The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1704: floating corpse

"You really want to kill them all?" Yaoji looked at Xia Xia in confusion.

in China.

Top masters.

Almost no one provokes it casually.

Because they are all big trouble.

Unless it is a big power like the Celestial Clan, can you go to a top expert in the east, and it is not just to do it casually, but there is a serious reason, and there is a long-term plan to find a lot of experts to come forward together.

any force.

There is no fear of revenge.

And how many friends, brothers, relatives, apprentices, etc. do those top players have outside?

These are impossible to fully investigate.

Cunning Rabbit Three Caves.

Which top player doesn't give himself more hole cards?

Killing a top expert, many big forces have that ability, but what they are afraid of is the aftermath of killing this top expert.

That is very troublesome. Not only do you have to hunt down all the people related to the top masters, but also always think about the revenge of the opponent's people. Even in the future, all other top masters will be cautious. When you hear the name of your power, Everyone will not even cooperate with you.

No matter what kind of top players, they don't want to put themselves in a dangerous place.


Killing someone is a trivial matter. In the future, all the masters in the entire Shenzhou will isolate you, which is a major matter.

After that, no matter who you need help, no matter what the price, no one will be willing to help you.

When the Celestial Clan chased and killed Ye Gui, they also used the name of righteousness to eliminate harm for the people, and they also sent a lot of masters to kill Ye Gui and not move other people of the ghost clan. caused quite a stir.

Fortunately, the ghost didn't die in the end.


There will be a lot of trouble as well.

The reason why Du’er Sanxian and the others helped the Kunming cave master is because they are more familiar with the Kunming cave master, and also because the person in the summer appeared suddenly, there is no complicated relationship in Shenzhou, and the foundation is very shallow, so They don't worry about future troubles.

The others won't isolate them because they kill Summer.

"I'm actually a very simple person. If you don't provoke me, I won't provoke you, but if you provoke me, it will be endless. Even if I can't kill you temporarily, I will definitely think about it in the future. The way to kill you, I have let go of the Kunming cave master once before. If he dares to provoke me again next time, then the relationship between me and him will be endless, and the few helpers he recruited , their purpose is to kill me, since they want to kill me, it is normal to be killed by me." Xia Xia's character is like this.

Complaining and complaining.

Have revenge.

He wouldn't be polite to these people.

Those who want to deal with him are doomed to be dealt with by him.

"It seems that China has really changed. Things we thought were impossible before are happening now. People we thought were immortal are now dying." Xi Batian has been in China for so many years.

The thing that really made him feel that normalcy was broken was: the battle of night and day.

And there is now summer.

It really broke a lot of his common sense.

Xia Xia really has the ability to kill those masters, and he does things without considering the consequences.


Summer, who was on his way, suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter?" the witch asked.

"Left!" Xia Xia's body turned and flew to the left.

The enchantress and Xi Batian also followed immediately.

"It's just a corpse!!" The demon girl didn't care too much when she saw that it was a corpse.

Xia Tian crouched down, waved his right hand, and a feather appeared in his hand, and he swept the feather under the corpse.

"Suspended?" The enchantress was taken aback.

Summer went to the front of the corpse.

The corpse's hand was still clutching its own weapon, which was embedded in a stone.

"This is normal, maybe the gravity is slightly different nearby, or there is something with the law of gravity below!" Xi Batian explained.


Summer fingers a little on the arms.

The weapon is broken.

The moment the weapon broke, the corpse began to float upwards.

When floating at a height of about one meter.

The corpse began to drift forward.


"It's not the law of gravity!!" Xi Batian looked at the enchantress.

The enchantress also shook her head. Although she was well-informed and had seen many classics in the Celestial Clan, this was the first time she had seen such a thing.

she found.

This time I came to Tiankeng.

She really saw so many incredible things.

Zerg before.

The corpse is now suspended.

In this way, they followed the corpse step by step and walked forward.

"This corpse has been dead for at least tens of thousands of years!" Xia Xia said.

"What?" Both of them were stunned.

Although Shenzhou people generally store their bodies for a long time after cultivating, they also require a specific environment and special coffins. If they are placed directly in the wilderness, they will also be decomposed by the power of heaven and earth, not to mention This is the Tiankeng. The environment in Tiankeng is so bad that if normal people don't use strength to protect their bodies, they will be decomposed and shattered by lightning.

Not to mention a dead person.

If a person dies, not a particularly powerful person, the body will disappear within half an hour at most.

Although the bones can be carried for a while, but at most it is a matter of a few days.

But now.

When this person seems to be alive, he is not a master, so how does his corpse survive for ten thousand years?

They walked for a full hour.

The corpse stopped. At this time, there was not only one corpse, but hundreds of corpses. They were sucked by a vortex and hovered there.

"I'm coming!!" Xi Batian came up.

He waved his right hand.

The diamond wood directly wrapped around the hundreds of corpses and pulled them out.

when their bodies were pulled out.

The vortex gradually disappeared.

The enchantress also stepped forward to check the situation of these people: "I know this person, he is a well-known Venerable, but he has been missing for hundreds of thousands of years. Could it be that he died here for hundreds of thousands of years?"

"Hundreds of thousands of years, the body will not rot!!" Xi Batian looked at Xia Tian.

In the summer at this time, he inspected the millions of corpses like this, and looked at them very seriously.


Hundreds of corpses have been examined.

"What did you find?" the enchantress asked.

"Their souls are gone, but the flesh is alive, and the flesh is very strange. It is different from our normal cultivation. The density is very terrible, as if to derive armor." Xia Xia frowned: "It seems to be evolving. !!"

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