The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1757: Rescue

in the dungeon.

Summer saw Yinglong's son.

His body is huge, with distinct scales all over his body, and the explosive power on each muscle is also very strong, and his personality is very irritable. When he saw summer, he always wanted to rush over. , to trap him.

"Your son, has it been like this since birth?" Xia Tian asked.

"Yes, he has been like this since he was born. As soon as he was born, he killed several guards around him. It was because he was too violent, so I never dared to let him practice, but even if she did not practice, he would fight him now. The power that comes out is also stronger than those of the Venerable people with around fifty stars!!" Ying Long explained.


"It seems that if he has no problem, he is an excellent child!!" Xia Xia said.

"Yeah, his natural talent is very good, but unfortunately he is an idiot!!" Ying Long said.

Summer goes forward.

"Be careful!!" Ying Long reminded.

Summer continues to move forward.

When he walked into the attack range of Yinglong's son, Yinglong's son rushed up instantly, as if he wanted to bite Xia Xia to death.

However, Xia Xia grabbed with his left hand and directly grabbed the scales of the Son of Yinglong.

No matter how the son of Yinglong struggled, he couldn't break free from Xia Xia's shackles.

"Mr. Xia!!" Ying Long knew that Xia Xia was powerful, and he was worried that Xia Xia would hurt his son.

"Don't worry, I'm measured. Next, I'll check his whole body. It may hurt a little, so don't worry about it!!" Xia Xia reminded.

He also understands.

If you beat the other party's son by yourself, the other party must be uncomfortable.

But he was also trying to save the son of Yinglong.

According to his inspection, this son of Yinglong has problems in many places.

And there is a big problem in the soul.

He wants to check little by little.

Find all problems.

"Okay!" Ying Long can only watch Xia Xia now. The immortal beasts on his side are not good at this kind of thing, and he can't believe other human beings outside. For those who can be trusted, naturally he can only count on summer.

that's it.

Xia Xia's hand pinched every skin on Ying Long's son.

Then came back.

"How is it?" Ying Long asked hurriedly.

"Did anything special happen when he was born?" Xia Tian asked.

"At that time, there were thunder penalties all over the place. I think it was because of his talent that was against the sky, so there was such a big thunder penalty, so I didn't think much about it." Ying Long said.

"That's right!" Summer said.

"What's going on?" Ying Long understood, Xia Xia must have found something, which made him look at Xia Xia very much.

He could really know what happened to his son.


"Originally, he should have never practiced, but when I checked it just now, I found that there is a special power flowing through his flesh and blood and meridians. If there is no cultivated fairy beast, it is impossible to have such power, and then I checked his whole body, and I found that all the meridians in his body have been developed, and they are developed by human beings, which means that he has been cultivating all the time, and it is cultivated by human beings!!" Xia Xia explained.

"What?" Ying Long's face was a little ugly: "Could it be that he was taken away!!"

"That's right, when he was born, those thunder penalties were not meant to represent his talent, but to pursue a very terrifying divine soul that successfully took away your son's divine soul, but before your son was born, you should He has eaten a lot of treasures for his mother to stabilize the soul, so although the other party succeeded in winning the body, he has been resisting. Over the years, it is because he has been resisting that he looks like a fool. He was so violent because of the battle between the gods and souls, which made him unable to control himself, but according to the cultivation of his body, it can be seen that the godsoul that seized the body is now gradually taking the lead, and it will not take long before he can completely Occupy this body, seal your son's soul, and finally kill your son's soul!!" Xia Xia explained.

this kind of thing.

If it were another human being, it would be impossible to check it out.

But he is different.

His sea of ​​consciousness, coupled with the particularity of his eyes, can only find out the problem here.

"Damn, who is it!!!" When Ying Long heard this, he was very angry.

"I don't know, but if you want to save your son, there is only one way!!" Xia Xia said to Yinglong.

"What way?" Ying Long asked.

"That is, I forcibly injected your divine soul into your son's divine soul, and you kill the other party yourself, but if you fail, you will also die, so I don't want to help you!!" Xia Xia said directly.

"Why?" Ying Long asked in confusion.

"Because once you have an accident, all my previous efforts will be in The other fairy beasts here will think that I harmed you!!" Xia Xia explained.

"This is easy to handle. I'll go out and tell them the situation now. If I can't even save my own son, then I'll be dead!!" Ying Long nodded.

"Well, you call them all in and let them watch together. If something really happened, everyone can be a witness." Xia Xia said.

"This..." Ying Long still had a good face.

He didn't want others to see what his son looked like now.

"As long as you succeed, your son can return to normal, and then you don't have to worry about someone looking down on him!!" Xia Xia reminded.

"Okay!!" Ying Long quickly came in with the people outside.

When the other immortal beasts saw the son of Yinglong, they also looked at each other. Although they had heard of some of them, they were a little surprised when they saw it with their own eyes.

"Mr. Xia, it's time to start!!!" Ying Long said.

"Remember, after entering, don't be fooled by illusions, I will guide you which is the enemy, so even if the other party pretends to be your son, don't believe it, don't be merciful, follow my guidance, you won't Wrong!!" Summer reminded.


Yinglong nodded.


Xia Xia abruptly pulled out his divine soul and injected it into his son's body.

at the same time.

Yaoji, Qiqiongzhimu and Xia Xia have been standing beside Yinglong: "I'm sorry, everyone, it's not that I don't believe you, but I have my own principles in life, since I promised to help him, then I will I will help to the end, from now on, no one can approach Yinglong's body, if anyone dares to approach, no matter who it is, I will attack directly!!"

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