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Chapter 1744: fantasy and reality

The enchantress immediately drew a circle around her with her fiery red tail: "The radius is about seven thousand feet!!"


"I'm the center right here!!" Xia Tian asked.

"Yes, you are in the center!!" said the enchantress.

"What's going on?" Qiqiongzhimu asked inexplicably.

"Didn't you find a problem here before?" Xia Tian asked.

"I've lived here for nearly a million years, but I didn't know it existed here!!" said Qiqiongzhimu.

"Really not?" Xia Tian asked again.

"What do you mean?" Qi Qiaozhi Mou asked inexplicably.

"There should be some kind of seal here before, and this seal is your breath!!!" Xia Xia said, looking at Qiqiongzhimu.

If this has nothing to do with Qiqiongzhimu.

So what's going on with this seal?

"But I really don't remember anything!!" Qiqiongzhimou said.

"Then do you mind if I check your soul?" Xia Xia asked.

"You gave me my life, what else do you mind!!" Of course Qi Qiaozhimu didn't care.

If Xia Xia really wanted to kill him, he wouldn't wait until now.


Xia Xia began to check Qiqiongzhimou's soul, and he really found something: "Part of the memory in your soul was cut off, and you cut it off yourself!!"

"Myself?" Qiqiongzhi Mou was taken aback.

"If I'm not mistaken, the part of the memory you cut off is about this place!!" Xia Xia explained.

"But I really don't remember what's here!!" Qiqiongzhimu was also very puzzled.

"We have passed by here before!!" The enchantress reminded.

"It seems to be, but I didn't find any special place here." Xia Xia also remembered that the two of them had passed by here before.

"What I'm curious about is that only immortal beasts will be killed here, or if people with low human strength pass by here, they will also die!!" The enchanting girl asked.

"I guess, it can only kill fairy beasts, but high-level fairy beasts can't be killed!!" Xia Xia glanced at Qiqiongzhimu: "You said before that the two of us killed your wife, then How strong are your wife and children?"

"None of them have practiced, they are ordinary monsters!!" Qiqiongzhimu said.


The demon girl looked at Xia Xia: "Is the situation wrong, the body speed of the immortal beasts that can live here should be very high. Immortal beasts of the following level should not be able to survive!!”

"That's right, the air, airflow, the power of heaven and earth, etc., will put pressure on our bodies. If your wife and children haven't practiced, they can't survive at all!!" Xia Xia looked at Qiqiong Mou.


Things got more and more confusing.

"What do you mean?" Qi Qiaozhi Mou asked inexplicably.

"I suspect that your wife and your children don't exist at all!!" said the enchantress.

"Impossible, they have lived together for millions of years." Qi Qiongzhimou said.

"Think about it carefully, if you can't cultivate, how did your wife and children live for millions of years? And does the child in your impression have no signs of growing up?" The enchanting girl asked again.


Qiqiongzhimu was stunned.

"What's going on?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"I once saw a kind of dream-like place in the Tianzu, that is to say, his wife and children were likely to have died a long time ago, but he was not reconciled, and he happened to be discovered here. He brought out his wife and children, and he didn't want to believe that all this was fake, so he cut off that part of his memory. As for him saying that the two of us killed his wife and children, it should be the two of us passing by When he was here, he was copied by a dream, and the copying ability here is limited, so he saw that our two copies killed his wife and children, in fact, it was just that his dream was shattered!!" Ji explained.

When I heard this explanation.

Qiqiongzhimu's face turned very ugly.

His memory seemed to be opened.

A sealed memory was opened.

"I remember it!!" Qiqiongzhimu's face was very ugly.

"Is that what the enchanting girl said?" Xia Xia asked.

"That's right, it's almost the same as what she said, but the dream inside is no different from the real one. I saw a Pisces mark, and that Pisces mark will eat the soul of a fairy beast!!!" Qiqiongzhimu said.

"Pisces mark?" Xia Xia looked at the small entrance in front of him: "This entrance is so small, how do you get in?"

"This is not an entrance, but an air outlet. The reason why I sealed this place back then was partly because I didn't want to recall the past, and partly because this outlet could eat the souls of ordinary immortal beasts." Before Qiqiongzhimou Although he cut off his own memory, he also completely sealed up that part of his memory.

The enchanting girl's words just now triggered his memory.

It will remind him of these things.

"Where is the entrance?" Xia Tian asked.

"The entrance is the mountain in front. You can enter from the volcano at the top of the mountain, but after entering, the illusion inside is very real, exactly the same as the outside, and you can spy into our hearts, so we can't prevent it." completely awake.

over the years.

He has always let his wife and children in the fantasy accompany him.

This is also a very selfish thing.

Do this.

Although he comforted, it was not fair to his wife and children.

From now on.

He will no longer live in an illusion.

"Yeah!!" Xia Tian nodded slightly.

"By the way, although this outlet was able to kill fairy beasts back then, it could only kill the lowest-level fairy beasts, and the fairy beasts above the quasi-venerable level could not be killed, but now, even the noble-level fairy beasts can be killed. Killed, so I suspect that some kind of power is growing inside!!" Qiqiongzhimu said.

"Then do you dare to go in with us?" Xia Xia asked.

"I've let go of what I don't dare to do. Even if I see my wife and children again, I won't care!!" Qi Qiongzhimu said.


"Then let's go in and see, what exactly is that Pisces mark!!!" Xia Xia was also curious as to what was in it.

The three flew directly to the top of the mountain.


The three jumped from there.

in the volcano.

It seems that there is no temperature.

And soon, they felt that the scenery around them had returned to its original state, exactly the same as where they had just entered.

"Are we in?" The enchantress asked in confusion.

"Isn't it amazing?" Qiqiongzhimu asked.

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