!!" Xi Batian said.

"It's really messy, then only the Heiwang Sanxian is left. This Heiwang Sanxian is the owner of the law of darkness, and the master of the ninety-eight stars can create a very terrifying and powerful black hole!!" ability to say it again.


Xia Xia nodded slightly: "It's a little difficult to kill four top experts at once, but they don't know my strength at all now, so I can take advantage of their carelessness and take the lead to kill one of them, as long as this sneak attack is successful. , then the other party will make a wrong step, step by step, if they didn't escape at that time, I can kill at least one more person, but if they run away directly, then I can only kill one more person at most!!"

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