The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1798: Let me do it

"It's dangerous now, run away!!!" Hongfeng suggested.

he thinks.

The next battle is not something that I like to talk about easily. He can still fight with one person or two people.

But now the opposing team is simply too luxurious.

"Escape is not a solution. If they can catch up with me, it proves that they must have some special means, so unless I use the power of the source, any other method of escape will be useless. Use the power of the source in such a place. The price is too high, so the best way I can do now is to face them head-on!!" Xia Xia also understood that the more he ran away, the more these people would date and think they had won.

Their cohesion will also be stronger, but if they show their momentum and make gaps in the opposing team, that is, they don't trust each other, then there is an opportunity.

these top players.

Which one is not careful.

Who wants to die?

No matter how good they usually say, at the juncture of life and death, they can't die for others.

This is the chance of summer.


All he had to do was stand here by himself and wait.

He didn't release the enchantress. Although there is no need to seal the enchantress now, but next, it is a very dangerous battle. The enchantress is here and can only help him delay one person at most, and the effect is not very big.

Now the opponent's team is too terrifying, one less person is nothing at all.


The people who were chasing over stopped.

Demon Zun, Alien Zun, Night Ghost, Fire Demon, Fire Fire, Ancient Fire Phoenix.

They looked at the summer before them.

Originally, they thought that Xia Xia would choose to run away, but now Xia Xia is standing here like this, looking at them with a smile: "Xia Xia, today I will avenge my man."

The open fire rushed up first.

"Be careful!!" Fire Demon hurriedly stopped her.

Summer's ability is not ordinary, it is not something that can be dealt with by open fire, and Fire Demon also inquired about some news about summer on the road. It can be said that according to the descriptions of several other people, there are many methods in summer, and even the masters of their level will be beheaded.

So he can't let the fire impulsive.

"It's really a bold art master, so many of us come here, you still can't escape!!" Demon Venerable said with emotion.

Although Xia Xia saved him that year, he thought Xia Xia did not belong to the same group as him, so he also wanted to kill Xia Xia here now.

"It's just a bunch of rabble!!" Xia Xia said in a flat tone.

It's as if he didn't care about these people at all.

To know.

In front of these masters, any single one of them is the top existence, but Xia Xia's current attitude is so arrogant.

This made everyone very upset.

"Summer, when death is imminent, how dare you be so arrogant!!!" the ancient fire phoenix scolded.

When he thought of defeating him and humiliating him before the previous summer, he was very angry. Now that his strength has improved, he naturally wants to kill him at the first time. He wants to see his growth in the summer, and regret going against him. .

"A group of underdogs!!! The words of summer are still so simple.

But the content is very violent.

Expose people without exposing their shortcomings, and hit people without slapping their faces.

But what he said was just hitting these people in the face.

It can be said.

These people at the scene, except for the fire demon and the open fire, all other people escaped from the front of the summer.

So in summer, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Summer, don't be too arrogant, we are going to join forces to kill you today, aren't you very good at fighting, let me see how many you can fight!!!" Ye Gui said very rudely.

Although it would be embarrassing to spread this kind of thing, but now he doesn't want to care so much.

He just wanted to let Summer die.

This will wash away their shame.

In this world, the leftover is king.

Only those who survive can write history.

"Although I can't kill all of you, I can guarantee that at least two of you will die in my hands. As for who died in my hands, it depends on who I choose. That person." Xia Xia's eyes swept across them one by one.

When he looked at those people, no matter who he saw, those people instinctively took a half step back.

This is today's summer.

Facing six masters alone, he was so calm.


The six people in front of him all had an instinctive fear of him.

"Xia Xia, you said this to divide us, we are not fools, do you think we will be fooled?" Inhuman respect said very disdainfully.

Xia Tian smiled. He didn't intend to cause problems in the cooperation between these people. He just wanted to plant a seed. Now that the seed has been planted, he will go to water and fertilize it. .

Then wait for the seeds to grow.

"I'll leave two dead spots for the six of you. The first person to shoot, and the first person to hurt me, are the two people I want to kill!!!" Xia Xia said lightly.

His words were simple.

But everyone understands that he's not When the battle is next.

Summer will definitely target the two people he mentioned.

"Summer, do you want to scare us with such words?" Demon Venerable asked.

"If you are not afraid, you can come first!!" Xia Xia said very casually.


Mo Zun snorted heavily, but he didn't take the first shot. Although his words were harsh, he was still a little bit afraid of Xia Xia. After all, Xia Xian had too many secrets, and he couldn't be sure. What kind of skills will be used next summer.

"Everyone, don't be fooled by him, we can do it together." Ye Gui suggested.

Everyone nodded.

The best way now is this, they just need to shoot together, then they can kill Summer here.

"When you attack, you have to be calculated, hit me together, don't have a priority, or I will still know who attacked me first!!!" Xia Xia's smile seemed like a devil.

It makes people shudder to look at it.

Everyone just researched the method, and it just went to waste.

"I'm coming!!" Ming Huohuo stood up: "I'm not afraid of death, I'll attack first!!"

When she came here this time, she had put her life and death aside. As long as she could kill Xia Xia, she didn't care about her own life or death.

So she's standing up now.

It will give people a reason to act.

"I'll do it!!" Fire Demon stood in front of Ming Huo Huo. How could he let Ming Huo Huo have an accident? For so many years, he has always wanted to protect Ming Huo Huo, but unfortunately he does not have the qualifications.

Now that he finally has this qualification, he must cherish this opportunity: "Xia Xia, I have no grudge against you, but you killed Huo Huo's husband, so I must kill you!!"

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