The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1743: bizarre death

Fall in love with, the best all-rounder

He didn't kill Qiqiongzhimu. If another immortal beast came to kill him, he would naturally not let him go.

But this strange poverty is different.

He was willing to die just now for his wife and children.

This kind of mood in summer is understandable.

"I believe that as long as you are not stupid, you should understand that it is easy for me to kill you now. If I really kill your wife and children, why should I be soft-hearted to you now?" Xia Xia asked .


If he killed Qiqiongzhimu now, he might not be able to explain it.

But he didn't do it now.

"You really didn't do it?" Qiqiongzhimu apparently calmed down.

"First of all, what do you think is the purpose of killing your wife and children? Is it because I'm in a bad mood to kill them casually? Or go to your home to kill them? Second, do you think that with my strength? , I really killed them, will I not admit it? Finally, you are still alive now!!" Xia Xia's answer was very simple.

But there is really nothing to be picky about.

"The only thing that can be done is the appearance of the two of you humans, and I have investigated, only you two humans are nearby, there are no other humans!" Qi Qiongzhimou said.

"The method of Yi Rong can only be done by a human being. It's nothing, but you said two humans!!" Xia Tian felt that the biggest problem was two humans.

this way.

He only met the Demon Venerable.

If it is a person, then he can think that the Demon Venerable did it.

But if there are two people, then there is a problem.


Here he also did not find a team of two people together.


Why did the other party change to look like him and the enchantress?

These are big questions.

"Yes, it's just two people, and it's just like the two of you, even the breath is exactly the same!" Qiqiongzhimu said.

"It seems that the other party is coming for me. Then the death of your wife and children really has something to do with me. If it wasn't for me, the other party would not have attacked them!" Xia Tian took out a large Realm King Dan.

Since it is because of him.

Then he doesn't want to continue killing innocent people.

After Qiqiongzhimu took the Dajie Wangdan, all the injuries on his body recovered instantly.

"What a miraculous elixir!" Qiqiongzhimou said in surprise.

He didn't expect that the injury on his body would actually heal so well.

"Do you want revenge?" Xia Xia looked at Qi Qiao Zhi Mou.

"Of course I did!" said Qiqiongzhimu.

"Those who can come here will definitely not be too weak. Although your strength is very strong, those who can come to me will definitely not be too weak. With your own ability, I am afraid it will be difficult to take revenge!" Xia Xia reminded.


Qiqiongzhimu sighed.

He is also considered to be a top-notch immortal beast, but now he is actually despised by others.

But Xia Xia really has the qualifications to dislike him.

"What do you need me to do!" Qiqiongzhimou wanted revenge.

"There are definitely not many humans here. I need you to find a way to help me find them. As long as they can be found, I will help you kill them!" Xia Xia didn't like the feeling of being calculated.

No matter who is hiding in the dark.

He wants to find each other out.

"Okay, I was too impulsive before, but now that I think about it, I was indeed tricked. Don't worry, as long as they are still on my territory, I will definitely find them!" Qi Qiongzhimu said.

"How long will it take?" Xia Tian asked.

"Half an hour is enough!!" Qiqiongzhimu said.

"Okay!" Xia Tian felt that half an hour was not a long time.

"Why don't you fight?" The enchantress fell by Xia's side.

"There is a problem here, someone is plotting against us!" Xia Xia reminded.

"I'll just say, we didn't do anything, why did they suddenly attack us!" The enchantress sighed with emotion.

"Wait a minute, they're already looking for someone!!" Xia Xia said.

"Could it be Demon Venerable?" The enchantress thinks that they have really offended no one recently, especially here, where ordinary people should not be able to get in.

They are on the way.

He also only met the Demon Lord.


She guessed that it was most likely Demon Venerable.

"Mozun is one person, and two people framed us." Xia Xia explained.

"Two people!" The demon girl frowned, she really didn't remember who she was provoking.


Qiqiongzhimu rushed over: "Something happened!"

"What's wrong?" Xia Tian asked.

"A group of my subordinates died mysteriously!" Qiqiongzhimu explained.

"Killed?" Xia Xia asked.

"No." Qiqiongzhimu shook his head: "I checked and there is no sign of death!"

"Let's go have a look!" Xia Xia and Yaoji rushed over.

When they rushed over, he found that at least a few hundred fairy beasts had died here, including one at the Venerable level.

The enchantress also stepped forward to check.

But no matter how she checked, she couldn't see what was going on.

"No scars!" The enchantress reminded.

"I found it, it's true that there is no scar at all." Xia Xia nodded slightly.

Then he continued to examine these fairy beasts, as if he wanted to find something in common from these fairy beasts.

"Before they died, they all seemed to be frightened!" Xia Xia explained.

"These are the elites of my subordinates, they can't be scared to death!" Qiqiongzhimu still had some confidence in his subordinates.


Xia Xia continued to check, but no matter how he checked, he couldn't find out how these fairy beasts died.

At this moment, a fairy beast rushed over in the distance.

As if he wanted to report some news.


The body of that fairy beast suddenly trembled, his eyes were full of fear, and sweat was left on his body.


His body fell violently.

"What's the situation?" Qiqiongzhimu hurried forward.

Xia Xia looked at Qiqiongzhimou, but did not find anything special about Qiqiongzhimou.

He was thinking just now.

Could it have something to do with the terrain here?

As a result, the immortal beast that rushed over really died.

That proves that his conjecture should be correct.

But why is Qiqiongzhimu all right?

And there was no response at all.

"Don't let your subordinates get close to here, I suspect there is something weird here!" Xia Xia reminded.

Qiqiongzhimu also gave the order immediately.


Summer hurried forward to check.

at this time.

He found a small hole in the ground.

Very small hole.

Only the size of a palm.

"Monster, measure the distance and draw a dangerous circle!" Xia Tian seemed to have discovered something.

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