The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1758: easy to do

summer principle.

That's it.

At this time, not only did the other four Immortal Beast Kings not feel unhappy at all, on the contrary, they admired Xia Xia very much.

The people they respect most are those who keep their promises.

in their impressions.

Most humans are very cunning.

But after summer comes here.

It has always been faithful.

Open and aboveboard.

Not doing those vile things.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xia, if someone dares to do that, we won't agree." Huang Bird said.


Summer didn't say anything.

"He's not really in danger, is he?" Blackwater Mysterious Snake asked.

"As long as he listens to me and does what I say, nothing will happen, but if he cares about him and he doesn't listen to me, then the consequences will be unknown!!" Xia Xia explained.

that's it.

Time passed little by little.

A full hour.

Ying Long just came out of it and looked very weak.

Xia Xia immediately sent his spirit back to his body.

"Are you all right?" Yellow Bird asked.

"Successful, but almost an accident!!" Ying Long said.


Summer sighed.

"Mr. Xia, it's my problem. Although you reminded me, when I saw my son's appearance, I still couldn't hold back and was attacked by him. If it wasn't for my strength, I would have really died there. It's inside." Ying Long said with emotion.


Xia Xia saw that Yinglong was back, so he rushed to check in front of Yinglong's son.

"He can be considered a blessing in disguise. As for what he can develop in the future, it depends on him, but there is one thing you need to pay attention to!!" Xia Xia reminded.

"What's the matter?" Ying Long asked.

"Although he has been resisting the opponent's spirit all these years, his spirit resistance and self-defense ability are very strong, but his intelligence is no different from the one he was born, so you must guide him slowly in the future!!" Xia Xia reminded .

"That's natural!!" Ying Long nodded.

He wants to make up for what he has mistreated his son all these years.

"Since this is the case, then the matter on my side should be done!!" Xia Xia was also considered to have fulfilled his promise.

"Mr. Xia!!" Yellow Bird said suddenly.

"What's the matter? Just say it!!" Xia Xia also understood that he had succeeded this time, and with his trustworthiness, these fairy beast kings would definitely speak out about their problems.

Although they are very powerful.

But every family has a difficult scripture to read, and they have been here for so many years.

There are bound to be some special problems.

"When I first entered here, I encountered a sealed place here. At that time, in order to escape, I left one of the five colored feathers on my body there. If I lost one color, I could not break through when I encountered a bottleneck in my cultivation. think..."

"Let's go, don't waste time!!" Xia Tian already understood what the yellow bird meant.

Since he also made his own request.

That summer is naturally to satisfy him.

Yellow Bird is much simpler here.

Xia Xia didn't use any ability at all, and with one finger of Yang, everything was destroyed.

Break the seal directly.

This time, Huang Bird was intimidated, because he thought of countless ways here, but failed, but now it was easily solved by Xia Xia.

"I finally understand why you were able to kill the hundred-legged python." Huang Bird said with emotion.

Although the hundred-footed python is powerful.

But there is a limit.

But he found that they couldn't see the limit of summer at all.

"Mr. Xia, then here I am..." Black Water Xuan Snake hurriedly spoke.

"Just say whatever you want. If you don't ask for something, I'm not at ease!!" Xia Xia felt that as long as he helped every fairy beast solve some troubles, he would escape here even if he was seriously injured. , these fairy beasts will certainly not embarrass him.

He didn't ask these fairy beasts to help him.

But as long as these immortal beasts don't suddenly intercept him, then he will never have anything to do.

"The situation on my side is not simple. There is a black water pool in my site. For so long, I have not been able to dive into the deepest depths, because there is an unknown force there, which I cannot bear, so I I have been unable to probe what is below, I hope Mr. Xia can help me see what is going on there!!" Blackwater Xuan Snake said.

"If there is still a source of cold water in the depths of Beibingyan, it is enough to prove that the temperature of the cold water should be very low." Xia Xia said.

"Yes, but I can handle the temperature there, but I can't handle the sudden power!!" Heishui Xuan Snake explained.

"Let's go, let's go and see!!" Xia Xia said.


They followed the summer in this way.

When he came to the black water pool, Xia Tian put his fingers deep into it.

Biting cold.

If a normal person goes down, even the Venerable, I am afraid that he will not be able to carry it for long.

"The two of us will go down together, the others will just wait here!!" Xia Xia jumped down after saying that.

Blackwater Mysterious Snake dives with Xia Xia.

The more the two of them dived, the lower the temperature and the stronger the pressure below the blackwater pool.

"How long?" Summer asked.

"This is it. If I want to continue going down, there will be a force that will push me up. No matter how hard I I won't be able to go down!!" Black Water Xuan Snake explained.


Dive in summer.


An invisible force pushed him up.

"It should be because of different types of water and different densities, so the pressure and buoyancy are also different. My body is now adapting to the buoyancy of black water, so I have almost transformed into black water, so I will be affected by the special water source below. Resisting the power, if you dive like this, you are fighting against the power of the entire water!!" Xia Tian thought of the scene when he was in the water tank when he was a child and wanted to press down the washbasin.

The nine-year compulsory education reminded him again.

This is a buoyancy problem.

"Return your body to its normal state, don't go into the black water and try again!" Xia Tian suggested.

"Okay!" Black Water Xuan Snake hurriedly used the method that Xia Xia said.


This time.

Although he received some resistance, it was not as big as before, and he was not pushed up: "It's amazing, Mr. Xia, how did you do it?"

"It's very simple. The next time you dive, increase the density and quality of your body and reduce the density and quality of the outside. When you dive, you will experience less resistance!!" Xia Xia reminded.

The Black Water Mysterious Snake is also experimenting again.

The result was exactly as Summer said.

He really went faster than he just dived.

"Let's go!!" Xia Tian didn't expect that another problem was solved so easily. Next, only the problem of the two fairy beast kings remained unsolved.

"Mr. Xia, we have studied it, since you are here, then we plan to take you to see where Beibingyan is, and it is the last request of the two of us. No matter what the result is, our agreement counts! !!"

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