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Chapter 1799: Kill the fire first

Ming Huo Huo didn't say anything, and didn't say anything of gratitude, as if Huo Demon did these things for granted.

Fire Demon did not care about the attitude of the fire.

"Okay, to die for love, you can be considered a vigorous death!!" Xia Xia praised.

He could see it.

When the fire demon looked at the fire, his eyes were full of love.

But the eyes of Ming Huohuo were full of indifference. Only when looking at the summer, will there be that kind of hatred in the eyes.


She only has hatred.

There is no trace of emotion.

Fire Demon's life is also destined to be a tragedy.


An endless flame appeared in an instant, and the flame enveloped the summer.

at the same time.

The flames turned into a cage.

Rise high.

Want to trap summer in the middle.


The flame cage began to shrink, and he wanted to rely on this move to completely tie Xia Xia.

But Xia Xia's body moved and escaped directly from the bondage.


"How can your physical toughness be so strong!!!" Huo Mo's brows furrowed. With this move just now, his restraint ability is still very strong. Under normal circumstances, even Venerable Baixing should be able to restrain him to a point. suddenly.

Just this moment.

He can use his other abilities to start working.

But now.

His control was actually taken away by Xia Xia.

"It would be naive if you wanted to win me by relying on this ability." Xia Xia shook his head.

Several other people also looked at each other.


They started rushing towards summer.


Mozun's source of demons smashed up in an instant, with infinite power. He wanted to attack Xia Tian head-on: "Xia Xia, you have no chance."

Night Demon and Demon Lord began to surround Xia Xia from the other two directions.

Their attacks are clear.

Just want the life of summer.

The shot is the killer move.


at this time.

Their attacks were blocked by Shath at the same time.

At present, Xia Si's defense power can reach 1 million, and the defense power is very uniform. No matter what direction the attack comes from, he can block it. With only about 400,000 strength, it is impossible to break Xath's defense.

call out!

The attack of the ancient fire phoenix came from behind.

Endless black flames slammed into the summer: "And me!!!"

His attack point fell behind the Demon Venerable.


This attack caused Xia Si's defense to tremble slightly. At the same point, he was bombarded by two masters at almost the same time, which made his defense a little bit shocking, but his physical toughness still had 100 points.

So he immediately adjusted his defense.

"The ability to have no sound is really annoying." Ye Gui said very unhappily.

They all believe that this invisible attack and defense is the ability to be silent.

Actually they don't know.

The ability of Silent is also learned from the Cloudy Sky Sutra, and what he realized in summer now is more than that of Silent in the past, but it is only because there is no Silent research for a long time.

But summer will not explain anything to them.

"It seems that although I have been dead for so many years, my ability is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!!" Wuyin said very proudly.

After all, he was the number one expert in China that year.

Still remembered by everyone.

"Don't blow it, now your clone is the strongest in strength, defense, and physical toughness. If you can't show the power, then you don't have to mess with me in the future!!!" Xia Xia was very rude said.

The clone controlled by the soundless is the one with the strongest single among the clones in the summer, and there are almost no flaws.

Coupled with this rich experience and means of silent.

Not strong is impossible.

"Then shall I kill that fire demon?" Wuyin remembered that Xia Xia had said before, whoever does it first will kill.

"No, kill that woman!!" Xia Xia said.


"Why is that?" Silent asked inexplicably.

"Don't be so nonsense, since they are coming for me, then I don't care if they are male or female, as long as they come, then they are my enemies and they will all die!!!" Open fire is a woman and let go of the fire.

He will kill the opponent in no time.

"Okay!!" Wuyin also killed the past for the first time.

"Senior Tu Ling, you are preparing for a raid on the road between that woman and the fire demon. As long as the woman is attacked, the fire demon will definitely support him. At that time, it is his best time!!!" Xia Xia felt that the fire demon It's not easy, so he must first attack the fire demon with a sneak attack, so that the fire demon is not in the best state.

"Received!!" Tu Ling was also ready for the first time.

The avatar of the star, the avatar of the sun, give me a sneak attack, it doesn't need to be powerful, the intensity is different, so that they will never know the depth! !

The battlefield here in the summer is mainly Xia Si defending.

As long as Xia Si is there, plus his own power of observation.

Then he is invincible in a short period of!

At this moment, a mouthful of blood spurted out from the mouth of the open flame. She never imagined that under such a besieged situation, Xia Xia could still hurt her.

"Huohuo!!" When the fire demon saw that the fire was injured, he gave up attacking the summer, but turned back and wanted to save the fire.

An invisible man, an invisible attack suddenly appeared.

Gravity soil.

Origin fairy.

Origin Warhammer! !

Earth Spirit's attack was also fired in an instant. His attack was very fast and extremely accurate. Under such a sneak attack, the Fire Demon couldn't react at all.


Half of his body was directly cut open.

However, his reaction was quick and he avoided the pursuit behind him.


"Huohuo!" He escaped, but did not take care of his body, but ran to Ming Huohuo's side for the first time.


Silent did not talk nonsense, and continued to play his own attacks.

This time his attack was to attack both Huo Mo and Ming Huo Huo at the same time.

Fire Demon quickly played his defense.

Although the temporary defense was established, it still resisted part of the damage. He blocked the open flame under him again, and used his body to withstand the remaining attacks.


Earth Spirit's attack is also played at the same time.

Fire Demon's body was beaten into a hornet's nest.

Although he is using his body to protect the fire, but now, his body can no longer protect the fire.

The body of the fire was also penetrated.

"Fire!!" Fire Demon shouted loudly.


The breath of the fire was gradually dissipating, his eyes instantly turned blood red, and at the same time, endless fire broke out from his body: "Xiamen, I will let you die!!!"

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